Turn the Other Way

And in You I Confide

"What are you thinkin', Julie?" Brian asked me as he pulled me closer to his body, radiating heat from his tanned skin. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and sighed.

"I'm just bummed that school's almost over," I said softly. His fingers began to trace words on my back as the sun beat down on the both of us. "I mean, what's going to happen after all of this?"

"Don't think about it, OK?" he told me with a smile, lightly kissing the top of my head. "Let's just go back in the pool. No one's here today."

"I know," I grunted, pulling the towel tighter over my body as he got on his feet, helping me up as well. A sour look appeared on his face.

"Take that fucking towel off of you now," he demanded, grabbing it in the corner and pulling as hard as he could towards him.

"Brian!" I complained, desperately reaching for the fabric, pleading it's comfort wouldn't leave me. He threw it a few feet behind him and adjusted his white hat over his uncontrollable hair. "Fuck you!" I shouted, crossing my arms to subtly cover up my stomach.

"Come on," he smiled, slowly making his way over to me. He gently held my wrists and moved them away from my midsection, placing them back to my sides. I bit my lip uncomfortably and tried to retaliate. "Julie. I love your stomach."

"But that bump..." I trailed off, avoiding eye contact.

"Fuck that," he laughed genuinely, a broad smile spread across his face. "If your stomach looked any different I'd be pissed. I hate girls who's are flat. Yours is fucking amazing."

"Thanks," I muttered, feeling good enough to at least look him in his chocolate brown eyes. I couldn't help but to smile at his gentle yet masculine features.

"Besides, look at my gut," he laughed loudly, patting his stomach, letting it jiggle just barely. I shook my head and chuckled. He wasn't fat, even chubby at that. He was just meaty and it melted my soul. "Now enough insecurity, let's fucking swim!"

"What the hell do you mean you can't go to prom!?" I shouted loudly in the phone. I could feel Brian cowering away from his receiver. "It's our last year; we only have a month left! I can't fucking miss this, Brian."

"I'm so sorry, Julie," he apologized softly, keeping a calm tone throughout his sentences. "I really want to go with you. More than you even know, I think. But this is an insane chance for Avenged Sevenfold and I just think that..."

"I don't fucking know what your talking about," I snarled. "You're new to that band. They literally just asked you to join."

"But they're my friends, Julie!" he argued, still keeping his volume well below mine. "And even if I'm new, I'm still a part of it. This show means a lot, there will be producers and shit there. Zack said that it'll be the most important show of our life."

"Zack," I chuckled. "Does he still like me?"

"Yeah, dude," Brian smiled.

"You haven't told him, have you?" I warned, glaring at seemingly nothing for emphasis.

"About us dating?" He paused before sighing. "No. I wish I could..."

"Yeah, I know. But he's my best friend and he likes me," I explained. "I don't want him hurt."

"I know. Haven't told a soul, honest, alright?"

"OK," I trailed off, beginning to play with the fuzz of my socks. "I'm still pissed, Brian."

"I know, I'll make it up to you," he told me. "Go with Val."

"Come on, you know she'll be at your show," I scoffed, throwing the little balls of thread from my socks across the room. I watched it hit the floor and sink into the carpet.

"Well than I don't know. Go with one of your friends. I won't be mad."

"I will be," I sighed, lying back on my bed. "I guess Leana won't be going. She hates you guys."

"Alright," he chuckled. "Take her."

"This is fucking gay," I groaned in frustration.

"I'm sorry, I really am..." There was silence between the two of us. "Your going to look so beautiful..." A small smile finally played across my face. "But I have to go. We need to practice up badly for this show. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, Brian," I mumbled, hanging up the phone soon after he said goodbye. I threw it against the headboard, a little harder than expected, as it broke into three separate pieces and fell on my pillow. "Shit!" I yelled loudly, standing up and leaving my room immediately.

"This isn't right, Leana," I sighed, sucking in my chest as she slowly zipped up the back of my violet satin dress. I looked in the mirror and straightened out the midriff section, looking at myself from a couple of different angles. I wrinkled my brow and frowned. "His favorite color is purple."

"Cool," Leana grunted, finally getting the zipper all the way up. She moved around to stand in front of me, her poofy white dress rubbing against my arm and causing it to itch. She watched my sympathetically. "It'll be OK. You don't need them to have fun with me, Jules."

