My Dearest Friend

A Battle of Wits

“ Dear Jessica, 10/26/11
Yes, we definitely are friends now, couldn’t you tell by the way I signed my last letter? Anyway, I suppose I did sound cocky, so there’s a free fact for you.
You’re right about another thing, I do love my job. As demanding as it is, it’s still a dream come true. It’s good to know you like your job too. Would you mind telling me what it is? Or does that count as a question? Even if it does, that’s fine too. I hope that doesn’t count as a boring question. It’s only more personal, so maybe we’ll actually learn something about each other’s current lives. And if you feel like it, you can elaborate on this change you had to go through, I’m getting too curious to contain myself.
On second thought, you’re right about a lot of things. These questions are better than ‘yes’ or ‘no’ ones, but half the work is trying to come up with one! I’m happy to know that I can make your brain hurt just as much, not so much fun is it? But I think you are accountable for the strange faces I make when I answer the questions because they come from you. I’d really like to know what a lazy question from you would be. Maybe I’ll be able to answer it in less than five minutes for a change. For your information, I’m not trying too hard to be clever. I just want to be able to write something that’s worth answering much like the way you do it.
I think that was a perfect way to conclude that thought, some things are better left unsaid. And if they were really worth checking up on, they would be willing to do that for you too, right? They would bother picking up the phone to call you as well, I mean, communication is a two way street.
See, even when you don’t seem like you’re trying, you come up with a good response. Taking a personal day off definitely sounds like a much needed thing at the moment.
Now, if this is a simple question, I don’t want to know what you consider complex. If I were to be on a deserted island, two things I would have to have with me would be my phone, and a manual on how to build a boat. How’s that for creative?
I’m staying with the question I mentioned earlier, about your job. Don’t want to overwhelm you.
Sincerely, Your Friend.”

“Dear Friend, 11/1/11
I did notice how you signed the last letter, I just wanted to see your confirmation. I was going to accept that fact regardless if you admitted it or not, but the fact that you did is even more satisfying, because you want to know something else I learned about you? You sound like a really sweet person. Not many people can say that just from reading words but you make it sound believable.
I guess you deserve to hear a little more about me, but please try to refrain from making a scene since what I’m about to tell you is just so life changing. What I do for a living, I’m a self-employed photographer and a part time college student. And here I go killing two birds with one stone, somewhat, the change I went through was leaving my family behind to do what I want with my life. We’re on good terms and everything, but they weren’t exactly happy with the career choice I’m going with; not like I really care about what they think, it’s my life. Now, since I am a college student, I have to support myself somehow. So I’m a freelance photographer but I’m also looking for a more concrete job such as an internship. Just to let you know, I’m not living off of bread crumbs, I do get support from my family so I can be fed, but that’s basically it. Everything else is on me, like the apartment I live in because no way was I going to live in a dorm. Tried it, didn’t like it.
Well, I hope that will keep you calm for some time because I’m done talking about myself.
I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about answering questions. I meant what I said earlier, even if you say something dumb, I’ll write back to you and probably make fun of you for it. But it’s definitely not something that would make me want to lose contact with you. I don’t think you understand how much it means being able to talk to someone like this because, frankly, I don’t have too many people around me who are willing to listen. Much like how you said that talking is a two way street. That’s why I wouldn’t waste my energy on those who aren’t willing to go that extra mile to show that they care about you. They just aren’t worth it.
Now about you being on a deserted island, those are the items you would bring? How are you so sure that your phone would even work? And a manual, I guess that’s smart, but not so creative. That’s okay though, you can redeem yourself later by actually telling me something about yourself. That’s right, I’m playing that card right back at you! Then we can go back to thinking outside the box.
You don’t have to worry about that, I’m pretty good at taking care of myself.
Sincerely, Jessica.”