30 Day Letter Challenge

Day 2: Your Crush

Hi Zack,

I really hope you don't read this. I don't know how you'd find it, but if you do, I would die of embarrassment.
Do you think it's weird that I'm Emma's friend? I mean, I'm only a grade above you, and I think that's why I haven't asked you out. I don't want people to make fun of us. I told, I think, 4 people that I like you. Ariel, Rachael, Emma, and Emily. And I guess anyone who reads this.
I can't believe I was your first kiss. akdfjnaugfbaewfiu FEELINGS!! I wish I could say the same. If I could take back ever going out with Ty, then I would. I hate him. Expect not really. I hate that he was a jerk, and everything you're not. Meaning he's a douche and you're awesome as hell.
I find it sexy that you play drums, and that you were in karate. I love how we can geek out about music or bands (Avenged Sevenfold and Green Day in particularly). I love your hair. I love your eyes. I love your smile, your laugh, everything about you! I wish I wasn't going to high school next year.
I know you like someone else. It kinda breaks my heart. Not shatters it, just a few cracks. I can say that I never really liked Ty. But I like you. I like you a lot. And this is weird coming from someone so young. But it's true. If you were o move, I would tell you how I feel.
I want to ask for your number, but I don't want it to be weird. Maybe the next time we go to the mall or something. Maybe I might actually tell you I like you! Nope. I'm too chicken shit.
Also, back to the kissing thing, I'm sorry if Emma was up your ass about it. That's why she was yelling "Still not cool!" as I left. Sorry :/
♠ ♠ ♠
Random note time!!!
Ariel is my older sister
Emma is Zack's sister (She's in my grade)
Rachael is a mutual friend in Zack's grade
Emily is my best friend
Ty is my ex-boyfriend
I'm in eighth grade at the moment and Zack's in seventh