Sequel: Infidelity.


She is lookin' through me

“Hey dad,” Nikki said walking into her fathers hospital room. She choked back the tears. “Wake up, please.” She held his hand and sat down on the chair next to him. “Daddy, I’m sorry for everything I did wrong, every time I said something I wasn’t supposed to.”

“Here you go hon, how’s Uncle Craig?” Ashling said handing her cousin a cup of coffee.

“Thanks, just the same. Have the police said anything?” Nikki asked sipping on the boiling liquid, not caring that it was burning her tongue.

“Nik, I don’t know how to tell you this. It was a murder,” Ashling said almost whispering the last part. A few tears strolling down her cheeks. Nikki knew it was strange that her mom was dead and dad was barley hanging on to life, but she didn’t she didn’t think of murder. Why would someone want to kill her parents?

“No, why would someone want to hurt them, for fucks sake, the only thing they did wrong was get a fucking speeding ticket!” She yelled throwing the plastic cup across the room letting it splatter all over the window and wall. She heard a loud drawn out beep, which just wouldn’t stop. She spun round to see the heart monitor flat lining.

“Dad!” She screamed, Ashling holding her back while the nurses and doctors bustled passed them. One nurse leading them out of the room. “Ashy, I can’t loose them both!” She sobbed. Nearly half an hour later the nurse came into the waiting room.

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing anyone could’ve done.”

“No! You’re not fucking sorry in the slightest! You didn’t even know them!” Nikki roared. Tears streamed down her face, her voice was scratchy and her eyes ached.

Once back at home Ashling was in the living room making funeral arrangements, they were just going to be cremated and the ashes buried in the woods not far from their old house. Nikki was curled up in a ball on her bed, flipping through old photo albums. She wanted to hear their voices again. She rang their answering machine. ‘Hey this is Craig and Rachel, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.’ She snapped her phone shut, and cried into her pillow.