Sequel: Hold My Heart
Status: Finished.

She Could Make Hell Feel Just Like Home

Chapter Eight

“Its about time you got back.” Jaime stated from the couch as Aria opened the door. He was facing away from them and Mike was sitting on the chair with Aria’s guitar.
“You went through my room.” Aria stated, setting the back down on the table and pulling everything out, handing the meat to Vic. “Hold that for a second.” She let her fingers mingle on his for a moment before turning away and getting out a pan.
“You said as long as we stay out of your underwear drawer, which we did.” Jaime said, still facing away from them. “Kudos on the panties though. Absolutely adorable.” He gave her a thumbs up. Tony walked into the kitchen and grabbed the lettuce, peeling the wrapper away.
“Mind if I make a salad? I’m a vegan.” He said.
“Oh god, I forgot, sorry. Yeah go ahead. I can make you one if you’d like.” Aria offered.
Tony shook his head, then leaned close to her. “Jaime got into your make-up, that’s why he’s not turning around.”
Aria slammed the meat down on the counter. “Jaime!” She yelled. Jaime turned around, revealing a make-up covered face, overdone eye shadow and heavy eyeliner. He had lipstick smeared all over his lips.
“You guys just make it look so easy and I just wanted to try!” Jaime exclaimed. “And I don’t know how to take it off!” He looked pleadingly at Mike. “Mike told me just water will take it off but it doesn’t. Please help me.” Jaime pleaded.
“Vic, could you cook the meat?” Aria asked, handing him the spatula. Vic nodded and took it, shifting spots with her and standing in front of the stove, pushing the meat around. “Come with me Jaime.” She sighed. Jaime leapt off the couch and followed her into the bathroom.
Tony set down the knife he was cutting lettuce with and went over to Vic. Mike was still sitting in the chair, watching SpongeBob and holding Aria’s guitar.
“That’s her, isn’t it?” Tony whispered to Vic. “It sounds like the girl you told me about, exactly. I mean, she’s gorgeous. And she has those blue eyes.” Tony looked expectantly at Vic, who didn’t look up from stirring the meat. “Vic, is it her or not?”
“Yeah, it is her.” Vic finally said, looking up at Tony. “I told her and everything. It feels right, being near her. I feel more relaxed. And when I touch her, it’s like getting zapped with electricity. Everything is super clear, and I feel like I can just breathe near her.” He shook his head. “I don’t know, it’s just amazing.”
Aria then came back into the kitchen, Jaime behind her. He had a red face, but all the make-up was off, and he looked ashamed and embarrassed.
“Jaime, you would make a beautiful girl.” Mike assured him as Jaime took a seat on the island in the middle of the room. “Aria, can we have soft shells too?” He yelled.
“I picked some up for you Mike.” Vic answered, handing Aria the hard shell tacos. Aria slid them into the over below Vic, then stood back up and began chopping the vegetables.
“Tony, I have some other things in the fridge you might like if you want more than a salad.” She said as she began to deftly slice the tomatoes into small chunks.
“Thanks.” Tony said with a smile as he began rifling through her cupboards for a bowl. “Jaime, get your dirty ass off the counter.” Jaime hopped off the counter, giving Tony a dirty look, before going to join Mike on the couch, hollering about how his favorite episode was on. Tony turned and began to rummage in the fridge, looking for more things to eat. Aria poured the meat into a bowl and dumped a bag of cheese into another, then dumped the rest of the contents in.
“Go sit down.” Aria told them all. “Mike, put my guitar away, nicely.” She said. Mike leapt off the chair and went into Aria’s room, then came back out, guitarless. He then went and joined the rest of the band at the table. Aria brought the food over and set it down in front of them.
“How much time do we have left?” Tony asked, sitting down with apples and his salad.
“You have,” Aria paused and looked at the clock. “About half an hour, so eat quick so we can get back there on time.”
They all fell into a silence as they ate the tacos, eating the food. Mike kept nodding and moaning and groaning after every bite, thoroughly enjoying every bite that he took. Jaime chimed in, smacking his lips and speaking some foreign words through each full mouth he took.
“You guys have the table manners of cows.” Tony said, looking up apologetically at Aria. “They really behave like this, its not an act. You give them real food and they act like animals.”
“We’re complimenting you, this food is some of the best we’ve had in a long time. It’s pure heaven. Can you just come and cook for us all the time? We’ll be the best hosts and even better customers.” Jaime said, grabbing another taco shell to stuff with food. Aria smiled.
“I don’t think so guys, I have to go to college, I can’t leave to be your personal chef.” Aria explained, and then looked at her phone, picking her plate up and standing up. “We gotta get moving here boys. If you’re late to this, I will be the one in deep shit, give me your plates.” She ordered, holding out her hand with her plate.
“I’ll give you a hand.” Vic volunteered, standing up and grabbing Mike and Jaime’s plates, as they protested loudly.
They both headed into the kitchen as the other guys started discussing how they were opening, closing and going on the middle. Aria took the plates from Vic and set them in the sink, running water over them and plugging the drain as she poured soap in.
“Why don’t you watch backstage? You’ll be nice and close, and you won’t have a bunch of people slamming into you.” Vic asked her. Aria turned and faced him, leaning against the counter.
“Its fine, I can be out in the audience to see it.” She said. “You don’t need to be so nice to me just because I’m in your dreams and because I cooked for you.” She said, lowering her voice. “I’m no one special.”
“I think you’re special.” Vic whispered, pushing a stray lock of hair from her face. Aria took his hand away from her face, looking away.
“I should go change.” She said, then left the kitchen.
Aria shut her door and took a deep breath, then pulled off of her shirt, grabbing a lacy white tank top and belting it at the waist, then pulled on black skinny jeans and a pair of vans shoes before fixing her hair really quick and coming back out. Mike gave a whistle when we saw her.
“Damn Aria, has anyone ever told you that you are super fucking hot?” He asked her. Aria smiled and blushed, looking away. “Ooh, you’re even hotter when you blush.” Mike laughed, slinging an arm around her shoulders. “Adorable, and you can cook. You can join us whenever.”
“Thanks for the offer, but we need to get going.” Aria said, opening the door for them. “We’ll take the back ways to get there to avoid crowds.” Aria said, then led them out.