My Dearest Friend

Welcome Back

“Dear Jessica 1/27/12
I’ve truly missed writing letters. My hand was honestly cramping to write even the smallest note. I’ve thought about writing to you countless times, but since I’ve been traveling, I didn’t want to complicate things and risk losing a letter. It seemed like so much longer than a month that I’ve been away and I feel like I could write a book of everything I’ve been wanting to tell you, but slowly and surely I will.
For now, let’s continue where we left off. Of course I loved the crafts you made, only a fool wouldn’t appreciate something made from the heart. As for your photos, you deserve the recognition! I wasn’t just going to keep such talent for my eyes alone, you have a bright future ahead you, I can tell.
There’s also something I want to get off my chest. I hope it isn’t too forward, but I feel safe being able to tell you that I’ve missed your letters. I haven’t just thought about writing to you, but thinking of you too and how you must be doing since the start of the new year. I miss hearing about your life and, how you told me in your first letter, being your escape. I hope reality hasn’t been too harsh on you. Though I don’t want to get too excited too quickly, for I have a short trip coming up, though it’ll be for about two weeks only. But let’s cross that bridge when we get there.
So much for saving any dignity. I wasn’t exactly hiding behind being anonymous to poke fun at you for trying to find out my identity. But you should now know how I was feeling. Part of my job includes introducing myself quite often and I just really didn’t feel like talking about myself, for once. That’s why I focused so much on you, and also because I wanted to. You’ve really caught my attention. But I guess I should back off on asking so much about you, it’s only fair.
I don’t really understand why you were thanking me, but I’m going to assume it the same reason I want to thank you. Going back to the whole reason you wrote the first letter, talking to you has been a pleasant escape and I don’t plan on letting you go any time soon.
If I couldn’t wait to hear from you before, nothing compares to how excited I am now. Write back soon!
Sincerely, Harry.”

“Dear Harry, 2/5/12
Being able to finally open another one of your letters has brightened my day so much! I know that feeling so well, of wanting to tell you something so much it hurts but having to put those thoughts away until later. I’ve even started to write letters and thought about sending them but that’s probably the last thing you want to see when coming home from such a long trip. But, it was a good way to collect some thoughts. So much for wanting to write a book, you haven’t told me a single thing about your trip! But that’s business, so unless something truly exciting happened, you don’t have to bore me with detail (unless there’s something you really want to talk about, of course I’ll listen!).
You never fail to make me smile while reading your words. It’s nice to know what craftiness I have is appreciated.
Well Harry, I’ll truthfully tell you that I don’t think you’re being forward at all. It makes me feel less of a fool as I waited for you to write back. The fact that you referenced my first letter makes me speechless. Don’t take this the wrong way, but writing to you doesn’t even feel like an escape anymore I’m so comfortable telling you things. It’s better than an escape, like I’ve finally found at least one person who shares the same thoughts as me. As for how I’ve been doing, it’s been good. School started about two weeks ago and I’m already looking forward to my spring break in March. Reality hasn’t hit hard yet.
I should have been smart enough to realize something like that. If the point of writing these letters was to get things off your mind, sure it includes some introduction. But to avoid it as much as you have, then I should have figured it’s something you do often. It all makes sense now. And thanks for showing some interest in me as opposed to just avoid talking about yourself.
You must really be a busy bee. Already another trip? At least you say that it isn’t for so long. If we managed to survive this month, then two weeks shouldn’t be so hard!
And that is the exact reason I was thanking you. Knowing that you’re enjoying this as much as I am gives me so much encouragement and there’s no doubt that I’ll keep writing to you for every letter I receive.
Your eager side is coming out again, not that I mind.
Sincerely, Jessica.”