My Dearest Friend

A Game Begins

“ Dear Jessica, 9/2/11
To answer your question, I only received one letter. I’ll be completely honest and say that I was truly perplexed when I received it because of the strange address, but I knew there was no harm in giving it a look. I hope you’re doing much better than before, that some light has been generously shed on your life. On another note, do you know if the person this letter was originally addressed for ever received it? You don’t have to tell me, I’m only being curious. I definitely agree, that it is interesting to get to know how someone out there is living quite a different life than your own. So I propose a game of 20 questions. What do you say? Nothing is off limits, except my name. I’ll reveal myself in time. Can’t go jumping the gun now can we?
I was so looking forward to a challenge but I’ll wait!
Sincerely, A Friend.”

“ Dear Friend, 9/11/11
I figured you received only one, otherwise there would be the need for a lot more explanation. But I absolutely appreciate your curiosity because I finally got what I’ve been waiting for. As for me? You can say that I’m in a much better state than I was before. It took a lot of change but it was all worth it. To answer your question about the other person? I’m not completely sure if they truly ever got my letter. I would say more, but then there would be no story to tell!
I think a game sounds like a wonderful idea! Since you proposed, I’ll start off: What do you like to do on rainy days? (It’s pretty gloomy here so this is what came to my mind first). Just to let you know, I wasn’t going to ask you about your name, in fact, it doesn’t interest me at all. I can wait. I’m a patient girl.
Let’s see if you’ve been paying attention, what was the real reason I’m looking for a pen pal? (Try putting your own interpretation on it!)
Don’t think too much, I wanna hear from you soon ~ Jessica Moore.”