My Dearest Friend

No Boundaries

“ Dear Jessica, 5/19/12
Apology accepted. And you didn’t cause any trouble, it’s natural for one to worry about another, especially a friend.
Glad to hear my care package was a success! I’m not going to lie, I didn’t come up with all the items on my own, besides the cookies. I had to get some help with what could be best for stress relieving. Call it mother’s intuition, if you will, she put most of it together.
Speaking of mothers, I know I never really talked about my family, but they do know about you, I think I’ve said before. She was the one who actually found your letter and encouraged me to open it. I guess we should thank her for everything. And it would be even more special if you were here, with me in person to do it! What do you say? You’ve probably already noticed that the envelope is a bit thicker than usual. If you haven’t, look inside now and you’ll see your ticket. That’s right! It is a boarding pass to London, just for you! I figured since you’ve had such a stressful time, you need to get away from it for just a bit. And I mean completely away, an ocean away. It’s scheduled for June 7th, which is ideally when I’d receive a response to this letter so I’ll be able to know right then if you agree to come or not, or better yet on the flight. All arrangements are taken care of, so all you have to do is bring yourself to the airport with your items! I’ll completely understand if it is an inconvenient time or something comes up, but I don’t think anything could make me happier.
I would like so much to finally see the face behind these words.
Think about it! Sincerely, Harry.”

“ Dear Harry, 5/29/12
It gives me a feeling like no other, knowing that I have a friend out there who cares about me, and you know I’d do the same for you. Or at least I hope you know.
I find it funny that you admitted to getting help on the care package. I don’t think anyone could have put it together more perfectly than a mother, and your cookies were a special touch. So thank you.
And yes I have realized that you haven’t mentioned much of your family, but I didn’t want to pry. I left it up to you if you wished to talk about them. And you’re right, we do owe your mother a great, big thank you!
I did notice the envelope was more stuffed than usual, but I didn’t look at the ticket until you mentioned it in the letter. I honestly can’t believe it! I wish there was something I could contribute, besides actually going on the trip. But I’ll just have to figure something out. The timing couldn’t be anymore perfect. I’ve been spending all my time so far with my family, so I don’t think they’ll mind if I take a mini vacation. Now that I think about it, I have to figure out what I’m going to tell them. Not that they’re worried for me, but they’re still skeptical on this whole stranger business, especially because we’re not even on the same continent. But I trust you.
If it wasn’t clear by now, then yes, I have accepted your invitation! I see you left your number on your letter, so expect a phone call June 7th as I board my flight.
The feeling is mutual, I want to know who you are, completely.
It feels weird saying this, but I’ll see you in a week!
Sincerely, Jessica.”
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Thanks so much for all your lovely comments! Sorry for not updating as often as I'd like because you guys deserve better than that! Hope you'll enjoy this chapter and what's to come :)