My Dearest Friend

Good News, Bad News

“ Dear Jessica, 12/1/11
I am more than happy to lift the somber mood that has seemed to take over. But, there is something I do need to share with you. First of all, I’m honored that you’ve made me a part of your holiday wishes. I hope you had a lovely holiday with your family. Now, on a more serious note. I’ll be going on a business venture towards the end of the month and won’t be able to write back any letters. I’ll have some time to write back before I’ll be leaving on a trip for the month of January. Just thought I should let you know now. I think I can squeeze in one more letter before my trip, so you better make it worth while!
On a happier note, there’s no need for you to be so modest. I bet you’re a great photographer! Since you requested an early gift exchange, I think this would be a perfect time for you to send me some of your work, don’t you think? I’ll happily send you a package of the finest items I can come up with. And of course I’m concerned about your wellbeing. If you stopped writing to me all of a sudden, I can cross out you getting sick of me, and replacing it with dying of starvation. At least I’ll know you kept your promise. And speaking of food, one of my favorite hobbies is cooking. I can’t believe you actually asked me this, but it’s a question nonetheless. When I get the chance to cook, I prefer to do it alone. People tend to get in the way and it’s just distracting. Out of all the meals, I prefer to cook dinners, but I can do all meals, not that I’m being cocky or anything. That’s all I have to say about that. You’re still probably going to tell me that’s not thorough enough.
I was being honest with you this whole time. I didn’t mean to frighten you. What I meant was that, I was trying to confess that thought, that’s all. But back to the deserted island, well, I knew you would end up saying something like that. Turning anything into a positive experience, such an optimist. I guess you’re still looking for that day off, so I can see why you wouldn’t want to get off right away.
Before getting this job, I’ve done some traveling but never to this extent. I am pretty lucky to visit the places I have, and wherever I will be going within the next couple months. And taking your optimistic advice, we usually don’t spend too much time in our hotel rooms; depends on how tired we are. Now, we haven’t gone all over the world but we’re hoping to eventually touch every corner of the globe.
My question for you is: If you can tell me about this family of yours, if you’re comfortable with that. If not, tell me something else about you. I want to know as much I can before the break we’re going to have. I know I said before I’d be able to last another couple months, but then I realized I would actually have to wait that long until I’ll be able to speak to you again and I definitely won’t last that long.
I hope you enjoy the miscellaneous items I sent you!
Sincerely, your friend.”

“Dear Friend, 12/10/11
Well, you didn’t do such a good job lifting the mood, but I appreciate you telling me this. I think I’ll be able to handle it, though. It’s strange that you’re so busy at the end of the year. Usually that’s when people are on break and then they start again in the new year. But I won’t annoy you with questions, it’s your business.
And of course I’m thankful to have you, I mentioned you to my family too. Sure, they thought it was weird that it’s been 4 months and I still don’t know your name, but I’m not going to get into that. I just said that they wouldn’t understand.
I was so excited about the package you sent! I opened it immediately after I read the letter. I took note that you said you loved cooking, so I wasn’t too surprised to see some cookies inside! You did bake them right? Well, I tried one, and they’re to die for! So there’s my opinion on that. And I absolutely love the picture frames. I’m putting them to use right away, spicing up my apartment so it actually looks like someone lives here.
I think that’s a perfectly thorough response, I’m not here to give you a hard time. It’s also not such a shock that you’re a one-man show when it comes to cooking. I kinda figured that myself. Also, I wasn’t scared, so to say, that you weren’t being honest with me. But thank you for clearing it up.
Now that I think about it, I do want to annoy you with questions. Who is this ‘we’ you keep talking about. Do you work on some kind of group project or on a team? Because I know what it’s like being stuck with people on a long-term project, it’s pretty hard. We had to work together for the whole semester, which was the past 4 months, and I as much as I love the people, I couldn’t wait for it to be over! But that’s just me. I usually prefer working alone. I wish you the best of luck though! It’s always good to dream big, and you seem to have a dream worth fighting for.
I find it funny how fast you caved in. It was only two letters ago I told you about myself and you already want to know more. But since we won’t get the chance to talk until after the new year, I’ll comply. My family is my backbone. I’m an only child but I do have a pet who’s been with me since I was a child, so technically I was never alone. My parents are together back at home enjoying an empty nest. My family is quite small, but definitely not quiet and we’re all very close. That’s my family in a nutshell. I must say that I am flattered you want to know so much.
I probably won’t be able to write back until after the new year, so I’ve included a proper holiday present in the package. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and a very bright start to the New Year!
Sincerely, Jessica.”