Crazy Little Thing Called Love..

Nick's POV

I sat up in bed and shot a glance at the clock. 11:52, it was almost noon. My head throbbed with a hangover, after getting that record deal last night, me and the boys partied like fuck. Or what we consider party anyway. Some strong alcohol and cartoons. Maybe a joint or two.

We caught Tom outside the Metro, as he was getting into his car and told him we accepted. He couldn't have been more pleased.

We start recording in 3 weeks, should finish the record in about 3 months and release it shortly after, then we go on tour and hope for the best. Great plan. What to do in the meantime though. I guess we should practice.

I fumble for the edge of the blanket and toss it off of me. Flinging my feet over the side of the bed, I stand up and go down the hall to take some Advil.

I start the coffee maker and go do my bathroom duties. By the time I;m done with that, my coffee is done, my headache eased up a bit , and it's a little passed noon. I stumble to the TV room, grabbing the phone along the way.

I turn on the TV to some show about animals and put it on mute. I dial Steve's number, when I get no answer, I assume he's still passed out from our 'hard night of partying'.

I try calling Ron next, no answer either. I drape my legs over the side of the chair and call Terry, I'm pretty suprised when he picks up.

"Nikki? Man, you're up early." he says, seemingly unaware of the time.

"Not really Terry, It' 12:30." I respond, I must've left Steve's at around five and didn't pass out for another two hours after, like I said before, I'm bad at the whole sleep thing.

"But still, you got what, only seven hours of sleep?" Terry passed out around three, he's probably the most rested of us all, If Ron and Steve wake u anytime soon anyways.

"Five actually. You know I'm not good at sleeping. But I didn't call to talk about my sleep misfortune. I think we should start practicing more than twice a week. I mean, we're going to make a record for fuck's sake, we need more than 6 days of practice from here 'til then." I point out.

"Hm. I guess you're right, that would be a pretty good idea, if we want the record to be any good anyway. I'll let Steve and Ron know. We can practice at my apartment. Let's start tomorrow though, I really doubt any of us are in the mood today."

"Sounds good bro, see ya tomorrow." I say and hang up. This might not be too much of a disaster.