Turn the Other Way


"Wake up, babe," a voice whispered in my ear. Two soft hands caressed my bare back. I reluctantly opened my eyes, squinting to the bright morning light. "Come on."

"No," I whined, turning on my back and pulling the blanket up to cover my chest. Light yellow-green eyes met mine, causing my heart to flutter. He brought his lips close to mine and gave me a light peck before rolling off the bed. I eyed his bare muscular back, dipping perfectly at every chubby curve. His scraggly black hair stiffly stuck to his shoulders from his sleeping position.

"Come on, we've got to meet the guys," he said, pulling his pants up over his plain blue boxers. He threw a white shirt over his head and turned back to face me, tying his bandana around his messy hair. He grabbed his hat off my bed stand and adjusted it on his head. He held his hand out to grab mine.

"Zack, no. I don't have a shirt on," I complained. I reached down by the side of my bed and felt around for my shirt. It took me a few moments to find my black tank top and quickly pull it over my head. I crawled out of bed and stood up, stretching my arms out eagerly to rid my muscles of tension. I felt like a god.

"Crazy night?" he smirked, pulling my body close to his. He rested his hand lightly on the small of my back.

"Yeah." I laid my head on the crook of his neck.

Zack. The man who’s been my very best friend since I was twelve. I breathed in the scent of his dirty shirt and smiled. Nothing about him was wrong.

"You ready?" he asked, pulling away but keeping his hands on my arms. I backed up a few feet and worked on putting my thin brown hair into a ponytail. I looked down at my wardrobe. Short red shorts, a somewhat skimpy tank top...and that's really it. "Babe, it's just the guys." I raised an eyebrow and sighed, using my toes to straighten out my sandals. I slipped them on and hopped a bit to get them comfortable.

"Yeah, just the guys..." I scoffed.

"Julie," he whined. "Your fine, come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door before I could even respond.

I almost tripped down the stairs as he continued tugging me. "Zack! Slow down!" I demanded, holding desperately onto the side railing. He released my hand and flashed me a smile. My eyes were drawn to a framed picture on the wall. It was Avenged Sevenfold's album release party for City of Evil. Zack's arm was around Brian's neck, both holding their own half empty bottle of Jack. I shook my head and stepped onto the carpeted living room floor.

I sighed, reminiscing about Brian. The last time we even had an actual conversation, he ended up yelling at me and walking away. That was his trademark in my book.

"What's on your mind?" Zack asked, tilting his head while opening the front door for me.

I blinked a couple of times to re-focus my vision. "Uh, nothing really." I continued forward, leaving the house and hearing Zack shut the door behind him.

I've never told him about Brian. They were best friends, band mates, practically brothers. Any tension would be devastating to the band and their friendship. But Brian sure did know about Zack.

He searched for his keys in his back pocket as I leaned my body against the passenger door. I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to warm myself up. "Hurry," I mumbled, feeling my teeth begin to chatter. He finally got in and unlocked my side. I hurried to get in to catch my breath. "It's freezing."

"Dude, it's nice," he teased. "You're just not wearing any clothes."

"It's your fault, you wanted to leave."

He stuck his key into the ignition and put the car in reverse. "We have a schedule."

"Why do I have to watch you five record every damn day?" I groaned. He smiled lightly, but said nothing as he put the car in drive and sped down the street.