Turn the Other Way

There's Nothing Left to Say...

"Wake up, Julie!" Leana shouted loudly as she threw her arms up in the air. I squinted my eyes and pulled the covers back over my head. A disappointed scowl appeared on her face. "Come on, please?"

"Why?" I moaned into my pillow. She suddenly tossed the comforter away from me and let it fall to the floor.

"Because it's three in the afternoon, and I'm bored," she huffed. I stretched my legs out and crawled out of bed, standing on my two feet. A yawn escaped my lips as I shoved Leana playfully. She giggled and pushed her hair out of her face. "And....." she began.

"And what?" I asked as my eyes finally opened fully. I rubbed the crust out of them and shook my entire body.

"Matt called. Not Shads, but the one from the bar."

"Ah, fuck," I groaned. "He probably thinks I'm crazy after that night."

"Yeah," she shrugged. "But he doesn't think that your too crazy, I guess. He did call."

"What'd he want?" I asked, heading out of the room.

"Um, I wrote it down," she muttered, speeding past me down the hallway. By the time I got down the stairs she was already equipped with a pen and notepad. She chewed on the tip of the pen.

"Leana, don't eat that," I scolded her, cracking my knuckles against my thighs. "That was a gift from Johnny."

"So? It's a pen," she laughed, her light eyes turning back down to the paper. "Well, he left his number, and wants you to call him back. He wants to make plans or something...that or plants. I can't read what I wrote."

"Thanks, Leana," I smirked, taking the paper from her and grabbing the phone. I dialed in the number scribbled across the paper. I held it up to my ear and watched Lee's smiling face. "What?"

"What're you gonna say?"

"I dunno. Depends on what he says."

"Hello?" his deep voice came in from the other line.

"Hey, Matt," I began. "It's Julie calling back."

"Julie!" he said gleefully. I nodded and smiled. "Hi, glad you called back."

"Yeah, no problem. So what's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight."

"Well I don’t know..." I trailed off.

"What?" Leana hissed through a cupped hand. She leaned closer to the receiver.

I covered it so he couldn't hear me. "He wants to hang out tonight. I'm going to say no."

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm dating fucking Zack, that's why," I frowned.

"But he kind of cheated on you, remember?"

"And I cheated back," I admitted, feeling the guilt I thought had left me rise up again. "We're even." I spoke in a more solemn tone.

"Well I'll come with you then," she decided, crossing her arms. "I want to do something tonight." I rolled my eyes and moved my hand away from the phone.

"Sure," I breathed. "What do you have in mind?"

"I don't know. Maybe go to the bar again and hope things go a bit better?" he chuckled.

I thought for a moment. "Yeah, sure. Leana wants to come with, if that's OK."

"Alright. I'll bring a friend."

"But she's kind of dating," I said, furrowing my brows. "This guy..."

"Who?" he asked, almost as if he were offended. "Would I know him?"

"Probably," I laughed. Leana gave me a questioning look.

"Well than, who?"

"Ever heard of a dude named the Rev?"

"Yeah, dude. The drummer? I love Avenged Sevenfold." Leana heard his words and stifled a laugh. He gasped. "Is she dating him?!"

"Yeah," I told him.

"Fuck yes, make her bring him!" he yelled loudly. "He's a fucking bomb ass drummer!"

"Yeah, I know. But they're on tour."

"How do you guys know them?"

"Been friends for a really long time," I explained, twirling my finger through the telephone cord. "Friends and stuff."

"Ever hook up with one of ‘em?" he asked slyly with a laugh. I chuckled softly but said nothing. "Alright, so be there around seven?"

"Sounds good," I sighed, moving my fingers from the phone cord to the chipping wall paper. "See you then. Bye."

"So..." Leana started as I hung up the phone. I placed my hands on my hips and smiled.

"Go shower or something, we're meeting him at seven," I smiled. She jumped in joy as she headed up the stairs. "But he's bringing a friend!" I shouted after her. "Don't let yourself get tempted!"

