My Dearest Friend

What Forever Means to You

“ Dear Jessica, 2/14/12
I’m writing to you on this day, but you’ll obviously get it later than I’d like. Today is a special day, one filled with happiness and the gift of appreciation. So any other time I’ve told you thank you, none of it compares to how thankful I am to have you in my life at this moment. Through your words I’ve met someone incredible, the way you seem to understand me is like no other. I didn’t think it was possible, but you’ve shown me otherwise. It just goes to show that maybe we are doing something right, and how I’ve said it before, we can prove to the world that there is no fear in opening up to a complete stranger. If you haven’t opened the package yet, I’d like you to do it now so what I’m about to tell you will make sense. What you will find is a token of my appreciation for you. Though it is only one, it is one that will last a lifetime (and not just because I wanted to send something that will last until its arrival). I hope today is filled with love, and I’d like to tell you that you have a special place in my heart on this day. I look forward to the day I will be able to tell you this in person and make it that more meaningful, for let’s face it, these are merely words that I hope you’ll still take this to heart. And that’s my message to you on this Valentine’s Day.
I know I haven’t told you anything about the trip, and there isn’t too much to say other than it was an amazing experience. I could bore you with all the touristy things we did, but that can be saved for another time.
What I’d like to focus on is the mutual feelings we seem to have. To say that I smile while reading your words is an understatement and you shouldn’t feel like a fool. Writing to you is a special thrill that I think is unique to what we have. And you’re right, like always, it’s no longer an escape as much as it is a necessity to be able to express myself in a way that others wouldn’t understand.
I’m glad to know you’ve been doing well and that school is keeping you busy. It’s always nice to have something to look forward to, you have your break and I have another trip, which I imagine would be about the same length. To be more specific, I’ll be leaving in the next 10 days, so I probably won’t see your letter until after I come back after the first week of March.
All I have left to say, is that it’s getting harder to wait so long for your letters, but you’re probably already used to it and my eagerness is getting annoying.
Sincerely, Harry.”

“Dear Harry, 2/23/12
You really know how to touch someone’s heart, don’t you? What you sent me was the sweetest thing anyone has ever given me, let alone for a Valentine. I’ll be honest, I may have stained your letter with a tear or two. I didn’t know that I can impact someone’s life so greatly, and in return meet someone who has done the same for me. The rose sits right up on my nightstand, so every time I look at it, you don’t seem so far away. I only hope you got all the love you deserve on that day. My Valentine’s day was quite uneventful, but not unloved. I had received a small present from my parents, and someone bought me a coffee. But, I did go out and take some pictures! Therefore I was able to witness other people’s smiles and love on that day, and it did feel magical. Though your present may be late, and I know it’s not your fault, it has made that day all the more special. Needless to say, you secure my heart as well, a friend I know I can always count on.
I’ve thought about the day we will finally meet a few times now. It sounds like the perfect time to discuss all the adventures we have taken throughout the time we’ve been writing to each other. But, I must say that I am nervous for that day. I feel like maybe once we meet, I might not turn out to be all that you’ve expected and maybe things are better left to just words. Writing to you is a thrill, and the smiles that we make is a bonus. I fear that when we meet, I wouldn’t be able to make that smile appear so easily the way my words seem to do. And yet, I’m curious at the same time. I guess we’ll just have to wait until that day arrives.
Judging by what you’ve told me, I can assume that you’ll be leaving tomorrow for you trip! I hope it’s just as enjoyable as the last, if not more.
And your eagerness can never get annoying. It’s part of what I like about you. But you’re right, the waiting game is beginning to suck.
Sincerely, Jessica.”
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This is the gift that Harry sends her :)