My Dearest Friend

Change is Constant

“ Dear Jessica, 9/20/11
Two can play at the waiting game. Patience is my middle name. It’s good to hear you’re well. And the thing about change, is that it’s constant. I guess at that time in your life, it was the only solution. I hope you can take my word for it, because I definitely know what it feels like to go through such a change in life and having that feeling of starting over, or just starting anew. Sure, change makes everything more complicated, but it wouldn’t be living without it.
I propose a game of 20 questions and this is the first thing you ask me? Out of everything you can possibly think of, you want to know how I spend rainy days. Well, I’ll first tell you that we get them quite often, so what you may consider a rainy day, I consider an almost every day thing. In my ideal world, I would spend it at home with a nice book at hand and good background music. Maybe even stare out the window for some time and just think. I feel like I don’t get to do that quite often.
Now, I bet you’re just itching and scratching to find out who I am. You just have a big advantage of denying it since these are only words. Anyway, your question: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Didn’t think I would ask something so grand now, did you?
Oh, finally got a challenge! Your real reason for a pen pal? Well, I don’t know if I can say it so spot on, but I believe it goes back to the stranger business and that it’s much easier to confide in one, and in turn, be someone’s shadow to talk to. I’m not going to say anything about your original plan for that first letter because I don’t know anything about it! I’m being patient, and hoping you’ll tell me more about this tale you have up your sleeve. Whenever you’re ready of course.
Bring on the next question! ~A competitive friend.”

“ Dear ‘Eager’ Friend, 9/29/11
I think that suits you well, someone who is an eager beaver. And it’s good that you’re patient, or so you say because I have all the time in the world to tell my story. I won’t lie or hide behind my words, because I do believe what you said about change. No one wants to be a sitting duck, therefore people go looking for things to change, even if it means letting go of things you love and replacing them.
I hope you’re not criticizing my question, I told you that it was raining here so that is what came to mind. It sounds like a very peaceful thing to do, so I’ll be so bold to say that you’re lucky to have many rainy days because I would spend them doing just that. It seems like the perfect time to reflect on what goes on around you, even though being alone with just your mind can be intimidating.
I wouldn’t get so cocky there, amigo. I said it once and I’m not afraid to say it again: your name doesn’t interest me. Just knowing that you’re out there willing to listen to me is good enough. To answer your second question, no I didn’t think you would ask something so ‘mind-boggling’. Now here’s an answer for the first: I don’t think this place exists, at least I have yet to find it. It’s somewhere I feel safe, in a perfect balance of tranquility and movement. I wouldn’t be able to tell you if it there were mountains or a beach, a rippling lake or a suburban neighborhood safely tucked behind a bustling city. Maybe I’ll find it soon, or at least be able to give you a better description.
Your question is: If you were invisible for one day, what is the first thing you would do?
I don’t know why I even thought that it wouldn’t be the same person responding, but you did answer the challenge right. I find it kind of amazing how much I feel like you understand what I’m thinking and what it means being able to express yourself to some stranger. Anyway, you have my trust.
The ball is back in your court. Game on! ~Jessica.”