Status: i hope everyone likes my story

*** Me

I missed you

On the third night, I had just gotten off the phone with Broden when there was a knock at my door. I got off my bed and went over to my door. I looked out the window and saw my best friend. Him and my cousin are the only ones that know about my door. The door to my room's hidden by shrubs and ivy vines. the shrubs looked like a maze. To get to my door there was only one path. The ivy vines was a curtain over the door. This was the house that I grown up in before moving. It was also the house I lived in during the summer. We never sold it. I opened the door.
"Craig. It's so nice to see you." I said as we hugged. Craig bent down to give me a kiss but I turned my head so that he kissed my check.
"It's nice to see you too. Why didn't you call me and tell me you were here? It's not summer, why are you here?" Craig said while still holding me. He leaned back just enough to see my face.
"I've only been back for three days. You know that I like to have a few days to rest and see my cousin. I live here from now on. No more moving. My dad got a job here now." When I was done talking Craig tightened his hold on me into a bear hug. "Um... Craig? You're going to break me." I said as I tried to push him away.
When he let go I walked over to my bed. I sat down, with Craig across from me.
We had known each other since I turned two and Craig was three. Since then no one could break us apart. You could say we were joined at the hip. Wherever Craig went, I went too. Wherever I went, Craig went. That ended when we went to school. I got into Brookside Private School. Craig was in Hillside Academy close by. My school was just for girls. The girls' family had to be rich. Hillside Academy was the brother school to Brookside.
When we weren't at school it was the three of us; Felishseha, Craig and I. We were like the Three Musketeers. Felishseha and I went to the same school. Felishseha stayed in that school. It'd be the school I'd be going to soon. For me, the relationship between Craig and I was like a brother and sister relationship. For Craig, I had no idea how he felt.
Once we were seated and comfortable, Craig reached over and and took ahold of my left hand. It was one of the things he did when he wanted to tell me something but was afraid of how I'd react or he was nervous. Half the time he didn't say anything. He just sat there looking in my eyes and holding my hand.
This time looked just like all the others. It seemed like I had to say something.
"Is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked as his thumb started to make soothing circles.
"Um. Nothing that's important. Just... that I missed you."
When he said that I looked up at him and smiled. That was how I was feeling. I have missed him and Felishseha so much. Each year I couldn't wait to get back. This year I was more impatient to get back, since I knew I'd be staying longer.
"I missed you too. I have always hated to leave. Now I don't have to." I stopped for a second to think about how I could explain better. There wasn't a really good way. I leaned forward to give him a hug. Just as my arms were going around Craig's neck the doorbell rang.
Who could that be? It's not Felishseha. She would come straight to my door, not the front door. Whoever it was didn't know about my door. I got up and went down the hall. To get to the front door I had to go down a flight of stairs. As I was descending the stairs I was going through the possibilities. There wasn't many. There's Gideon but he only came if he was with Felishseha.
How about Layla? No. I never really met her. Broden? I doubt it. I don't think he knew where I lived. When I got to the door I moved the curtain over a little. Who did I see? The man of my dreams. I could feel Craig at my back. This would not good.
I opened the door and gave the visitor a huge smile. He smiled back at me, until he saw Craig. I can tell he tensed up. Even without turning I knew that Craig was the same way. I looked up into my knights face and saw that he wasn't looking at me anymore. He was glaring at Craig. I turned around and saw that Craig was doing the same.
"So you guys know each other?" I asked rather stupidly. Of course they knew each other. For some reason that I didn't know, they hated each other.
Craig answered with, "Yeah. We've met." As if that should cler everything up.
"Come on. You're in my house. Can't I get a straight answer around here?"I looked from Craig to the visitor and back. Back and forth. Back and forth. When I didn't get an answer I blew up. "Will someone tell me why you two hate each other? Don't I deserve to know?"
Craig looked at me like he was sad about something. Even though he looked like he wanted to say something, he never opened his mouth.


When I saw who was at Leanda's door only one thought crossed my mind. Why is HE here? He my be my stepbrother but I didn't want anything to do with him. I didn't want Leanda to have anything to do with him.
My dad married his mom a few years ago. I don't like him now and I didn't like him then. He was in the inner circle and was very selfish. He's still selfish. I was on the outside. Nothing he did appealed me. In fact everything he did just pissed me off more and more. No matter how much I dislike his guts I can't make Leanda not associate with him.
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i know this is short but the next chapter picks up where this one left off. hope u still like it.