Crazy Little Thing Called Love..

Nick's POV

It's our second to last show and we're in LA. We're playing at some queer place called The spOt. A gig's a gig.

I can't wait to see Skyy soon. I can't wait. The thought of her makes me smile.

It's time to go perform. We go up onto the short stage and pick up our instruments. It's a pretty small place, and there's people lined wall to wall.

Steve lets out a deep howl into the mic. I play a little riff on my guitar and Terry shakes the place up with a low strum of his bass, which travels through the floor, into the crowd. They start getting amped up.

We burst into music and everything becomes mixed together. There's a jumble of sweat, lights, and sound.

After our set I go backstage, take some Advil and wait for my head to stop spinning. Soon there's more music blaring from the speakers and another band is performing.

I'm staring at a wall with spray paint all over it. My head's killing me and I don't think the staring helps any. But I keep staring.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I glance up. There's a young man, maybe 20, with fading blue and purple dyed hair. His lip piercing shined in the light.

"Hey, you're Nick right?" He asks in a soft voice.

"Yeah." I say, the single word causing my head to throb.

"Man, are you okay?" I hear the concern in his voice.

"I have a killer headache. Maybe I just need some caffeine and nicotine." I say through the pain.

"I know the perfect place." He says. Then I'm standing and walking and being dragged by my hand by a strange kid I've only just met but haven't really met. He pulls me out the backdoor and down the ally towards the road.

He makes a turn at the corner of the building and walks as if he's in a hurry. Every step I take sends a pounding throb in my head.

I hear a bell and am walking into a completely different environment. Switching from the cold outside air to a warm, dimly lit coffee bar did nothing good to my head. I hear the strange kid order for two then I'm being led to a table and sitting down.
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