Turn the Other Way

The Painless Pleasure

"Matt, seriously, I want to leave," I said through a panicked tone. I tried to roll down the window but figured out that was locked as well.

"Jules..." he raised his eyebrows. May I call you Jules? We can just have a little fun. No harm in that, eh?"

"Yes harm in that!" I shouted, tightening my grip on the handle. "I'm dating someone!"

"Someone who isn't here," he pointed out. I watched him carefully as he slowly reached over me, the scent of alcohol and shampoo diluting my senses. He lightly wrapped his fingers around my wrist and tugged my hand away from the handle. I gasped in surprise as he jumped into the backseat, pulling me along with him.

"Matt!" I shrieked, falling onto the floor of his car. I desperately tried to crawl back onto the seat but was shoved against the door. Matt's lips harshly crashed into my own, his snake bites leaving indents in on my chin. I grunted. They reminded me of Zack. He forced his tongue into my mouth and straddled me. "Get off!" I screamed through his mouth, shoving him as hard as I could. He couldn't budge.

"Ssh," he whispered, pulling away and watching me from behind his icy cold eyes. A coy smirk spread across his face. "Seriously. I want you to feel pleasure in this."

"Well I fucking wont!" I snapped. "Get the hell off me!"

"You’re gorgeous when you’re frustrated," he giggled, leaning down for another kiss. I looked away, his lips connecting with my cheek. He rested his hand on my neck and forced me to face straight. My airway became a little more restricted.

"That hurts," I breathed. He didn't release my throat as he kissed me tenderly.

"React to me or I'll squeeze tighter," he threatened, keeping his voice calm and childish. I could've puked. "I'm going to make you want me."

No you won't. I'll never want you.

He tried at another kiss and I did nothing. Just as he warned, his fingers wrapped tighter around my throat. I gasped for breath a bit before he kissed me again, gradually cutting off my breathing more and more. Until finally, I couldn't breathe at all. In disgust, I shyly rubbed my tongue against his. I felt a smile form on his face as he released me a bit. His fingers ran through my hair as he pulled me closer. He tried to deepen the kiss, and I pretended to be a little more into it as I felt the air enter my lungs again.

"There you go," he grunted, pulling away. His hot breath felt moist against my pale skin. "I knew you'd come around." I gritted my teeth, doing everything in my power to keep from crying. He sat up straight as my leg vibrated. I tried to reach my arm down and grab the phone, but was stopped abruptly by Matt. He rested his hand on my leg, slowly sliding his fingers to my inner thigh. I repressed a sob. He delicately reached into my pocket, taking his time and moving his fingers seductively until he pulled out my phone and flipped it open. "Leana says 'where are you?' Hmm," he mumbled, typing a message back. "I say 'on a walk. Be back soon.'"

"Matt..." I pleaded, finally allowing myself to cry a bit. He tossed my phone to the front seat and let go of my neck. I rubbed it softly and coughed a few times. He struggled to sit me up straight, my back against the seat.

"I love when you say my name," he laughed, pulling my shirt over my head in one swift motion. I covered my body with my arms and kicked my legs, hoping he'd fall off me. But the fact that he was drunk made him that much more powerful. He shoved me hard until my back hit the cheap leather. My pants came off before I could blink and realize what exactly he was doing. His breath felt moist against my sweaty body as he pushed himself on top of me, working diligently to get his clothes off in the shortest amount of time. His eyes stared into mine, screaming harsh emotions into my own. "You ready?"

"No," I said, shaking my head as I fought not to let myself cry. But with the amount of force he shoved himself into me, I finally allowed the tears to crash to the seat. Nothing had ever hurt that bad. He grunted once and chuckled as he started moving rhythmically. I stifled a few sobs and held onto the door handle tightly, trying to get my mind far away from this situation. If I just let it happen, it'd be over soon. I wrapped my fingers around the handle, but soon loosened as his hand found its way to my throat again. I let my arm drop and fall to the floor as he sped up.

We both jumped when a fist collided with the car window. I screamed, but Matt didn't move, finishing what he had started. The pounding continued.

"Help!" I cried loudly, tilting my head to see who was outside of the car. Leana..."Help me, Lee!" I shouted. She pulled on the handle, and even inside of the car I could hear her grunts of exasperation. Matt moaned once, and pulled out of me, breathing hard. I sighed in relief as he released my throat. Another body joined Leana's, and I recognized it to be Derek. "Oh no," I whispered, biting on my nail and trying to sit up straight. My whole body hurt. I gritted my teeth and managed to keep myself up right, pulling my clothes over my revealed body.

"Matt, open the door!" Derek demanded, his brows furrowing in anger. His voice sounded muffled and so far away. "This is fucked up, dude!"

Matt smiled and slid his pants over his legs, reaching over the driver’s seat to press the button, allowing the doors to become unlocked. I felt the warm air circulate as the door opened immediately. Derek's cool hands grabbed my arms and tugged me out of the car, gently placing me on the ground. I desperately put my clothes on before anyone could see.

"Baby, I'm so sorry for leaving you," Leana cried, tears streaming down her face.” I didn't know this would happen."

I nodded and swallowed, not sure what I could say to her. I watched Derek reach into the car and drag Matt out, throwing him to the ground just feet away from us. I slid across the cement and leaned against the wall, far away from the two of them. Derek straddled him and grunted loudly, his fist crunching the bones in his cheeks. He continued beating him across the face until Matt didn't fight back.

"Derek," Leana intervened, heading over to him and resting a tender hand on his shoulder. "He's out. It's OK."

Derek flipped his hair out of his eyes and grunted in exhaustion, crawling off of Matt and standing up straight. His eyes met mine. "I'm so sorry. Are you OK?"

"No," I said through a forced smirk. I stood up as well, feeling my legs shake from pain and fear. "I just want to go home."

"I can take you," Derek offered. "Where are his keys?"

"In the ignition," I said softly, pointing to the driver’s seat. Leana reached down and wrapped her arms around my, pulling me up to an erect position. I leaned against her as we stumbled to the car, her still a bit intoxicated. "You OK to drive?"

"Yeah, dude," he smiled, jogging to the other side of the car. "I'm pretty sobered up now."

"Are we just gonna leave him here?" Leana asked as she helped me into the passenger’s seat. I avoided looking behind me where we had lay earlier.

"I'll come back later," Derek shrugged, shutting the door behind him. Leana took her seat behind him and stroked my arm gently.

"It's OK, babe," she smiled. "You're alright now."

I nodded in appreciation and knew that I wasn't. What was I going to tell the guys?
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Actually fairly indifferent about this chapter. I've been having writers block and I'm just trying to keep this story going.