Turn the Other Way

The Air is Cold and Thin

Julie POV

"Could this service seriously be any slower?" I mumbled to myself, getting an amused smile from Zack. "We've been here for an hour."

"Just stop complaining, Jules," Johnny shrugged, poking at his napkin with his fork. "It's an enormous restaurant, we're just lucky that we even got in here."

"If I went to Taco Bell, I'd have been able to order, eat, and do it all over again by now," I argued.

"Its fine, Julie," Zack said softly, running his fingers lightly over my arm. His eyes met mine, forcing a goofy across my face.

Boy was it good to see him again. Ever since the day he left I considered myself over the top heartbroken. But things finally felt like they were going back on track to my definition of normal. Brian's glare caught my eye from across the table. I opened my mouth to speak, but realized his glare was directed only to Zack. I furrowed my brow in curiosity and said nothing.

"So Julie," Zack started, holding my hand securely in both of his. "I can't begin to explain how much I missed you over the past few months." Brian grimaced and pouted, resting his chin on his limp hand. His gaze shifted from Zack to the other side of the room, seeming distant. "I wanna talk about...well...stuff." My heart jumped as an enormous grin invaded my features. Brian's eyes fell. I tried to ignore his expressions and turned my body to face Zack.

"What do you mean?"

"Us, Julie," he smiled, showing a small twinkle in his eye.

"Oh," I nodded, knowing that's exactly what he had been meaning. I nervously began tapping my feet. "Can we go somewhere else and talk about this?"

"Sure," he said while standing up. As he pulled out my chair, I saw the tension relieve itself in Brian's eyes. We excused ourselves politely and headed to the main entrance, stepping into the late day's sun. We both stared at the children playing across the street in the poorly constructed park.

"So," I started, pawing at the pebbles sprawled across the concrete.

"Yeah. Um, I kind of want to get back with you, Julie," he smiled, pulling me in front of him and wrapping his arms around my midriff. I bit my lip and peered up at him, holding back my smile for now.

"But Zack, how do I know you won't dump me next tour?" I asked seriously.

"We won't have a tour for a long time, you know."

"That's not the point," I sighed, leaning my head back against his chest, steadily rising and falling. "I don't like being thought of as disposable. What you did hurt me so bad."

"I know, and I can't apologize enough," he said softly against my ear. "I'm sorry. I didn't think I could handle it."

"I think that's a dumb reason, but whatever, Zack," I shrugged, reaching for his hand and taking it in my own. "I want to be with you."

"Back on track?" he asked, a playful smirk drifting across his cheeks. His lip rings twinkled in the dim light.

"Yeah," I nodded, tilting my head up to receive his light kiss. "Let's go back inside."

"Alright," he shivered, fiercely rubbing his arm with his hand. "It got chilly kind of randomly, didn't it?"

"Yeah, we're in a weird part of California," I explained to him, holding his hand tightly as we made our third trip through the fancy revolving doors. The first time Jimmy had a blast, never having dealt with the expensive life and its little treats. All eyes were on us as we rejoined our table. All full of happiness and relief; besides Brian. His dark orbs glowed with hate and envy as they specifically watched Zack. It was so intense that even I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. "What?" I finally asked him. He turned to me, almost in a surprised fashion, raising his eyebrows.

"Huh?" he asked stupidly.

"What're you staring at?"

"Nothing, Julie," he sighed, letting his eyes roam around the table. I heard clattering behind me and turned just in time to see the waiter finally delivering his enormous tray full of food. Leana's eyes lit up in hunger, and Matt clapped his hands together, rubbing them together with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. It took the waiter a couple of minutes just to get the several amount of plates passed around the table. As soon as I got my soup, I dug straight into it, not minding my manners in the least. But then again, nobody else was.

After a few moments, my attention turned to Brian. He stirred his water with his spoon, holding his head up with his hand, sighed occasionally. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to get his attention subtly. I deepened my stare, knowing that people could feel the sensation of being watched easily. But as he looked up, Zack's lips connected with mine, slowly taking in their shape as if it was the first time. Brian's eyes fell immediately as I held the kiss for a moment, enjoying the feeling I'd needed for so long. I pulled away, keeping my eyes on Zack's ever-growing smile.