"I know I don't," I smiled, pushing my hair up and letting her apply yet another round of hairspray to keep it up. I finally smirked, feeling satisfied with the finishing touches. I kneeled down carefully to tie my black heels tightly to my ankles. I sighed one last time, taking my final look in the mirror before realizing that I was going to prom alone.

One of the last weeks of my high school career was going horrible. And prom was supposed to change everything. Who knew what would happen when school got out? Brian and I could never talk to each other for all I knew. I held back gentle tears at the thought and shook my head, trying to think of something a little more positive. I felt Leana's fingers intertwine with mine as her eyes shot me a reassuring look.

"It'll be OK, Julie, I promise," she nodded, her dark make up bringing out her light eyes. "Let's just go and have fun. If you want, we can get wasted afterwards."

"Thanks, Lee, I'll keep that in mind. Let's go get these pictures over with and then leave."

"OK," she smiled, releasing my hand to hold her dress high above the ground. I did the same and waddled out of my bedroom, starting the long journey down the stairs.

"Come on, Julie," Leana whined, desperately attempting to pull me to my already sore feet. I rubbed at my temples and gritted my teeth.

"No, leave me alone," I growled, pulling away, earning an upset look from my best friend. "I'm really sorry, just give me a minute, OK?" She nodded unsurely before walking away. It was only an hour into prom and so far I had puked, gotten a massive headache, and broke a shoe. It fucking blew here. As if I hated the kids at my school enough, this was the icing on the cake. Having one room full of a bunch of sluts and assholes was beginning to piss me off to the ungodly level. I slammed my head on the table, not caring much anymore about my flawless makeup or perfect hair. My arm twitched and I scratched at it, standing up to head over to Leana. I stopped in front of her as she stared with eyes full of confusion. "Let's go."

"Huh?" she asked loudly. The rest of the table stared as well. I glared back, not knowing a single one of them.

"I can't be here anymore, I want to go," I repeated myself. She excused herself and dragged me to the corner.

"Julie, it's prom," she stated obviously. "We can't just leave."

"It's just another dance without Brian," I said softly.

"I understand that, but you'll regret it. Where would we go anyway?"

"....the show," I said quickly, chewing on a chipped manicured nail. I grumbled and pulled them all off, tossing them carelessly to the floor. This wasn't me in the least. "I need to get out of this air." I headed out of the building into the musty air. I sighed and released my hair from it's bun, letting it messily fall past my shoulders in it's wavy glory. My fingertips rubbed at my eyes, smudging the makeup drastically.

"What the hell?" Leana asked, following after me quickly. "What the fuck are you doing!?" she yelled hysterically as I sat on the ground, starting to rip a few inches off the bottom of my expensive perfect dress. I tore it all around, throwing it onto a statue nearby.

"I can't fucking stand this, it's not me, Lee," I admitted, getting back on my feet. She watched on with her mouth agape. "I need Brian. I'm going to the show." She said nothing as I reached into my purple matching purse for my keys before throwing the cheap handbag away.

"Wait!" she called after me. I turned around to see her stomping on her perfect white dress, dirtying the bottom. "I'm coming with."

As we stepped out of the car, we could feel all eyes turning to us immediately. I locked my doors as the staring gradually worsened. I could hear music from inside and knew who it was immediately. "They're playing," I informed Leana, hearing the chorus to the once Successful Failure song Streets. "That has to be them."

"Well hurry!" she shouted, shoving past the people to cut in line. Leana yelled obscenities back to anyone who dared confront her. We finally made it to the front of the line, quick to pull our money out. I smiled as the man stamped our hands. This was the most people I had ever seen at a show around here, and Avenged Sevenfold were the headliners.

It took even longer to push past everybody once we got in the building. A mosh pit had formed, so Leana kept in front of me, being the shield for anyone close enough to cause any bodily damage. She ended up throwing a few punches, not being one to let a bunch of people step all over her. We finally got to the barrier bars, holding on for our dear life as the band finally came into view. Brian had his eyes shut, looking towards the ceiling as the first few seconds of To End the Rapture came in. This was the song by them I loved most, it being the song that got Brian into this band in the first place. His fingers danced up and down the fret board, not knowing anything but their instrument. I felt the most pit grow much stronger as Matt began to bellow out his vocals.

