One Thing


Being anti-social was the only way I felt I could deal with my life when company was around, I couldn’t stand being around more than one person at a time, especially adults. My mother had invited my next door neighbour over, so they can talk about her son Louis coming home tomorrow from America. Yes the Louis Tomlinson is my next door neighbour, but I didn’t really find him that attractive the last time I saw him; he had this dorky fringe that took up his whole forehead, and had this goofy grin. I remember the day his mum came over jumping with joy that he had got past his audition on X factor she was so proud of his son, everyone was proud of him. I even was but I just didn’t fan girl over him like all the girls around town were doing, they would start acting like they knew Louis from when he was younger, and that they were his best friend oh and that they had dated him before. But they were all lies none of those girls cared about Louis before he was famous, they had nothing to do with him. But to be honest either did I, we barely had spoken except for that one time when my mother and father’s divorce, and I ran next door crying and he hugged me and told me everything was going to be okay. We were 6 years old and everything felt like it was going to be okay, just having his hand in mine.

I heard the voices down stairs getting louder and louder as my mother and Mrs Tomlinson started talking about when we were younger “Don’t you remember when they both gave each other haircuts?” I heard my mother say “Oh and the idea of having them get married and how we could be one big happy family?”. I snickered at their thoughts, the thoughts of Louis and I actually being together, fine when we were little we used to play mums and dads and we were always married and our teddy bears were our children. But that was all in the past, I don’t even think we are friends anymore he is too famous these days. He probably won’t even remember my name.

“Juliet” screamed my mother from downstairs. I sighed and knew that meant I had to leave my bedroom and be social, so I slowly climbed away from my desk and walked out my bedroom door, slamming it shut behind me in frustration, and slowly made my way down the stair case and walked into the living room.

Mrs Tomlinson smiled as she turned around to face me “Oh gosh you have grown into a beautiful girl” said Mrs Tomlinson excitedly, “You’re the beautiful Juliet, just like Juliet from Romeo and Juliet”.

I smiled at her politely and turned to my mother “What do you want mum?” I asked trying not to sound rude.

Mum smiled at me and then at Mrs Tomlinson, my mother looked like a older version of me, with blonde hair that went down to her shoulders but she always wore it up in the bun, and mine was always in my natural curls and fell down on both sides of my face. She said I looked like her when she was my age, the age of 19.

“Mrs Tomlinson is coming over tomorrow with her family for dinner, and Louis is coming and it will be a great time for you to catch up, so he is sleeping over” said Mum.

I just stared at her, why was she inviting this stranger in her house? The guy I haven’t seen for about a year, and she just wants me to like bond with him like everything is normal.

I was trying to think of an excuse that I had a friend’s party to go to, but she knew I had no friends and that I’m a loner so that I didn’t have a party to go to.

I just smiled and said “That would be lovely” and then turned on my heels with my hands in my hoodie pocket and walked straight back up stairs and sat back at my desk and tipped my head backwards and stared at the ceiling, why was she doing this to me?.

The next morning my mother woke me up screaming about going shopping, I groaned and wrapped the pillow around my ears at the hope I block out the sound, but it didn’t work.

I sighed and pulled it away and stared at her “Why are we going shopping?” I asked,

She shook her head “As if you don’t know you need a new dress” she said and walked out of my room.

New dress? For what? Then I remembered that last night wasn’t a nightmare, I was going to have dinner with next door, and I was going to have to listen to Louis and how perfect his new life is.

I sighed and jumped out of bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and opened my bedroom curtains and then looked into the distance, I could see into the Tomlinson’s house,and then I looked out the front, and saw a white van sitting out the front a boy with a hoodie on over his head walked slowly up the drive way dragging a suitcase behind him, and then the van drove off… I was guessing that was Louis.

I couldn’t really see his face, I just him walking towards his house. He looked sad, maybe he had a girlfriend in the US that he had to leave behind, or he was just sad that he was not seeing his friends for a while.