"Hey girls," Matt said as we joined him in our regular booth. I swear that the club purposely kept this area clear just for us. I slid in next to him, staring at his rather peculiar looking friend. His light blue hair shone in the black lights surrounding us as his thin lips curved up into a smile. His gaze stayed fixed on Leana. He put an arm around me, hugging me casually through our confined space. "Derek, this is Julie," he said, pointing to me. "And that's Leana."

"Hello!" she said enthusiastically.

"Leana, eh?" he asked coyly. "The one dating The Jimmy Sullivan?"

"Yeah, dude," she grinned as she drank from Matt's cup. "Can I have this?" Matt chuckled and nodded as she downed the rest of his liquor.

"So how are you guys?" Matt asked me, his breath already smelling a bit like alcohol. He shoved a bottle of Jack Daniels towards me. "I know you like this stuff."

"Yeah, thanks," I smiled, twisting the stubborn cap off the bottle. I drank slowly from it, careful of my intake. Without my big strong Avenged Sevenfold around, I didn't feel that safe taking in lots of alcohol. "And we're OK. Glad to be out of the house."

"Yeah, glad to hang with you without any...disruptions," he smiled, raising his eyebrows. I turned to Leana with a questioning look before looking back into his light eyes.

"Mhmm," I said as I took a larger chug than I was used to. I coughed and held my mouth, feeling as if I was going to puke the strong whiskey back up. "Sorry," I said through my minor heaves.

"No problem." He downed the rest of his drink, as his friend Derek had three separate shots.

After a few minutes, I could tell that Derek was already drunk, and that Matt was getting there. Leana had finished her drink and was already long gone. I watched her drunken smile grow wider.

"Dude, you’re smashed already?" I asked through a chuckle.

"Yeah. I'm going to dance," she announced, standing up and taking the liberty to walk herself to the middle of the dance floor. Derek hopped out of the booth, quick behind her.

"Wait!" I called, grabbing his wrist. He looked back at me. "Don't you dare fuck with her."

"I won't, chill," he smiled, pulling his wrist away from me.

"He's a good dude, Julie," Matt assured me as he placed a hand on my shoulder. His long hair wisped me in the face, forcing me to back up. I was pleased, too. His breath reeked of alcohol by now. I watched his eyes cross a bit before they dilated. "But I'm gonna go have a smoke. Wanna come with?"

"Who seriously doesn’t smoke around her," I said, half jokingly. "But yeah, I'll come with. It's hot in here anyway." I scooted out of the booth, him after me. We walked side by side out of the bar into the beautiful clear night air. I heard him click his lighter and block the flame from the light wind. He inhaled deeply and breathed smoke out, careful to keep it away from my face.

"So how's your day been?" he asked, slurring his words badly.

"What?" I said, leaning in closer. He repeated himself a little slower. "Oh. OK, I guess. I got up really late, so very unproductive."

"Here, I want to show you something," he told me, tossing his barely lit cigarette to the ground. He gently grabbed a hold of my wrist and walked me to the parking lot. My stomach began to hurt.

"What?" I asked.

"Well first, I want to ask...which band mate are you dating?" he said, stopping in front of a car. He pulled his keys out and unlocked it, sitting in the driver’s seat. "Hop on in." I bit my lip and decided to get in anyway. Once the doors were shut and the lights went off, I wished I hadn't. Thankfully, he turned the car on, turning the volume of his music down, but keeping the light on.

"Zack," I said proudly.

"Ever fucked with someone else in the band?" he asked through a smile.

"I'm not telling you that," I laughed uncomfortably. He turned the music up a bit and leaned closer to me. My chest flipped and spun in nervousness.

"So you're Vengeance's girl?" he whispered seductively.

"Yeah," I answered, reaching for the handle on the door. Something wasn't right. He quickly locked the doors from his side, keeping them held down. "Please let me out."

"Sorry, dude." He shook his head. "You may be Vengeance's girl, but he's not here. You're mine tonight."
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Gotta read my new story "The Poison". It's definately a bit on the weird side, but I believe it's some of the best writing I've ever done. And it'll be short. A mere thirteen chapters. I'm excited :). And finally updated this one! I'm definately not leaving it hanging, I'm ready to continue on with it. But I just got a job at Subway, and I may be a bit more busy.