One Thing


Louis’s P.O.V

After a long day of shopping, and eating and catching up, Juliet and I caught the bus home and started slowly making our way back home from the bus stop. “So what are your plans tonight?” I asked,

I was trying to get to know this girl better than I did. When I was on tour, I was surrounded by people that didn’t know me before I was Louis Tomlinson from One Direction it was horrible, well except for being around my boys Harry, Zayn, Niall and Liam they were great, they were like brothers to me. It was just some of the girls that would try and sleep with me and I have to admit half the time I gave in and slept with them. I was changing when I was on tour and I was determined to make my life go back the way it was.

“I’m not doing anything tonight actually” answered Juliet “I’m actually home alone tonight my mum is working to late the morning”.

I heard the sound of being scared in her voice and the sadness, and I knew what I had to say next but I didn’t want to come too strong “I can come over if you would like?” I asked,

Juliet looked at me a little confused about why I would want to come over in just my second night back at home, “I was just thinking it can be like old times like when we were little”.

Juliet nodded “I would like that idea so you go grab your pjs and meet back at mine in 10?” she asked,

I nodded “Sounds good to me” I said and walked up my driveway and watched as Juliet made her way to her front door and got safely inside.

Juliet’s P.O.V

I closed the front door and leant against it and took a deep breathe, okay Juliet he is just another guy, he is your friend and it’s going to be like old times, and it’s not like he will be doing that smile all night, and he will be sleeping down in the living room so there won’t be anything happening that you will regret. I sighed and took a step forward and walked up to my room and took off my coat and grabbed my pjs out of my wardrobe and slipped them on and grabbed my Spongebob slippers and slipped my feet into them, wriggling my toes against the softness and the warmth, and then looked to see Louis was in his bedroom so he would be over any second. I grabbed some pillows and blankets off my bed and walked down stairs and dropped them on the couch and grabbed some dvds out of the cupboard such as The Lion King, Grease and my favourite movie Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, and stuck them on the coffee table and then went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, and two bags of popcorn and tipped them into a bowl and placed it on the bench. I looked around the kitchen and thought if there was anything else I would need to make this night fun as possible. But there wasn’t I have everything. I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and walked into the living room and grabbed a piece before placing it beside the DVDs.

I looked down at my outfit, I was wearing baggy pyjama pants and a over sized shirt, and my hair was tied up in a messy bun, and I was wearing no make up. I was completely natural, and I knew that was going to be horrible because Louis goes for the perfect looking girls. I sighed and sat down on the couch and stared at the clock on the wall, watching it as it ticked away waiting for him to come over.

I heard a knocking sound at the door, so I jumped up and walked over to it and saw Louis standing there smiling, with a teddy bear, I laughed “And who is your friend?” I asked him and pointed to his teddy bear.

Louis laughed “His name is Sir Cuddles” said Louis and poked his tongue out and walked past me and inside the house, “And he would be really mad if I didn’t bring him”.

I laughed “Is that so?” I asked and closed the front door “Well I’m glad you brought Mr Cuddles, because it just wouldn’t be right without him”.

Louis walked into the living room and jumped over the back of the couch and grabbed the control off the table “So what are we watching first?” he asked and started flicking through the channels.

I walked into the living room and sat on the opposite end of the couch, “I laid out some DVDs you pick” I said.
He nodded and looked through them and eventually picked The Lion King to watch, and got up and put it in the Dvd player and pressed play and then we started watching it.

A few hours later we were watching Harry Potter and it was getting late, and it was getting to the dramatic part that I didn’t like where Harry and Ron go into the dark forest and the spiders attack them. I cringed “I hate this part” I said.
Louis looked towards me and then lifted his side of the blanket up, was he inviting me to get under the covers with him and cuddle up to him? He couldn’t be could he?.

I stared at him confused and then Louis sighed “Come here Sir Cuddles and I will protect you” he said with a brave voice.

I bit my bottom lip and crawled over and dropped besides Louis and then he wrapped the blanket around us and placed Sir Cuddles in front of me, I looked up at Louis “Sorry he said he likes being at the front” said Louis with a smile.

I laughed and looked at the TV and started watching the movie again.
I could feel Louis’s breathe on my neck as we watched and his arm was around my waist pulling me closer, I wasn’t complaining it, everything felt so perfect at the moment like it was a fairy-tale, I turned my head and stared up at Louis his eyes were shut so he was asleep.