We ate in under half the time it took us to even get our food. The show didn't start for another hour, so we decided to go back to the hotel near the venue and relax in the lounge, careful to watch each other’s alcohol intake. Zack's arms wrapped tighter around my waist as he pulled me onto the burgundy couch. Brian sat opposite of us, smoking a cigarette despite the numerous amounts of "no smoking" signs set up in the building. He put his white hat on backwards, taking an unnecessarily long drag before blowing it out in Johnny's face. He fought it off, coughing a few times, though he was also an avid smoker.

"So, you guys excited for tonight?" I asked the room as Zack's lips pressed against my shoulder, causing me to shiver violently.

"Yeah dude," Jimmy grinned, placing his arm around Leana's neck and pulling her close to his armpit. "Arena's are my hell. I miss personal venues."

"Me too," Brian seconded, raising his hand and eyes. He flicked the cigarette onto the middle of the beige carpet.

"You can't smoke in here," I pointed out smartly.

"I know," he smirked, leaning back in his chair. "Sometimes I just need one no matter where I am. A bunch of lame signs aren't going to stop my body from fulfilling its needs."

"Maybe if you hadn't started than you wouldn't have to violate those signs," I spat.

"Smart ass," he smirked. Zack's breath slowed as he blinked, his eyelashes gently brushing against my cheek. I rested my hand on top of his.

"Can I go check out the venue down the street?" he asked eagerly, squeezing my hand lightly. "I really want to see what I'm dealing with."

"I don't care," Matt shrugged, staring up at the high ceiling. "Just be back in half an hour."

"Alright," he said, patting my sides as a sign that I should stand up. I obeyed as he got on his own two feet. "Coming with?"

"No," I shook my head. "It's beginning to get a little cold out there."

"I guess..." he trailed off, a pleading look in his eyes.

"I'll come," Johnny volunteered.

"Yeah, I'd love to see it too," Jimmy added, holding Leana's hand up as well. "Matt?" he reluctantly nodded. All eyes turned to Brian.

"And leave Julie alone?" he scoffed. "Not smart. Someone has to stay with her."

Zack's eyes lit up with alarm as he watched on helplessly. I gave his a reassuring look, and then a quick kiss, showing him that everything would be OK.

"I'll be back in ten minutes, OK Julie?" he asked me sternly. I nodded as the five of them began to head out. I watched Zack the whole way out, not looking away until he completely disappeared. I sighed and put my hands on my hips, swerving my body to face Brian.

"Hey," he muttered, pulling out his carton of cigarettes again.

"Please don't," I said, taking the box from him. He smiled coyly and reached his hand out for the box. I shook my head and shoved them in my back pocket. He ran a hand through his hair and stood up, towering over me.

"Let's go upstairs," he suggested. "It's getting close to show time. Fans are going to rush in here pretty soon."

"I guess," I nodded, stepping over the small furniture and making my way to the elevator, Brian close behind me. "You have the room key?"

"Yeah," he snorted, pressing the up button intentionally before me. I threw him a fake glare before smiling. He pulled me into a hug, forcing the awkward feeling to return. His kiss earlier made me feel uncomfortable around him. Though I didn't see it as that big of a deal. He was just trying to kiss my cheek and missed. It happens.

The elevator doors finally opened. Four people scurried to exit the crowded compartment as Brian and I entered alone. I pressed the button for the top floor and sighed, looking at how many numbers we'd have to pass before we got there.

For the first minute, it was completely quiet, Brian bobbing his head to the delicate elevator music. But then he began to speak.

"So you and Zack back together?"

"Yeah," I nodded, putting my hands behind my back and leaning against the chrome railing.

"That's great, real great," he scoffed angrily, shaking his head.

"What?" I asked him, averting my gaze from the yellow wallpaper to his face.

"There's something about Zack I think you should know..."