"The wind of life and air from above smells of death!" I sang along as loudly as I could. I was surprised to see Leana's lips moving accurately with the lyrics as well. Maybe she didn't hate these guys as much as she'd made it seem. "Angels sing of the end! There's nothing you say and nothing you try can change time. Human race prepares to die!" I shouted the last line powerfully as the room went black. A couple of groans came from the applauding audience. "Fuck!" I yelled, knowing we'd arrived at the very end of their set. The lights flew back on, revealing a completely empty stage. "Come on!" I yelled to Leana, clutching her hand tightly and leading her to the side where the backstage door was located. Several people hung out near it, waiting for anybody from a band to exit. Leana pushed past them and banged on the door loudly.

"Let me the fuck in!" she hollered, cupping a hand around her mouth to amplify her voice. Her fist continued pounding. Finally the door opened to Jimmy's red face, beads of sweat dripping profusely off his skin.

"What the hell?" he asked, staring at Leana. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you guys play, that's what I'm doing here," she shot back smartly. I peered around Jimmy, not being able to see over him even when standing on my tiptoes.

"Julie?" Zack asked in shock as he stepped out of the room. I smiled broadly, pulling him into a tight hug. His short black hair matted to his forehead as he wiped at his smearing black makeup. "You look great..."

"Thanks," I smiled with a simple shrug, knowing that I had completely destroyed the beauty part of my look. He nodded once before releasing another smile. "You guys did great!" I complimented, patting him on the shoulder. "Where are the rest of the guys?" Zack opened the door wider for me, allowing entrance. Brian lay on the couch, his eyes shut tight as he rested his hands on his chest, rising and falling faster than I'd ever seen it move. I sat next to him, leaning my head on his barely inked bicep. "Brian?"

"What?" he asked, parting his eyelids to get a better look. They shot open immediately as he sat up, staring at me intently. "Julie?" he asked, almost in disbelief. I nodded and bit my lip, tempted to kiss him long and hard. "You look so fucking good."

"No I don't," I chuckled. "I went on a rampage with my hair and make-up." I lifted my dress up a bit. "And I tore this cause it was annoying."

"I don't fucking care," he smiled softly. "You look fucking beautiful. You chose purple..."

"It's your favorite," I nodded.

"What are you doing here?" he finally asked, still watching my figure closely.

"Prom was gay. I missed you too much." He stood up, pulling me along with him.

"I can't take this anymore," he announced to me under his breath. "We're going outside. Now." I smiled seductively as I followed him. I waved to Zack as we exited backstage. Brian literally dragged me through the crowds, not stopping for anybody desperate to talk to him. We got outside in half the time it took to get backstage when Leana led the way. He fumbled in his pockets for his keys and stopped in front of an old white Toyota, unlocking the back door. He got in, pulling me along with him before shutting and re-locking the door. I looked out the tinted windows, thankful no one could see inside. He immediately jumped on me, surprising me with the force he began to kiss me. His hands rested on my waist as he immediately parted my lips with his tongue. "Fuck, Julie," he moaned, opening his eyes just barely. He pulled away and caressed my cheek with his thumb. "Let's go to my house."

"What?" I asked, opening my eyes wide. I pointed back to the building. "But the band-"

"We'll come back, I swear," he said quickly, panting in-between words. "I just need to do this."

"Do what?"

"Just....I just have to."

I smirked and leaned forward, planting a single kiss below his ear. "Just have to fuck me?"

"We're leaving," he shouted, hopping up front and shoving the keys into the ignition. I stayed where I was, smiling in pure glee as he sped off, burning out as we left.

"Julie, I can't believe this is going to happen," he said in between kisses. I pulled his pants off of his legs, leaving him in just his boxers. He gently began to take my dress off me.

"Your taking too long," I growled. "Just rip it off."

"But-" I finished the job for him, carelessly tearing the dress away from my body and laying it in a heap at the foot of the bed. Brian pulled my last article of clothing off of me, lying on top of me. He pressed his lips against my shoulders, chest, everything. "It's going to hurt."

"I have faith in you," I chuckled, feeling my nerves begin to twist angrily in my body. "Just...be gentle, OK?"

"Don't even worry about it, Julie," he smiled, lightly pecking my lips. He knelt down to my ear and sighed. "I love you."

"I love you too, Brian," I whispered harshly, wrapping my legs around his thick waist as he continued kissing me. My body shivered at the feeling of his lips against my bare skin. I bit my lip as he lowered himself onto me.

"I love you so much," he whispered one last time before finally becoming one with me.