Glad You Came



Katherina was nothing more to Avenged Sevenfold but their friend. She was friends with Matt Sanders sister therefore she was always around the boys. The boys all saw her as a friend and nothing more. That is until a certain Matt Sanders recently breaks up with his longtime girlfriend Valary DiBenedetto.

Matt Sanders was not one to look at his younger sisters friends but Katherina had always caught his eye. When she was first introduced years ago he noticed her right away. As time progressed Matt always pushed aside his feelings thinking that he was just purely attracted to her because she was gorgeous. He continued fall in love with Valary until recently.

So when Avenged Sevenfold finds themselves on Katherina’s front steps at her 24th birthday get together with a single Matt Sanders, booze, a very excited 24 year old and a way to eager to get drunk Jimmy, the night starts to heat up.

“Do you think it is going to be a little kid’s party? You know with like games and candy?”
Jimmy snorted from his spot next to Brian.

“Doubt it, have you seen Katherina? She’s far from a little kid. I wouldn’t mind the candy though.”

Matt rolled his eyes at his friend’s conversation, he kept his aviators on though so no one could see him.

“Shut up dicks, she isn’t that great. She’s practically still a kid.”

“Still a kid? Matt come one, she’s 24 she isn’t 19 anymore. You and the rest of us both know you are bull shitting yourself. Don’t think we didn’t notice how you’d stare at her when Val wasn’t around.”

“Or how you’ve recently been more curious about her since you and Val broke up. We are not dumb Matthew, we got some good eyes on us.”

Matt rolled his eyes again only because he knew Johnny and Zacky were right, however he would never tell the rest that. Katherina was a lot more mature for her age than most and her looks were something many girls would die for and men would break their backs pleasing. Matt shook his head and kept walking up the pathway. They finally reached her door and Jimmy jumped at the chance to knock on the door repeatedly until someone answered it.

“Coming.” They heard a soft voice yell. Matt knew right away whose voice it belonged to.

“Ten bucks she looks smoking hot tonight.” Brian hit the back of Jimmy’s head.

The door opened and Matt had to keep his jaw from falling open. Katherina’s usually straight her was done with loose curls at the end. Matt’s eyes traveled down to her cleavage where he could see a piece of the black bra she was wearing that peeked out from the top of the dress probably from all the movement she was doing. His exploration continued down to the red dress that hugged her curves perfectly, all the way down to her legs that seemed to go on for miles. Matt licked his lips.

“You owe me ten bucks Brian.” Matt heard Jimmy say to Brian from somewhere behind him.

“You guys came!” Katherina was excited to see them. She didn’t think they were going to come. She jumped on Matt and gave him a hug that he held on to probably longer than he should have.

“By the way your sister is here.” Matt just nodded but cleared his throat.

“Happy Birthday princess,” Katherina frowned at the nick name but let a smile creep up on her face.

“Thanks Shadows.” She smirked back. Matt smiled at his stage name.

“Matt, stop hogging her up and move!” The rest of the boys hugged her. Jimmy picked her up making her reach to the bottom of her dress to make sure it didn’t rise up.

“All right guys come on in, there are drinks and food in the kitchen and a bathroom down the hall to your left, first door. People are already dancing in the living room.” The five boys followed her, Zacky let out a low whistle as he watched Katherina’s hips sway back and forth probably not realizing what she was doing. Matt shook his head lightly at his friend.

“Don’t even try it Matt, you want her and you want her bad. We saw the way you were devouring her with your eyes.” Matt just groaned and headed toward the kitchen mumbling he needed a drink.

The party was still going strong. The music was still playing, Katherina’s cousin was DJing and drinks were still pouring. Jimmy was piss drunk along with Johnny. Zacky and Brian were on their way and Matt was tipsy. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Katherina though. She would walk around and talk to other guests, she would pour drinks and laugh, and then she would once in a while dance when a song came on that she liked. The way her hips moved, the way her curls fell down her back, to Matt it was so irresistible.

