My Dearest Friend

A Surprise

“ Dear Jessica, 8/15/11
I’d like to take you up on your offer for ‘an extra ear’. As I read your letter, I got this feeling that you’re in need of one too, and I will happily be here to listen. People don’t seem to appreciate these kinds of things anymore, and maybe we’ll be the first to make people understand that a stranger is nothing to be scared of. Just out of curiosity, when was the first time you sent out this letter? I’d like to know more about this pen pal you’ve been looking for, and you as well. But I would just like to say that I will remain anonymous, just for a while. I hope you’ll understand. It may seem like the opposite of what you’d like, but I promise it’s not for forever. And if you’re unsure, feel free to test me, I’m up for the challenge.
I hope to hear from you soon Jessica.
Sincerely, A Friend.”

“ Dear Friend, 8/24/11
I don’t even know where to begin! Let’s just say that coming home to see a letter addressed to me definitely was a surprise. I hope that’s hint enough to how long it’s been since I sent the first letter. At that time, I certainly felt alone and only wished for someone to drop a line, and as a result I wrote that letter. I sent it almost immediately, but I truly think that at that time I wasn’t expecting a response. It was more of a way to get something off my chest. Could you tell me if you received two notes, or just one? I originally had two packed together but it’s possible one was simply misplaced or thrown out. Anyway, I’m really glad to hear from someone. Now about you, I respect that you wish to remain anonymous. It’s really hard to distinguish sincerity these days, even through one’s own handwriting. And maybe I will have to challenge you, just to keep it interesting.
You said you wished to know more about the pen pal I was looking for. All I’m going to say is that it was meant for a certain person, and I left it up to them to send it on, that is, if you received only one letter. Of course, I always hoped that I would get a note back of someone saying that they wish to be pen pals, much like you have. There are times when you just have to see life through someone else’s eyes to open your own.
No challenge now, for this is only the beginning. But it doesn’t mean you can’t keep your eyes and mind wide open.
Sincerely, Jessica Moore.”