The Summer of Summers


It is finally summer. My family is back at our beach house, as we are every year. We pull into the driveway of our grand summer house. It looms above us, looking gorgeous. I always feel weird giving this house that adjective but it deserves it.

It has two story's, an open floor plan, ballroom stairs, french doors, balconies, and crisp painted walls. It's lovely.

I step out of the car, the salty air hitting me in the face, a smile automatically spreading across my face. My step father, Steve, gets out of the drivers seat, flashing me his wide grin. My mother busily talks on the phone to my older sister who is on her way here. She took a wrong turn and is now hopelessly lost. I go to the trunk and pull my two suitcases from it and make my way to the front door.

When you first walk into the house, it can be a little overbearing. You are hit with sunlight due to the huge skylights and floor to ceiling windows that overlook the Atlantic. I slip off my flip flops and carry my bags up the grand staircase. The windows are open and you can hear the seagull cries and the lapping of the waves. My bedroom is at the end of the hall and I push open the door, sighing loudly. The floor is sun stained white and the walls are a light pink. My bed is pushed into the corner, the comforter the color of the sky.

I drag my bags to my bed and dump the insides of them onto it. I quickly put all my clothes into my dressers and put everything else where it belongs. My makeup and hair supplies on my vanity, my shoes sit by my bay window.

After everything is set up, I walk to the bathroom that is connected my room and shower. I then change into my bathing suit, tank top, and shorts. I twist my hair into a wet bun and wander downstairs to see if my sister has arrived yet. I find my mother and Steve in the kitchen, pouring wine into glasses.

"Hey, Georgia. All set up?" My mom asks, giving me her white smile. She also loosens up when we get to the summer home.

I nod, "Yeah, didn't take long. Is Cass going to be here soon?" I ask, opening the fridge, pulling a soda out. My mom nods her head, taking a slow sip from her glass.

Swallowing she says, "Her and Matt should he here any minute." Matt is Cass' fiance.

"Ok, cool." I reply, "I'm going to go see if Marla is home." Marla is my neighbor and one of my best friends. She is a native, living here year round. My mother waves at me and Steve tells me to be home before dinner as I walk out the back door, which leads right to the beach.

I jog across the hot sand which burns my bare feet. My soda sloshes out of the hole, spilling on my hand. I wipe it off on my shorts as I knock on the back of the door. It swings open quickly revealing Marla.

She squeals loudly, embracing me, "Finally! I thought you'd never show up!"

Marla is loud. Whenever she talks, it's like she's using a megaphone. She has gotten kicked out of the library a dozen times and her parents stopped telling her to use her inside voice long ago. Marla is also tall. 5'11 and rail thin. She has dark brown hair that reaches her collar bone.

The two of us are extremely different.

I'm shorter, standing at 5'7 and I'm curvy. I've never been the skinniest girl in the world but I've never complained about my weight. My hair is blonde and wavy, it reaches my lower back. My eyes are round and blue, standing out of my tan skin and freckles. I'm quiet, but everyone is compared to Marla.

"The drive seemed a lot longer than usual." I respond as we walk towards the water. Marla throws her arm around my shoulder.

"Probably because you road without Cass." Marla states.

I nod, "Yeah, probably. She usually made the rides more entertaining." We used to play car games, such as making up stories about the people driving by or singing loudly together, annoying the hell out of our parents.

The two of us sit down near the tide. The sand is hot on my shoulders already. I pull my hair out of the bun and it falls down, cooling my skin. I place my soda off the side, figuring I'll throw it out later.

"Oh, I like the color! Did you dye it?" Marla asks, pulling at a piece of it. I shake my head and run a hand through it.

"Nah, I guess it did it itself." The sun will eventually turn it white by the end of the summer.

Marla lays back in the sand, "I've decided that this summer will be freaking awesome!" She shouts. I lean back on my elbows, staring out at the ocean. It's so perfect.

"Why's that?" I ask. She is going to list all that we are going to do this summer and we will most likely do none of it.

"Well, there's a bonfire at North Edge tonight. There's going to be a keg and everything. I know a lot of cute guys are going to be there, too." Her voice dropped surprisingly low when she mentioned the keg.

I roll my eyes. The last time Marla and I drank was when we were fifteen, two years ago. We got caught by her parents, drinking their vodka. We vowed to never drink again considering we got grounded for the rest of the summer.

"I don't know, Mar." I mumble. My fingers drag across the sand slowly.

"Come on, Georgie! Don't be a party pooper!" She yells, sitting up. I groan, closing my eyes, the sun starting to hurt them. I should have grabbed sunglasses.

"Fine." I mutter.

"Yes! I knew you would want to come. It's a great kick off for our kick ass summer." Marla stands up and strips down to her bathing suit. She runs to the water, splashing around. I follow in suit, hurrying into the water, that cools my warm skin.