My Dearest Friend

Time is on Our Side

“ Dear Jessica, 4/30/12
Don’t ever do that again. I thought the letter got lost and every other thought that followed just made me go mad. Seems that school is quite tough on you at the moment. I understand, with the end coming near, you’ve got a lot on your plate. That’s why I sent you a little package. I figured you needed something to help you relax a bit. Please do me a favor, and this isn’t just for me, but promise that you’ll give yourself at least 10 minutes each day to just breathe. If we’re planning to meet I kind of need you to be alive, or at least a little sane, but not entirely because that’s no fun.
Everything concerning the future, you can put it aside. We’ll talk about it when you’re ready. I’m not going to lie, I thought I was going in over my head with this, but if you say you’re not pushing me away, I believe you. It’s going to take a lot more than a late reply to get rid of me!
In the package you’ll see various items that will help you relieve some stress. And I figured one way to do it is by having a delicious snack, so I made some more cookies for you. I hope you’ll enjoy them.
Now, something else I included inside the package is for emergencies. Stress is very dangerous to handle on your own, and you won’t have to. You’ll see my email inside, so if there is ever a moment you need to talk a bit more directly, I always answer. It’s my personal, so everything will remain just between us. Don’t be afraid, okay?
Hopefully the next time I hear from you, you’ll be done. Fingers are crossed!
Sincerely, Harry.”

“Dear Harry, 5/10/12
Such a powerful statement that was said as soon as I opened the letter. I’m so sorry Harry. I didn’t mean to put you through that. The last thing I needed to do was put other people through stress when you probably have your own issues to deal with.
In short, yes, school was tough. But the projects were finished and the tests were taken. I am officially done! And can I just say that you’re a sweetheart? I know you’ve heard it enough in the few emails we exchanged, but your package was just so thoughtful. The cookies barely lasted 2 days I couldn’t keep away from them! And I dedicated a whole Saturday for the other things you sent. I watched the movies, and took a ‘therapy’ bath with those spa things you sent, and I played the music all Sunday as I studied. It was probably the most fun I ever had studying. In conclusion, I am alive and fully capable of meeting you! You don’t have to worry about me being completely sane, I never was to begin with. I mean, I did write a letter to complete stranger now, didn’t I?
Anyway, now we have all the time in the world to focus on our plans. There’s no reason to think you were ‘in over your head’. Things like this need time, and I’d say we’re right on schedule. And for the record, I never planned on getting rid of you. That would be just plain stupid.
Since I’ve had the pleasure of telling you that we are now in control of time, you can be the first to propose a meeting time.
Don’t even think about pulling a stunt like me or I’ll attack your emails too. Write back soon!
Sincerely, Jessica.”