One Thing


Louis’ P.O.V

I pulled up Harry’s driveway and parked my car and got out, I was so glad I was seeing Harry I was missing him like crazy, he was my best friend. He was always there for me on tour, so were the others but Harry was there mostly. I walked up the driveway and to the front door and knocked on the wood lightly and waited for an answer, than Harry opened the door slowly and then flew it open when he saw the sight of me standing there. “LOUIS” yelled Harry and tackle hugged me,

“HARRY” I yelled with excitement and hugged him really tight, we weren’t gay together but we had a massive bromance and our amazing fan base had thought of a couple name Larry Stylinson. Harry and I and the rest of the boys found it hilarious, but it was kind of cute, and a little bit weird that they actually think we are a couple. But oh well he was my best friend and meant the world to me,

“I missed you” said Harry climbing off me and then grabbing my hand pulled me to my feet,
I smiled and rubbed the snow off my coat “I missed you too” I said and gave him a man hug, and walked inside Harry’s house “So who is home?”,

Harry shrugged “No one at the moment, but I don’t think they’re coming home until late” said Harry,
I nodded “That’s good I have things I want to talk to you about” I said,

Harry nodded “We will go sit in my room come on” he said and lead me up to his bedroom.

I walked in and sat down on his bed and Harry sat on floor, so I got off the bed and sat beside him,

“She just drives me crazy” I said quickly and turned away,

Harry looked at me confused “Who?” he asked,

“Juliet” I said,

“Juliet?” asked Harry confused, “As in the one you couldn’t wait to get home and see?”

I nodded “Yeah her, but she isn’t interested in me” I said sadly,

“How isn’t she interested in you?” asked Harry “You’re Louis Tomlinson”

I sighed and turned to the curly haired boy “Harry she doesn’t care about that” I said “She knew me before I was famous”.

Harry nodded “Well there is one way of getting her” explained Harry “And I know exactly what to do”

Juliet’s P.O.V

I was sitting in my room trying to teach myself how to play guitar but it wasn’t working, I couldn’t get the chords right and I had no coordination, I was terrible.

My mum walked in my room “Juliet aren’t you hanging with Louis today?” she asked,

I shook my head “No he’s seeing his friend Harry today” I said, “Plus I’m not with him all the time”.

My mum laughed and thought I was being sarcastic about the last part, and then stopped laughing and said “But you have been with him every day since he returned home, I thought there was something going on”.

I shook my head “No mum there isn’t anything going on between Louis and I” I said and placed the guitar beside my bed, “He doesn’t like me in that way”.

She walked in my room and sat down on the end of my bed “What makes you think that sweetie?” she asked,
I shrugged “He doesn’t show any interest in me” I said,

Mum grabbed my hand and held it “Sweet heart, you don’t know that, I think Louis would be crazy for not liking a girl like you” she said “You’re beautiful”.

I sighed and shook my head “You have to say that your my mum” I said, and pulled my hand away, “I’m the most ugliest girl going around mum, I have never had a boyfriend”.

“That doesn’t mean a thing” she explained “That just means for waiting you will be rewarded with the perfect boy, and that perfect boy could possibly be Louis”.

I went to say something but she stopped me “The way you two were laying on the couch this morning was perfect, he looked like he didn’t want to let you go, and that he would catch you if you fell, if that doesn’t mean he likes you I don’t know what does” she explained and leaned over and kissed the top of my forehead “Just talk to him okay?”.

I nodded “Okay I will when he gets home” I said,

She nodded and got up and walked out of my room, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

I sat on my bed staring at the door, wishing that Louis would come running through it and jump on my bed and tell me all about his day, and just make me smile and then I could tell him that I liked him and we would kiss and get married and have children and live happily ever after, but this wasn’t a fairy tale this was real life and a guy just want fall for you straight away, you have to make them want you.

I heard a car door close from outside Louis’s house, and I jumped off my bed to notice Louis walking up his driveway, I poked my head out the window and yelled “Hello Louis”,

He looked up and didn’t say anything just kept walking up to his house and walked inside, I sighed and pulled my head back in and just waited for him to appear in his bedroom so we can shout across at each other. I noticed his bedroom door opening and then Louis walking in the room, he walked over to his window slammed it shut and closed the curtains, I sighed and turned around, okay I’m right he definitely doesn’t like me one little bit. He probably realized that I wasn’t good enough for him, after spending the day with Harry who is exactly like him ‘famous’.

I walked over to my bed and jumped on it and placed my head in my arms and just stayed there as tears fell from my eyes, and my heart begun to hurt.

Why was he doing this? One minute he is all “Want to come with me to see Harry?” and the now he is all “I don’t want anything to do with you”.

I heard another car door slam outside Louis’s house so I jumped up and checked and saw 4 boys walking out of a white van, and then I looked closely and realized they were his band mates.

Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall, they looked up at me and then away and walked up to Louis’s front door and disappeared inside. What were they doing here?.