My Dearest Friend

Sweet Words

“Dear Jessica, 11/10/11
I appreciate the compliment. And I hope you’re not going to think that I’m just being sweet, but you seem like a really nice person. I can’t imagine why you would have a difficult time finding someone to talk to. You make it so easy, and I love hearing what you have to say. But if you do ever feel alone, just know that I’ll absolutely listen to you. Everyone deserves at least that much.
So, you’re a photographer, that’s quite exciting! Not only are you good at listening and communicating, but you have talent for seeing things differently than others. That’s impressive! I can’t imagine, though, how hard it must have been to go out on your own, and by the sound of it, you seem to be doing well. It takes a lot of courage to pursue what you believe in, even if it means going against everyone’s wishes. I appreciate you telling me that you’re being fed because then I’d have to start sending you packages as well. I’m gonna have to say that getting an apartment was definitely a smarter choice, at least everything is yours and you don’t have to share with other people. I wish I could say the same.
That should be able to hold me over for sometime. But don’t think you can take another couple months before I hear something new about you, it’s quite difficult to be completely honest.
And since we’re all being honest, I don’t know why I’m making such a big deal of what to say to you. I just don’t want you to think that I’m some stupid teenager with nothing good to say. I want to prove that I’m worth your time. I can take a joke, so go ahead and make fun of me from time to time, but I’m holding you to it that you won’t just stop writing to me. There are some things I feel comfortable telling you that I can’t even say to my close friends. I hope that means something to you.
Yeah, I guess that those aren’t the most creative things to bring. There is no guarantee that my phone will work, but the manual is smart! I think that I can make up for creativity with smarts, how else am I supposed to get off the island?
Now you seem to be the one lacking creativity, throwing my questions back at me. But I guess it’s only fair. I work for a business that requires me to travel a lot. So when I said I wasn’t so lucky about not having to share things, I mean that I still have to live with others that work with me and share things with them like hotel rooms and all that jazz, our business likes to save money as much as possible.
Is that good enough? And if you say no, well, then you’re not as patient as I thought you were. So you’re just going to have to wait a little bit longer.
Sincerely, Your Friend.”

“Dear Friend, 11/21/11
No, I don’t think you’re ‘just being sweet’. I believe your words and in return, I thank you for the compliment. There are some things that you just can’t explain. If I knew why it was so hard to find someone to talk to, I probably wouldn’t be complaining about it, now would I? But that’s not the point, I don’t have to waste my energy anymore because I have you. I hope that’s not being too forward. Just reading your words makes me feel wanted, that’s something I’m thankful for. And speaking of being thankful, Thanksgiving is only days away, so since you’ll probably get this after the holiday, I’ll tell you now that I’m thankful to have you in my life and that you’ve come across my letter from so long ago. You bring me hope that there people out there who appreciate the power simple words can have.
Yes, I am an amateur photographer and wish to pursue it more seriously, but I never said I was good. It was hard to leave, but my family seemed to know it was coming so they tried to help me as much as they could, and continue to do just that. And I appreciate your concern about my wellbeing, but, if it isn’t too much, you can still send me something good. Something that you can easily get and I’ll do the same. Like an early holiday gift exchange. Only if you’re interested though.
The whole ‘being honest’ thing, I hope you were being honest with me the whole time. You don’t have to prove anything to me. I would never judge you based on what you write to me. And of course what you say means something to me and is worth responding too. It means a lot that you put so much trust in me, but I do the same with you. Seems like we both need each other right now.
About this whole deserted island thing, why would you want to get off right away? Just because it’s deserted doesn’t mean that it’s a horrible place. It may just be the most perfect and peaceful get away, far from disruption and chaos. Why would you want to get away from that. Sure you might get lonely, and I guess that’s where the manual comes in to play, but I’m not so sure I’d want to leave right away.
How lucky for you that you get to travel so much. Sounds like a dream to me, even if you have to live with co-workers. It can’t be that bad. Especially if you get to visit places all over the world, I’m sure that can make up for the few hours you have to spend cooped up in a hotel room.
That is good enough for now. I can wait for the next time just fine. But you forgot to ask me another question. I understand though, I think we discussed enough about our feelings to make up for it.
I think we really need to start lifting the mood of these letters. So my next question, tell me about your favorite hobby. There, I finally caved! I asked you a ‘favorite’ question. But I expect a thorough response.
Sincerely, Jessica."
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