One Thing


The next day.

The next day I woke up to the sun shining from my window, I groaned and opened my eyes completely and rubbed them, and went to my window to shut the curtains, I yawned and then looked straight towards the Tomlinson household, and I could see something in the window across from mine I moved closer and then noticed it was Louis and he was shirtless, I ducked down behind the window and just carefully watched as he turned around, I nearly died at the sight of him front on shirtless, and watched as he put on a top. I grinned and watched him to continue doing his hair and everything and then quickly stood up when he turned around to make it look like I wasn’t spying.

He turned around and faced me “Oh Good Morning Juliet” yelled Louis across from his window, “How is your morning?”.

I smiled and waved “Good Morning Louis mine is great how is yours?” I yelled across back,

“Good, Good…” he yelled back “Would you like to come shopping with me?”

“To do what?” I yelled back,

Louis shrugged “I don’t know, shop get some ice cream and catch up” he yelled.

I nodded “That would be nice” I yelled back “Just let me shower up”.

Louis nodded and shouted “I will be at yours in an hour” and then closed his window and left his room.

I bit my bottom lip and turned around and faced my room, and ran straight to my wardrobe. I didn’t exactly know what was going on in my mind lately, I just wanted to impress Louis for some reason, because he is well now a really cute guy, I don’t have a crush on him or anything, and plus I do want to look my best, because he hasn’t seen me in a while, and I want him to know what I really am, and the main way of showing him that is through my clothes. I wasn’t going to dress over the top I was going to dress casual, because I knew that he would hate if I dressed all fancy. I grabbed a black baggy “Ramones” band shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans out of drawers and then a pair of purple vans from my shoe collection and grabbed the whole underwear department and walked into the bathroom and stripped down and jumped in the shower.

I washed my hair really hard to make it smell perfect and washed down my skin so much that I’m pretty sure the smell of soap will never go away, and rinsed down my body and jumped out of the shower and dried my body down with a towel. Then quickly wrapped the towel around my hair and started getting dressed and in half an hour I was ready.

I walked slowly down stairs and grabbed some Poptarts out of the pantry and started cooking them,

I looked on the bench and saw my mum had left a note it said:

Dear Juliet,

I am working late tonight and won’t be home until the AM.

I put some money into your bank account for you to buy some take out,

Please behave.

Love mum.

I sighed at the thought of being home alone tonight, I hated being home alone it was terrible and it was scary. I didn’t live in a dangerous area, it’s just because I have seen so many horror movies, where the girl stays home alone, gets killed etc. It kind of does damage to your head,

My poptarts jumped up and I grabbed them and started munching on them and waited for Louis to come and soon the doorbell rang.

I stopped myself from answering it straight away, and stood around for a bit, but then waiting was killing me and then I dashed to the door and opened it, to see Louis standing there smiling

“Hello” greeted Louis and hugged me “Are you ready to go now?”

I nodded “Just let me grab my coat” I said and grabbed my coat off the staircase railing and walked out into the cold air with Louis beside me and placed my phone and my keys in the large pocket on the jacket.

“Didn’t you bring a beanie?” he asked

I shook my head, and regrated it because it was two weeks into winter and it was getting really cold out, “I forgot I haven’t been out in a while” I said,

Louis smiled and handed me his purple beanie and made sure it was on perfectly “There we go, now you can be warm” said Louis and smiled at me,

I looked deep into his eyes and I felt a smile forming on my face, it was normally hard for me to smile these days but around him it felt easy.

“Come on the bus stop is up here” said Louis and grabbed my wrist pulled me towards the bus stop,

“But won’t your fans mob you?” I asked with fear of teenage girls attacking us as soon as we got on the bus.

We arrived at the bus stop, and Louis grinned. Oh that boy knew how to my knees weak that grin he kept doing was just wow. Wait what?

“I have a disguise” said Louis and grabbed a pair of those glasses with the moustace on the bottom out of his back pocket and then put them on and turned to me, “You can’t tell it’s me can you?” he asked,

I shook my head and started laughing, “Nope not at all” I said.

Louis laughed “Okay let’s go shopping” he said
♠ ♠ ♠
second chapter :) x