Status: i hope everyone likes my story

*** Me

New Friends

Once again my dad quit his job. Every year he either quits or is fired. That means a new town, new home, new life. This time, we are back in the town of my childhood, the place I was born and raised for a few years. We are back in Hills Brook, California. Every summer I would be found here with my cousin, Felishseha. Last summer, we even got our hair done the same way but in different directions.
“Leanda!” Felishseha burst into my thoughts.
I turned my head just enough so that she could know that I’m listening while still soaking in the sun.
“I was trying to tell you that my boyfriend's coming over. He’s also bringing some of his friends.” She said. She's annoyed with me. She doesn’t like to repeat herself, or hearing others repeat their selves. Once is enough for Felishseha.
“Oh, that is just great.” I moaned. “I was hoping for a quiet day in our bikinis, soaking in the sun, with you." I looked over at my cousin and saw the shocked expression. "But hey, that's my opinion. If you invited someone over let the party begin.” Her expression changed to happiness when I finished.
Felishseha’s cell started to vibrate and buzz. She picked it up to see who sent her a text. Her face lit up when she saw who it was.
“I’m glad you’re OK with it. They'll be here in a minute.” Felishseha said without taking her eyes off the phone.

I lifted my eyes to see who was coming through the fence gate. There was Gideon and two of his buddies. Gideon's Felishseha’s boyfriend. After I saw who it was, my eyes landed on the boy standing behind Gideon and didn’t want to move. He had raven black hair that went just past his ears and chocolate brown eyes. I knew about his eyes because they were on me as mine were on him. He seemed to be a foot taller than me.
Our eyes stayed on each other as he got closer. His eyes seemed to pierce right through my soul. The right corner of his mouth curled up slowly. They then reached us and Felishseha started the introductions.
“Leanda, you know Gideon. This here is Broden. Broden this is Leanda.” Felishseha said while indicating who she’s talking about. I could see her out the corner of my left eye. My eyes were still on the one called Broden. His eyes were still on me. The other corner of his mouth came up to meet the right side.
“I am pleased to meet you, Leanda.” Broden said while holding out his hand. I took his hand in mine.
“The pleasure is all mine.” I said with a smile. Felishseha continued the introductions, oblivious to the exchange. I barely spared the other person any notice, keeping my eyes on Broden.
“Leanda, this is Allen. Allen this is Leanda. Allen's my friend Layla’s boyfriend. Broden's single by the way."
At that, my attention is taken from Broden and put on Felishseha.
“Felishseha, are you trying to hook me up with someone?” I said with a little hurt in my voice, even though I secretly like it.
Felishseha’s eyes filled up with hurt and tears. “I thought that you would like to have someone here to date.” She sounded like she was going to cry.
I wrapped my arms around her and whispered in her ear.
“Fe, calm down. I appreciate everything you’re doing. He really is cute. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.”
When we broke apart, Felishseha had a huge grin on her face. The grin was so huge it went from one ear to another.
I then turned toward the boys. Of course I knew Gideon. He came around, a few times, when I was with Felishseha. I recognized Allen, but I never talked to him. Allen camearound with Gideon but he stood on the sidelines. I never saw Broden though.
I looked over at Broden and saw that he was gazing at me. He looked like he was trying to figure me out. True, I would like someone to date. It's not like I had someone in all the places I lived. In fact I never had a boyfriend in the other places. I knew we wouldn't be staying for long.
As the drinks diminished, I got up and went into the kitchen. As I was getting the drinks I began to feel that i wasn't alone. I turned around and saw Broden.
"Hey." I said. "I thought I was alone."
"Yeah. Well." Broden looked around the kitchen like he was nervous. "I thought that I could Help you." He then looked at me. "I was also wondering if I could get your number."
I smiled. I wrote down my number and handed it to him. "You can help. There's a lot to carry. Now that you have my number, I get yours."
Broden smiled at me. He then wrote down his number and handed it to me. "Here you go." He said. His fingers lightly touched mine. "I'll call you." He then picked up some of the bottles. "Lets take these outside to the others." With that he walked away.
When he was gone i slid down the wall, nearly hyperventilating. The hottest guy that I've ever met had MY number and I had his. After sitting there for a few minutes I jumped up and started to dance. When I was done dancing I picked up my bottles and went outside. I saw that Allen was gone. Gideon and Broden were by the pool. Felishseha was on her floating chair.
As soon as I came into view Broden glanced up and winked at me. I smiled as I sat down the bottles. I then walked over to the poolside. I dove flawlessly into the water. I could feel Broden's eyes on me the entire time. I swam over to Felishseha and propped my elbows on her chair.
I watched my cousin for a few minutes before speaking. "Guess what?" I asked. I winced inside. I had starled her. She took her sunglasses off and looked over at me.
"What?" She searched my eyes and face. While she searched, I felt my cheeks getting hot. I could tell i was blushing.
"I just got Broden's number, and he has mine. I can't believe it. He's really hot." I gushed.
Felishseha sat up and looked at me like I was crazy. Her expresion softened to happiness, after a few seconds of judging my words and how I said it.
She then grabbed my right hand with her left. "I'm so happy for you. That boy doesn't waste time."
I felt like I was getting hot so I slid my arms off Felishseha's chair and into the water. I popped back up and then went back under for a few minutes.
When she walked through the door I couldn't stop admiring her. Leanda was .... radiant. She could easily be the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I couldn't afford to wait so I asked her for her number the same day I met her. I can't believe I've never came around with Gideon when Leanda was here. Of course when Gideon asked me if I wanted to come before, I asked if there will be someone I don't know. When he said yes I always made up excused, until now.
Every year Gideon would tell me about Leanda. This summer I finally decided to meet her. She's everything and more that Gideon said.
As she was setting down her bottles I gave her a wink. I got a smile befor she walked past Gideon and me and dove into the pool. I was still watching her as she swam over to her cousin. I turned back to Gideon. I could tell he knew I was checking out Leanda.
"Dude. Thanks for convincing me to come." I said with my eyes still on Leanda.
Gideon followed the direction of my gaze. "You're welcome. Did you get her number yet?"
"Yeah. I got it when I went to help her." I looked away from Gideon. "She also has mine." I looked over at Leanda again.
"Wait. She has your number? Did you give it to her or did she ask for it?" Gideon looked at me like I was crazy. "Last I knew, the girl didn't get your number when you got hers."
"She asked for it. She's different. I've never met anyone like her before. When I asked for her number, she demanded for mine."
"Hold it. She demanded? Hell. She won't get out of your head now."
"Yeah. I know. No other girl stuck in my head befor." I looked over at Leanda.
When I finally came up for air I looked over at Broden and Gideon. Broden was looking over in my direction so our eyes locked.
I touched Felishseha's leg and when she looked at me I said, "Come on. I want to dance."
She slid off the chair and into the water. We swam toward the poolside. When we got out I walked over to the studio center and turned on the radio. As the music came on I noticed my favorite station was on. 103.3 KFR is a great station filled with pop and rock.
I walked over to Broden and held out me hand. "Dance with me?"
"Sure. I'd love to." Broden took my hand.
When he stood up he pulled me toward him. since the song that came on was slow we slow danced. It felt good. I looked over at Felishseha and Gideon. They were doing the same as us. My arms went around Broden's neck as his went around my waist. My head rested on his shoulder.

Broden called me the next three nights.
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here is chapter 1. i hope you like it.