I sighed and turned away and then grabbed some clothes out of my wardrobe, and then walked to the bathroom and showered and then finished getting ready and joined my mother in the living room and waited for her to take us shopping.

“They will be here any moment” screamed my mother from down stairs,

I groaned and finished applying my make up to my face, and then did some light eyeliner around my eyes, making my grey blue eyes pop more and walked down stairs. I was wearing a short tight blue dress that had half long sleeves hanging on each side, my blonde hair was straightened and I was wearing blue high heels,

My mum turned to me “Gosh you look beautiful” she said happily and hugged me, and we stood in the foyer waiting for the doorbell to ring.

Five minutes later the bell rang, and my mother opened the door and Mrs Tomlinson walked in with the 4 girls and they hugged us tight and then Mr Tomlinson walked inside and hugged us and talked about how lovely the house looked and how much I look like my mother, and then I looked into the door way, and this man walked in well he wasn’t a old man he was my age, he had brown hair parted perfectly and this beautiful face, and he smiled at me as he walked in the door.

“Juliet you remember my son Louis?” asked Mrs Tomlinson.

I nodded quickly and Louis walked over to me and hugged me tight “It’s so nice to see you again, my dearest Juliet” said Louis grinning at me.

My heart skipped a beat, when did he get attractive? He used to be like ugly… well not completely ugly I guess he was a bit attractive and now he is like a sex god.

“Juliet” said my mother snapping me out of my Louis adirming trance,

I turned to look at her “Yes?” I asked.

“Why don’t you and Louis go upstairs in your room and talk and show the girls where the entertainment room is” suggested mum.

I nodded “Why can’t Louis and I go to the entertainment room?” I asked confused.

Mum looked at me and then sighed “Because you two need to catch up”

I sighed and walked up stairs and told Louis and the girls to follow after me, and lead the girls to the entertainment room and told them they can use whatever they want,

I turned to Louis “You can stay here too” I said.

Louis shook his head “I want to come with you” he said smiling,

I rolled my eyes “Don’t act like you care about me” I snapped and stormed towards my room and slammed the door shut.

I sat down on my bed and stared towards my wall and looked out the window towards Louis house, and then thought about all the moments before he left that we used to look into each other’s windows and then close the curtains for some unknown reason. I sighed and then walked over to my bedroom door and saw Louis standing in the doorway “What are you doing?” I asked trying to sound rude,

Louis shrugged “I wanted to catch up with you, so I waited for you to let me in” said Louis.

I groaned and stormed past him and walked down stairs and sat on the lounge and listened as the parents went on and on about Louis being famous, I sighed and switched on the Tv and Louis’s band One Direction came on the tv, I screamed and switched it off.

“Are we that bad?” asked a voice from behind me,

I turned around to see Louis standing there looking at me “No it’s just I don’t like your music” I said,

Louis nodded “Did you watch us on the X Factor?” he asked,

“A little” I answered,

“Did you stop?” asked Louis.

I nodded and turned back to the tv, and stared at the black screen. I felt the couch pillow beside me go down and then turned to see Louis staring at me, “I was always thinking everyone back home was watching it” said Louis.

I looked at him “Oh so you didn’t forget everyone back home?” I asked,

Louis shook his head “No” he answered “Especially not my favourite neighbour” he nudged my side with his elbow and then laughed, making me laugh.

I looked into his eyes, why was I hating him? He did nothing wrong, he hasn’t changed he is still that goofy boy that would always get in trouble at school, and to be honest he was the only person that actually talked to me at school.

“So how was tour?” I asked trying to make conversation.

“Good” he said smiling “I had a lot of fun”.

I nodded and then there was a awkward silence as we both just sat there staring at each other,

“I think dinner should be ready” I said quickly and stood up and walked into the dining area,

Louis ran upstairs and grabbed his sisters and then joined everyone in the dining area, for dinner.
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Just adding up my first Louis Tomlinson story up from One Direction Fanfiction enjoy :) x