My Dearest Friend

Maybe We're Not Strangers

“ Dear Jessica, 10/8/11
I see you went on a first name basis. Well, there’s still some time to pass before I give anything away. And you can call me eager, that’s fine. But I’m not cocky. Mostly, I’m just curious about you. Though I’m happy that you believe me, seems like we understand each other quite a lot.
About those rainy days, sure we get them often, but the days I actually spend doing those things is very few. Life is quite fast-paced at the moment so I hardly get a chance to sit down and really think. But I do make sure everyday I get that chance to appreciate what I do and be thankful for each day I’m given to do what makes me happy.
Just as I thought that your questions were difficult to understand, your answers are even more perplexing. It’s good to know I can make you work just as hard to answer one of my questions! But the fact that you say this place doesn’t exist, confuses me. Seems like you’re looking for your own Wonderland, and maybe it does exist somewhere in this world. You’re going to have to keep me updated on whether you find this place or not.
I didn’t mean to sound like I was criticizing your question, it just caught me off guard. For as long as I remember, 20 questions was about asking what your favorite color or movie was and things like that, but you’re really making me think. When I answer your letters I’m usually at a small cafe, having a nice drink while I ponder over your words, but people end up staring at me funny as I think of something clever to say or just attempt to answer your questions. You’re quite a puzzling person. And you don’t fail to continue to make these questions difficult.
If I were invisible for a day, I’d probably visit my past. Visit people I haven’t talked to in a while and see how they’re doing. I hope they’re doing well. You know those people you wish you could just call up, but it’s been so long that you can’t? Well, it’s those people I wish to see.
What question are we on? Number 4? Anyway, if you were given $1 million dollars, what is the first thing you would do?
Oh the possibilities!
Sincerely, Your Friend.”

“ Dear Friend, 10/17/11
Well we are friends now, right? So why not go on a first name basis. No need for formalities anymore. I’m glad I can stimulate your curiosity, at least I know you’ll still want to talk to me. But I am sorry to say, you did sound cocky. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, I just know one more thing about you, even if it isn’t your name.
I know how you’re feeling now, I guess. Someone seems to be holding down the fast-forward button which is making it hard to stop and catch a breath. It’s sweet to hear that you’re so grateful for what you do. You must genuinely enjoy it, and not many people can say that about their jobs, whatever they may be. I like what I do too. It’s part of the change that I had to undergo to break free from my old life and focus more on what makes me happy.
And I’m just gonna let you know now, my questions aren’t going to be getting much easier, unless I get lazy. If they were boring yes or no questions or one word answers, then there would be nothing to write about. And that would be no fun. I’ll be honest though, your questions are just as stimulating. If people are looking at you funny, well, I can’t be blamed for the strange faces you’re probably making. Maybe you should go to a more private location. You know you don’t have to try so hard to be clever, write what first comes to mind. I’ll read and respond to you regardless, even if it is something dumb...... but I can see that you’re smarter than that and you never fail to amuse me. I’ve told you before, don’t try so hard, you may be surprised with what you come up with.
Sometimes I feel like you’re reading my mind. Visiting the past, as hard as it may be, definitely sounds like something I would do, even if it meant being invisible to them. There are those people you just miss terribly or are curious about and wish you could just know what they’re up to. But somethings are better left unsaid.
Now, if I had $1 million dollars, I’d give myself the day off. That’s the best I can come up with at the moment. You’ve said it, and I agree with it that life right now seems to be going by faster than we’d like. So taking a personal day to do absolutely anything that comes to mind sounds like the perfect plan right now.
It’s quite late right now, so I’ll go with something more simple for question five. If you were on a deserted island and could only have two items with you, what would they be? Be creative!
Sincerely, Jessica.”