30 Day Letter Challenge

Day 10: Someone You Don't Talk To As Often As You Would Like

I don’t really have anyone like this. I guess I could say my cousin Christina, since we’re close in age, and she lives relatively close. But she has her stupid boyfriend, Anthony, and I’m a single pringle that is ready to mingle. Sorry, off topic. Also we seem to be polar opposites. I listen to Avenged Sevenfold, she listens to Katy Perry and Lil Wayne. She parties, I stay home on Tumblr.

Also, when she’s over, she goes over to our friend Emily’s house. Now see, Emily is more like Christina. Christina stayed with Emily for like a month, when her dad thought she was staying with us. Yup.

I remember we were at Reader Fest (a town festival that happens every summer) and I went with Christina and Emily, and their friends Zoe and some other girl, whose name I don’t remember. Little did I know, they were meeting more friends up there. So I just kind of stood on the outside of their circle while they talked, laughed, and flirted. Then I saw some of my friends, and they didn’t even notice when I left. I thought I should tell them, so I went back like a few second later and was like, ‘oh yeah, I’m gonna go with my friends’ and their like ‘okay.’

Whatever. I still love them. Although sometimes I wonder why. Maybe I'm just a hormonal teenage girl.
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Mmhmm, I rant and bitch in this one.