Do I move? Do I go sleep in my own bed? I might wake him up though. I sighed and switched off the TV and yawned and then Louis’s eyes opened “What happened?” He asked,
“You fell asleep” I yawned “But I was going to go to bed anyway” I went to get up but I felt Louis’s grip tightening. I turned my head towards him and wondered what he was doing,

“No let’s watch TV” he said and did a puppy dog face, “Please?”

I sighed and gave in and switched on the TV and turned on E4 and slide down so I was lying back down and out of nowhere, I felt my eyes closing and I couldn’t open them back up and I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up in the morning to the sound of pots and pans in the kitchen, I groaned and opened my eyes completely and noticed the couch pillows staring at me, how did I get here? I turned my head and noticed Louis lying beside me and my head was on his chest, and his arm around my waist pulling me into him. I yawned and rested my head back down and closed my eyes at the hope I fell back to sleep, but I didn’t.

I poked Louis’s stomach “Louis” I whispered “Time to get up”.

Louis’s eyes opened and smiled at me and yawned “Good Morning” he yawned and looked down at me.

My knees starting getting weak and I didn’t know what to say, I just stared at him, he looked so cute when he woke up in the morning “My mum is making breakfast” I said and quickly jumped off the couch, and I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum standing there smiling “Good Morning sweetheart” said my mother looking up at me from the frypan, “Did you have a nice sleepover with your boyfriend?”.

I sighed “He’s not my boyfriend” I said and sat at the stool near the bench.

My mum laughed and agreed with me and started dishing out food on to the plates, “Is Louis okay?” she asked,

“I’m fine” said a voice from behind before I could answer her, I turned around to see Louis standing in the door way and walking towards me with his teddy bear, and he took the stool beside me “Thanks for letting me stay over Mrs Clarke”.

My mum smiled at him “The pleasures all mine, except next time I hope when Juliet has you stay over she will sleep in her OWN bed” said mum trying not to sound angry and then stared at me.
“It was an accident she fell asleep” said Louis defending me. It was the truth I did fall asleep last night but I could of said no to watching TV and went up to my room and slept, but no I gave into the bloody puppy eyes.

“Okay that’s good then” she said and grabbed her plate and walked out of the kitchen into the dining room, leaving Louis and I behind.

“Sorry Louis” I said and turned to him and smiled “What is the plan for today?”.

Louis shrugged “Well today I was planning on meeting up with Harry… you can come?” said Louis.

Harry, as in his band mate Harry I couldn’t meet him I could barely speak to Louis, plus Harry probably won’t like me, because I’m not like them, “I think I will pass” I said,

“Are you sure?” asked Louis,

I nodded quickly “I thought I might actually stay at home today” I lied.

Louis nodded “Okay if that’s what you want to do…” he said “Do you mind if I take a shower?” he asked,

I shook my head “No, go right ahead” I said “You know where it is”. Louis nodded and grabbed our plates and placed them in the sink, and then walked out of the kitchen and probably upstairs to the bathroom. I sighed and placed my head in my hands and thought about how stupid I was. Who cares if Harry didn’t like me, I was still going to spend time with Louis making him like me more. But to have that be possible he would have to like me in the first place, and I wasn’t sure if he did. I wasn’t really good at telling if guys liked me or not, for me to be good at it, I would have had to have a boyfriend in the first place, and that has never ever happened.

I sighed and stood up and started making my way to my bedroom and grabbed some jeans and a shirt and got dressed and then I noticed my hairbrush was still in the bathroom, I listened and there was no water running so I was guessing that Louis was finished with his shower, but to play it safe I better knock. I walked out of my room and to the bathroom door and knocked lightly “Louis is it okay if I come in” I asked through the door.

“Just a second” said the voice on the other side, “Okay you can come in now”.

I slowly reached for the door handled and pushed the door open with my eyes closed, just in case there was nothing I shouldn’t see. But I was guessing the cost was clear because Louis wasn’t saying anything, I opened my eyes and looked to see Louis standing there with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. “Um sorry uh” I said awkwardly trying not to stare, but I couldn’t help it my eyes went up and down looking at his slick body, his abs were perfect he was perfect, then my eyes wandered up to him face and met with those blue eyes once more, and my knees begun to shake “I need the hairbrush” I yelled and grabbed the hairbrush and ran out of the bathroom slamming the door behind me and ran into my room and slammed that door shut and stood behind it and started taking deep breathes as I tried to calm down, I closed my eyes and all I could see was those eyes, and that body, I bit my bottom lip and took a deep breathe, and then I realized something, something that I would never admit to myself, but I couldn’t deny it any longer it wasn’t possible.

I had a crush on Louis Tomlinson, my next door neighbour.
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