30 Day Letter Challenge

Day 4: Your Siblings

Part 1 goes to EJ.
EJ. Is it bad that sometimes I just want to punch you in the face? No? Okay. Good. Because you’re really fucking annoying. And you’re only 5! Just because I don’t want to hang out with you doesn’t mean I don’t love you. God. Such a drama queen. I swear! Anyway, I can’t wait until you grow up, because I know we’ll be close. I mean, I’m already teaching you about good music! I want to go with to take you to your first concert, as long as the band isn’t gay. No offense to anyone that is homosexual. Which I think you may be. Also, no offense. I don’t care what you are when it comes to sexual preference. I care what kind of music you listen to, though. Don’t fuck that shit up.

Part 2 goes to Ariel.
Hi Ariel. I hope Crysta and EJ never read this, because I think you’re my favorite. You actually do stuff with me. I know EJ’s too young to do stuff, but he’s still annoying. I think you actually get me. We went to our first concerts together (Blink 182 and MCR) and it was AMAZING! I want to go to Warped with you, but I don’t think you can since you want to see MGK, and he’s going the day after I would have to go. Damn Shawn for being so picky about his musical preferences!! Just kidding. If you can’t go with him, then you should go with me :) You were the first person I did anything technically illegal with! Smoking hookah was fun, and so was playing beer pong, although beer tastes like pee. Also, those Malibu and Orange Juice’s were good. The margarita too. Although Shawn made that. Anyway.

Part 3 goes to Crysta.
Hey Sissy! Since you have the biggest age gap from me, I feel like we aren’t as close as we could be, although we are close. That advice you gave me about Zack didn’t help, because I’m not as outgoing as you. I think it’s awesome that you’re going to use my face for your zombie girl tattoo :) I can’t wait to see it. Don’t worry, I’ll get a tattoo to represent you. I want to go to a concert with you some time. I would ask you to take me to Warped, but dad said I need a responsible adult. Sorry. Also, you’re kinda a drama queen also. I think you would probably whine about my musical taste, like you did when I said I want to see Blink 182. Sorry they aren’t rap. Also, that thing you said about not wanting to go to Christmas because of how people didn’t go to visit Peyton when he was in the hospital…it wasn’t that bad. We don’t all have time to take out of our lives. It’s not like he was dying. Jussayin.
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Random notes!!
Crysta is oldest, then Ariel, then me, then EJ.