Katherina made her way towards Matt, Jimmy and Johnny. She licked over her lips when her eyes landed on Matt. The black V neck he wore was so simple but showed off his muscles and tattoo’s that she secretly loved so much. The sunglasses that sat on top of his eyes added to the mystery of what he was feeling and the dark wash jeans, there were no words how they made his ass look.

Katherina was always attracted to Matt, but he was always taken or she was dating someone. Until now, Matt’s sister, Amy kindly let Kat know that him and Val broke up for good. So her intention tonight was to get Matt to notice her. She assumed she succeeded because when she answered the door he looked like he wanted to devour her.

“How you doing?” Matt smiled down at her showing off his dimples.

“Good and you princess? Enjoying your party?” She smiled and nodded.

“How are the rest of the guys?” Matt let out a laugh and nodded his head toward Jimmy and Brian who were doing shots.

“Well there’s my answer.” Kat looked back at Matt and leaned in for a hug. He opened his arms to her and secured them tightly around her waist.

“Thank you for coming Matt, it means a lot.” He had no idea how much it meant to her.

“I wouldn't have missed it. .” He put his chin on top of her head even with her heels he was taller than her. She smiled up at him, she wanted to just lean up and kiss him. Kat couldn’t tell what he was feeling because of the sunglasses.

“Matt take the glasses off, it’s dark.” He just smiled at her and put them on top of his head.
"Damn Kat, you already have him whipped! He's taking off his sunglasses for you and he never does that for anyone!" Johnny walked by, drink in hand making a whip sound.
Matt and Kat let out a laugh, "Get out of here short shit! Brian and Jimmy are taking shots, go join them." Johnny's eyes quickly went toward the kitchen leaving the two alone.

Kat let out a sigh when Matt's hazel eyes bored down into hers. Matts grip tightened on her waist and he slowly started to lean down but pulled away when he heard a crash come from the kitchen, then a Johnny's voice yell,” I got it, no worries.”
Katherina sighed out of disappointment and moved out of his arms. She ran her hand through her hair; she couldn’t believe that
almost happened.

Matt cleared his throat, trying to clear the awkwardness. He looked over at her and notice her facial expression change; the embarrassed look on her face was now replaced with a small smile when a pop song came on one Matt had heard on the radio but would change right away. Kats body reacted, “Matt come dance with me please.” Matt shook his head with a light laugh.

“I don’t dance babe you know that.”

“Please!” Matt shook his head with a smirk. The words of the song started and Kat decided to get bolder with her actions, she shook her body toward Matt’s and turned her back toward his chest. He let out a groan as she started lip synching to him and swaying her hips to the beat.

You cast a spell on me

She ran her hands through her hair and bit her lip.

You hit me like the sky fell on me
She shook her hips and leaned her body more against him and rubbed her ass against his denim cover hard-on.

I decided you look well on me, so let’s go somewhere no one else can see, you and me.

Matt groaned and grabbed onto Kat’s hips and started grinding against her.

Turn the lights down now, now I’ll take you by the hand.

Kat grabbed onto Matt’s hand that was around her waist and led him to the dance floor.

Hand you another drink, drink it if you can.

She was now dancing face to face with Matt; his hands were roaming everywhere on her while her hands locked around his neck, their bodies moving in sync.

Spend a little time, time is slipping away, away from us so stay, stay with me I can make, make you glad you came.

The way their bodies moved together perfectly, Matt couldn’t help but lean in and kiss her.
Katherina kissed back with just as much urgency, her hands keeping him in place.
They both heard cheers from behind them making them smile and break the kiss. They both looked at the guys and Amy who was standing with them.

“Told you, you wanted her!”

The sun goes down, the stars come out and all that counts is here and now, my universe will never be the same, I’m glad you came.

“You wanted me?”

“You wanted me.” Matt smirked back. Kat blushed and hid her face in his chest. Matt laughed and leaned into kiss her again.

“God, I’m never going to get tired of doing that, Happy Birthday Babe.”

Kat leaned her head on his chest and hugged him back.

“Thank you Matt, I’m glad you came tonight.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Shitty ending, I dont care.
I was pissed off at mibba for making me repost this.
Anyways, hope you liked it.
Katherina's outfit