My Dearest Friend

Not-So Secret Santa

“Dear, Jessica 12/20/11
I guess I was exaggerating just a bit. I’m able to write a couple more letters than I thought. Must be some kind of Christmas miracle! It’s going to be a short one, though, so we can focus on spending time with our families.
It’s sweet that your family knows about me, but I wouldn’t expect them to understand what we have. I think of it as a special friendship.
Yes, I did bake the cookies and I’m glad you’re enjoying them. I figured there was nothing more appropriate than to get you picture frames. You should be ashamed though, as a photographer you say that your apartment isn’t decorated. You should be displaying your photos proudly!
Speaking of which, they are truly amazing pictures. Everyone I’ve showed them too thinks so too. Some even want copies, so I hope you don’t mind. You’ll get the credit you deserve. I also loved the holiday card and ornament you made. It’s going up on our tree right away! That way, we’ll have a piece of you celebrating the holidays with us.
Since you asked, the ‘we’ I kept talking about are my coworkers. Technically I work on a team, so we travel as a group together almost all the time. For some reason when you said you’d rather work alone, it didn’t surprise me. You seem like the strong independent type.
It’s not necessarily called caving in! I really feel like I’m getting to know you, so every little bit counts! You’re family sounds a lot like mine, we’re definitely not a quiet bunch but we’re close. I hope you’re enjoying your time with them so far.
Since it is the season of giving, I’m deciding to give up my anonymity. I’m Harry, and I’m just a regular boy from Holmes Chapel, England wishing you a happy and peaceful holiday!”

“Dear Harry, 1/2/11
You’re last letter truly warmed my heart! Absolutely everything about it. Especially because you liked my card and ornament, thanks for including me as a part of your holiday traditions! But I can’t believe you showed ‘everyone’ the pictures, whoever they may be! There’s a reason I don’t put them up, even in my own apartment, but now I have no excuse since you gave me lovely frames. I appreciate the compliments though. Maybe someday they’ll be good enough for me to start a business of my own.
Technically working on a team, I’ll take that, I guess. Thanks for clearing that up.
Let’s face it, you completely caved. As much as you thought I was obsessed with finding out your name, it was really just you trying to cover yourself up by trying to find out more about me. You clever sneak. It’s safe to say, we’re even now Harry.
I know you’re probably already gone on your trip, but I just wanted to say thanks, for everything. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.
Sincerely, Jessica.”