Sequel: Infidelity.


Racetrack season pass

Nikki and Gerard were sitting on the couch, he was taking to her about something but she was staring out the window, lost in her own little world. He put his hands on her shoulders and shook her lightly. “Nik!” He yelled.

“What?! No need to shout, I’ve been listening,” she lied with a smirk plastered on her face; she never was the greatest liar.

“No you weren’t!” He laughed, mirroring her smile. She began to get lost in his soft honey coloured eyes; and she couldn’t have cared less if she stayed lost.

“I was, you were talking about Mikey learning bass,” she eventually replied.

“Yeah, about an hour ago!” He ruffled her hair and pulled his tongue at her. She felt weird sensation in her stomach that she didn’t like one bit.

“Wanna drink?” She asked walking in to the kitchen and pouring herself a big glass of orange juice. She swigged it down quickly hoping to shift the funny feeling in her tummy, but of course to no avail. She went back and sat next to Gerard again.

“Good job I didn’t want one isn’t it?”

“Suppose,” she said blandly, picking at her already chipped nail varnish.

“What’s up?” Asked Gerard, concern dancing on his features.

“Uh? Nothing,” she said and flashed him a fake smile.

“Liar!” He said and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Am not!” She defended, trying to ignore the feeling in her stomach intensifying. He smiled at her and she though she was going to be sick. She made her way to the bathroom and leaned over the sink. She wasn’t flashing between hot and cold, she showed no outward signs of being ill. Then she realised something. She wasn’t sick. She had butterflies. “Fuck,” she muttered under her breath. No guy had ever given her butterflies before. Now she actually did feel nauseous. She felt like one of those ditzy, blonde girls in her school that always went on about how their crush makes their heart miss a beat or their skin tingle. That kinda crap. She even felt slightly disappointed in herself for it. Still, the fluttery feeling remained and she almost felt like jumping out the window. ‘Oh great,’ she thought. ‘The bitch has a fuzzy feeling in her tummy!’