Sequel: Infidelity.


Tryin' to get the girl all the bad guys want.

Nikki refused to sit in the front of the car by Emma. “Nicola don’t you dare smoke in my car!” Emma yelled as Nikki started lighting up. She took a long drag and purposely blew the smoke into Emma’s face. They were driving to Nikki’s new school. Nikki carried on smoking busying her mind with watching the grey smoke swirl and climb until it disappeared. She didn’t want to think about how she no longer lived with her cousin, she no longer saw her boyfriend/best friend everyday (harder seeing how he was the same person and Emma hated him), she no longer could have her alcohol binges every weekend.

Emma pulled up out side some convent like building. “Here we are Nicola.” Emma got out of the car and knocked on the huge wooden bolted door. A nun stepped out. Nikki burst out laughing. She’d be expelled from this school before the week is over. She stepped out in her purple Dr Martens, fish nets and shorter than short black mini skirt. She had a cigarette hanging from her lips and her eyes covered in soot black eye shadow. The nun’s facial expression screamed horror. Nikki made a point of picking up one of her heavier bags. “Fuck that’s heavy!” Nikki walked up to the nun and her aunt, “Oh my god! The funniest thing happened to me the other day!” The nun turned to her aunt and whispered something before turning around and closing the door with a satisfying bang.


“Yes?” she asked innocently.

“Only you could manage to be expelled before you even step inside!”

“Are you proud?”

“Overly,” her aunt’s tone was drowned in sarcasm.