Sequel: Infidelity.


And when she walks,

Ashling woke up with the blinding light that shone through the large living room window in her face. She hauled her ass off the floor where she had spent the night, well morning, comforting her broken cousin. She looked in the mirror above the fire place. Her usually warm chocolate brown eyes were a more faded colour, they were sore and bloodshot. Her once flawless skin was dry and flaky, the bags under her eyes looked more like potholes and her hair was greasy. ‘Sacrifices of a good night out’ she thought and went to put on some coffee. Standing around waiting for the coffee machine her mind wandered back to earlier that morning where her cousin who is more like a sister to her had poured her heart out. She wasn’t planning on forgetting about it but she would at least wait until hers and Nikki’s hangover had passed. She was sipping on her coffee trying to ignore the burning in her throat and the throbbing in her head when Nikki walked in clutching her head. “How much did I drink?” Nikki asked pouring herself a cup of coffee.

“Dunno, go and see how many empty bottles there are and you’ll find out.”

Nikki walked back into the kitchen holding two bottles of vodka and a bottle of Jack Daniels. “And there are about fifteen cans of beer in there. Plus whatever we drank when we were out. Shit man, I’m gonna end up with liver damage.” She laughed.

“But it’s all worth it right?”

“Oh yeah! Wait, can you actually remember anything?”

“Little. You?”

“Nope nothing after we left here.”

“Well after you get like showered and dressed and shit when you fell better I’ll take you home unless you want to stay tonight too.”

“I’ll stay if that’s ok.”

“Sure is kiddo. But I’ll take you back for about four on Sunday so you get enough rest for school.” Nikki rolled her eyes and swallowed some painkillers and lay down on the couch. “Don’t forget to ring your mom and tell her you’re staying here again.”

“Ash she’s in California or Conneticut or somewhere begining with a 'C',on some business trip...”

“Oh ok, call your dad then.”

“Whatever, what are we doing to tonight?”


“You’re getting old Ash!”

"Shut up!"

"Can we drink some more?"

"Of course!"