Fly Over Me Evil Angel

And Crooked Wings

“It was nice to see you again, Samara Blair.”

I smiled sheepishly as I looked upon Mr. Tepes. He really was gorgeous. Our eyes were still locked together as I fumbled for the door handle and pushed the door open. His stare really was distracting, “Thanks for the ride.” I muttered.

“Anytime.” He replied, a smile playing on his lips. I couldn’t help but stare at them, but with a nervous chuckle I stumbled out the car and made a beeline for the Manor.

Once reaching the door I felt goose bumps crawl on my neck and instinctively glanced over my shoulder. Mr. Tepes had started his engine, but his eyes were still on me. I furrowed my brows but turned back around and quietly opened the door.

I could hear the car purring alive and drive away as I entered the now dark house of my grandparents. Quietly, I snuck up the stairs, careful not the step on the squeaky step on my way up.

I noticed the light coming from my door and sighed, Abigail was still awake. I opened the door and she jumped in surprise. She was laying on her bed, her nose in one of her many thick novels. When she looked up at me she furrowed her brows.

“Before you say anything.” I say quickly when her lips part, I plop on my bed and take off my boots, “It was not fun, at all. Jennifer completely ditched me.”

Abigail’s eyebrows went up in surprise, “What a witch. How’d you get home?”

I paused, trying to think of a lie but then I sighed and decided against lying, “You remember Mr. Tepes?”

Abigail smiled in thought, “How could I forget.”

I laughed, “Stop drooling.” I went to my closet to change clothes.

“Wait.” Abigail sat up, “So he gave you a ride? No way!”

I shhh-ed her, “Don’t say anything alright, it’s no big deal.”

Abigail made a passive noise with her lips, “Pfft, okay.” She laid back down and began to read again.

I picked out some shorts and a t-shirt and as I pulled my sticky blouse over my head I felt a weird tug on my face. Once the shirt was off a black object fell to the ground. “What the –?”

“What?” Abigail glanced over her shoulder as I bent over to pick up the object, “Oh yeah! I was gonna ask you why you were wearing that, you didn’t have it when you left. I almost didn’t recognize you.” She said with a laugh.

I furrowed my brows as I examined the black mask. “I was wearing this the whole time.” I muttered to myself and glared at it in thought, “How did he recognize me?”

Abigail wasn’t listening, “Could you turn off the lights when you’re done?” She rolled over and closed her book, “I’m tired.”

I nodded, still looking at the mask. A chill went down my spine as I set it on my dresser and tugged on my clothes. “Weird.”

Once turning off the lights and laying on my bed I realized how exhausted I was. My body instantly relaxed and I fell asleep instantly.

“We have company.”

I turned over my shoulder curiously and looked upon an unfamiliar silhouette. He was dressed in fine garments of ebony and carried a cane in hand, though I didn’t notice a limp to see that he needed it. He had long black hair that was pulled back the way Lestat’s always was and his skin was so white it looked cold to the touch. His piercing dark eyes seemed to be looking right at me as Queen Gabrielle escorted him in.

“Lestat.” The queen spoke, “this is Vlad Tepes, he’s visiting from Europe.”

This Vlad smiled coldly at me and I felt Lestat’s arm around me tighten. I glanced up at him and noticed his usual happy features had turned dark as he looked upon this mysterious man. Lestat gently released me and strode towards the man.

“Mr. Tepes.” Lestat said sternly, shaking his hand.

“King De Lioncourt.” Was the mans reply, his voice didn’t seem fitting for such a young looking man and I frowned at this in confusion.

“I’m here for business.” Mr. Tepes continued after releasing Lestat’s hand, “I was a friend of your fathers and since he no longer…lives I’m to speak to you.”

Lestat’s jaw tightened, “Well can’t these matters be for later, and I’m with my fiancé.” Lestat said, motioning towards me. Mr. Tepes eyes caught mine and lingered there for a moment.

“Are you not going to introduce me to your wife, Lestat?”

Lestat tensed up, “For business matters, I don’t see the point.” He replied sharply.

“Oh Lestat,” his mother said lightly, “Introduce the man to your new queen.”

Lestat glared at his mother but motioned Mr. Tepes towards me. “Mr. Tepes, this is my fiancé Samantha Blair.”

I smiled politely and held out my hand for him to take it. Mr. Tepes took it gently and I nearly gasped from his touch, his skin was so…cold. “Charmed.” I remarked, looking at him wearily as he leant down and kissed my hand. Another cold chill ran up my arm from the touch of his lips.

He glanced up at me and smiled coyly, “Enchanted.”

I awoke with a start, gasping out for breath. Instinctively, I looked over to where Abigail was, but her bed was abandoned. My body shook, it was as if I fell asleep in a freezer, I was so…cold.

I got to my feet quickly and went to towards the bathroom for a hot shower, on my way I stopped abruptly as my eyes fell on a certain object. The mask. I scowled at the memory of last nights events; I’d be paying Jennifer a little visit today. “I hope she lives in the same house.” I said bitterly and rushed to the bathroom.

When I finally got downstairs and greeted everyone, my mother and grandparents bombarded me with questions, the worry on their faces clear.

“Why didn’t you tell me you got in? I was about to call the police!” My mother said firstly.

Abigail gave me a wide eyed nod, “She was. I had to tell her you were upstairs sleeping.”

I let out a weak laugh as I grabbed breakfast. “I got in a little later than I expected. I lost track of time, but it’s a small town I was fine.”

My grandmother tsk-ed, “Even for a small town there are still dangers out there. You should’ve called us.”

“Right when you got home you should’ve waked me up to say you were back at least!” her mother continued, the worry in her voice clear.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t want to wake you.” I said with a shrug.

“But you were fine?” my grandpa asked with a stern voice. I locked eyes with him. He was trying to read my face, looking for a reason to grab his shot gun and go shoot whoever caused me harm.

I nodded to him, our eyes still locked, “Why wouldn’t I be?” He looked away from me and I swear I saw him give a wary glance in my grandmother’s direction. ‘If only I could read minds.’

“Anyway.” I began, my mother still was looking at me as if I would fall over and die, “I need to go to town.”

My mother stared at me, ready to protest, “For what?”

“I need to see Jennifer.” I replied simply. I could feel Abigail’s gaze on me but I didn’t dare look at her.

“You saw her last night, didn’t you?” My mother retorted.

I let out an aggravated sigh, “Really mother? I’m just going to stop by her house, no big deal.”

“Well take Abigail with you.”

I finally glanced at Abigail, she shrugged at the idea. “Okay.”

My mother gave me one last wary gaze before retreating to the back garden with my grandmother. My grandfather glanced over at me again, “You sure you didn’t run into any trouble?”

I gulped before nodding quickly, “I’m sure.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, mysterious things going on, I hope you catch that at least :)

Thanks for reading, please leave me a comment!