My Dearest Friend

Sunshine Turned Grey

“Dear Jessica, 4/2/12
Well since we both seem to have the same idea, I’ll be on the look out for a porch swing. The first thing we’ll do together is have a nice chat on one and acquaint ourselves.
Of course it isn’t a bad thing that you’ve ‘rubbed off’ on me. You’re like a personal little sunshine, just for me. And for your information, I wasn’t ‘dark’ in previous letters. Not all strangers are. I was just being mysterious, because even you weren’t an open book, don’t you remember? And believe me, I’m staying on this happy train for as long as I can. And I promise I wasn’t making fun of you. All these letters are just between you and me, no one else. So any interpretations I have done were for my own entertainment.
I’m so happy to hear that Jess. As exciting as it could have been, it’s better that we’re waiting for an official meeting. There aren’t that many people in this world who would be so understanding. Your question, did I enjoy it here? Absolutely! It’s always interesting traveling to new places and experiencing the different people and culture. There’s something about you Americans that just seems so inviting. You’ve done a good job helping prove that statement. Sure the two weeks seemed to fly by, but I say it was worth every second. And maybe next time I come it’ll be much longer and I can have a proper tour, what do you say?
You don’t have to worry about responding so immediately. I understand you have the pressure of school on you and other things. Please don’t spread yourself thin. I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to believe that you’re already almost done this year of school! When we started writing to each other, you were just starting right? So it’s like I’ve been here with you every step of the way. Even though we haven’t focused too much on your studies, but that’s beside the point. This is very exciting news! I’m just wondering, if you could give me the exact day you finish school or at least the first day of your summer vacation. If it isn’t too much, but I would prefer a response ASAP. For personal reasons.
Have I got news to share with you? Well, I won’t be traveling for some time, which is a good thing! Since I’ll be stationed for the most part on this mainland, maybe we can seriously talk about the chance of us meeting each other.
What ideas do you have in mind? Can’t wait to hear back!
Sincerely, Harry.”

“Dear Harry, 4/18/12
A personal little sunshine. I like that. I didn’t honestly mean that you were dark, there’s always that initial reason to be cautious, that’s all.
I’m happy to hear that you liked America. And I’ll gladly be your tour guide, if that’s what you’re implying. But that tour will have to wait. Time seems to be limited at the moment and in total control of my life. I just have some things that need to be worked out.
I know you asked for a response ‘as soon as possible’, and I totally ignored that, but I can’t think about break right now. Just the thought of planning so far ahead is worrying me. And traveling? I’m really sorry, but that’s just going to have to wait. Please understand. I’m not trying to push you away, not at all. But meeting you only goes as far as a dream to me. Soon enough, though. Count on that.
If you must know, I’ll be done by May 10th.
I apologize for the short message, I’m just relieved I’m able to say this much to you.
Sincerely, Jessica.”