My Dearest Friend

Pictures vs. Geography

“ Dear Jessica, 3/12/12
I’m so happy you liked the rose! I didn’t mean to make you cry though, but as long as those are happy tears then everything’s good. And there’s no reason to sell yourself short because you are significant in my life, and the fact that you said I too, have a special place in your heart, well then the circle is complete. The same way the rose stays close to you, I secretly kept one of your pictures to myself. You know that one of a empty porch swing with the flowers around it? Well, I hung it up in my room so when I have time to think, I imagine you and I sitting on that swing and talking for endless hours. Maybe that day awaits some time in the future, hopefully a not too distant one.
I don’t think there’s a reason to be nervous for the day we actually meet. And I’m not just saying that to cover up my feelings, because all I feel is excitement when I think about it! Perk up a bit. I hope you’re realizing that you’re actually rubbing off on me. I’m much too optimistic and everyone else is noticing. And since I’m on a roll, I might as well continue on this happy train. Yes, you make me smile, and even more knowing that I make you smile too. So I don’t think you have to worry about not doing it in person. There’s something even more special about an actual voice being able to say these words, because for now, it’s only imagination right? You should have heard some of the interpretations I have attempted to do as I read you letters.
Now, there is something I wish to tell you about my recent trip. There’s a small feeling telling me that you might get upset, but it’s insignificant to everything else I feel. The trip I just came back from was a trip to America. If I was looking at a map correctly at the time, then we were considerably close to you. I thought really hard about springing a surprise on you, but I wouldn’t want our meeting to be so brief. We deserve better than that. I hope you’re not too upset with me.
It’s good to know my eagerness isn’t annoying you. It’s something out of my control. Hope to hear from you soon Jessica.
Sincerely Harry.”

“Dear Harry, 3/24/12
First off, I’ll confirm that they were indeed happy tears. On another note, I don’t know what to tell you anymore. You know you’re special to me, and that our bond is something that I don’t think can ever be replicated. But the way you look at the picture, well, I had those similar thoughts when I first found that porch swing, all the things we could talk about just sitting on that swing. The day we do meet, remember that we’ll have to look for a swing.
It’s good to hear that all you have is excitement, maybe you have enough for the both of us while I’ll try not to focus on being nervous. And I know it isn’t, but you make it sound like it’s a bad thing that I’m rubbing off on you! Maybe if you look back at your previous letters, you’ll notice how ‘dark’ you seemed. It’s about time you let in some light. And you better stay on that happy train because it has no stops! To be honest, I don’t think I want to hear your interpretations of my letters, it’s probably really embarrassing, for me at least.
So you’ve been here in the U.S. of A. Well, it’s surprising a bit, but not upsetting. After all, you were on business, and we don’t want that to interfere with our first meeting, right? Especially having one to be so short. It could ruin all our expectations. Anyway, we do deserve better than that. Now, just a small question, did you like it here at least? I don’t know if two weeks is enough to soak up a reasonable understanding of this country, but I hope it treated you well.
I tried to respond as fast as I can. My break just about ended when I received your letter, so tried to write decently before I really got back into school work. You wanna know what I’m looking forward to now? End of the semester! That’s right! In just a few months, I’ll be finishing my freshman year of college. Freedom is about to be knocking on my door, kinda. That’s the best news I can come up with on my part. Have you any to share with me?
Write soon please!
Sincerely, Jessica.”