Turn the Other Way

Man's Becoming More Corrupt Now

“Guys, I don’t know about this,” I started, shakily placing the bulky headphones over my ears. Fourteen curious eyes watched my closely.

“Julie, don’t worry about it,” Zack smiled, leaning on the speaker button. “We wouldn’t let you sing on our album if we didn’t absolutely love your voice.”

“Alright,” I said unsurely, holding the headphones steady with one hand. I really wished they hadn’t called a technician to fix the wiring. I would’ve loved to go without the pressure of singing. I wondered how Matt did this everyday flawlessly, not once feeling self-conscious about his voice. I he messed up, hit a wrong note, he’d laugh it off and continue.

“Ready?” Fred asked me, looming over the sound board. “Just listen through once.” I nodded nervously and swallowed my built up saliva I jumped a bit when the music blared in my ears, starting a couple of seconds before I was supposed to come in. It stopped after a moment and I grinned. The song was sounding great. “Alright, do the laugh.”

“OK,” I breathed, fiddling with my fingers.

“Anytime now,” Fred said, pushing the button down and leaning back in his chair. I threw my head back and let out a haunting feminine giggle. I turned red in embarrassment as I saw the guys clap. They were muted to me so I had no idea what was being said out there.

“Great, Jules!” Matt complimented. “Perfect!” I grinned and felt my body loosen up slightly. “Let’s do the actual singing now.” I nodded and licked my teeth. I could do this.

“That’s a wrap on Julie, guys,” Fred informed us. I took my headphones off and gently placed them on their rightful rack. I stepped over the equipment sprawled in my path and rejoined the band in the comfort room.

“Julie, you did so well!” Zack said warmly, immediately pulling me into a loving hug. My stare met Brian’s, and all he could do was smile. My heart dropped to the floor as Zack kissed the top of my head.

“Yeah,” Brian added, standing up and reaching into his back pocket. He pulled out his carton of cigarettes and stuck the last one in between his lips. “Couldn’t have found anyone better.”

“Thanks,” I said softly, forcing a smile. I squeezed Zack tightly before subtly scooting away from him.

“I’m going to smoke and get some air,” Brian said, already heading out the door. The circulation of the air made me realize that it was warming up, and it was only ten o’clock in the morning. “Be back in five.” He kept his eyes on mine, watching me the whole time until the door shut behind him.

“Babe, I woke up just in time to see you sing,” Leana smiled. Jimmy’s arms wrapped securely around her as she leaned into him. “You sounded really good.”

“Thank you,” I grinned, completely detaching myself from Zack’s embrace to get to the couch. I felt his eyes burning into my back as I flopped down beside Leana on the couch. Zack’s eyes watched me carefully as he crossed his arms. I noticed him begin to chew on his ring. I jumped high as I felt my phone vibrate against my leg.

“What the hell?” Jimmy asked me, finally deciding to stand up. “What’s going’ on there, Jules?”

“I got a text, that’s all,” I told him, struggling to get my phone out of my tight jeans pocket. I felt the room watch me as I fought with my pants. I finally pulled it out, sighing with relief as I flipped it open.

Meet me outside.

My fingers were quick to type a no back to Brian.

We need 2 tlk abt wht hppnd J. I wnt 2 kno whts goin on.

Nothings going on, Brian.

Thts not how ur lips felt. I loved it.

I scowled and began to click the buttons frantically.

"Oh wow," Leana gasped. I hid my phone and turned around quickly, attempting to control my face. Her eyes were wide with shock as her mouth hung low. "What's going on?"

"Nothing is going on, Leana," I hissed, keeping my voice low. She glared at me and peered up at Zack.

"Hey Zack," she started. He raised his eyebrows and turned to face us. I nudged Leana hard with my elbow. "Can I have a cigarette?"

"Sure," he shrugged, tossing her his pack. "Just don't let Julie dump them of whatever." He winked at me and I chuckled, scooting closer to the arm of the chair.

"Nope, you’re coming with me, Julie," Leana demanded, wrapping her thin bony fingers around my wrist until it hurt. I was forced onto my feet and nearly dragged outside. She slammed the door behind her and pushed me against the wall, actually causing a painful sensation in my back. "Tell me what Brian was talking about."

"Nothing, get off me!" I yelled, pushing her away from me.

"How fucking dare you cheat on Zack!" she growled under her breath.

"I didn't!" I began, standing my ground. "Well, I didn't mean to!"

"And with Brian too?! You are insane, I can't believe you," she said, shaking her head angrily.

"Why are you so mad?"

"Zack is one of my very best friends," she yelled, annunciating each word carefully. She stuck her finger out and poked me hard in the chest. "And you’re fucking with him."

"You don't understand!" I grumbled shoving her hand away harshly. She glared and pushed me up against the wall again, holding her weight against my body.

"Yes I do. I've been cheated on so many times, Julie. Brian has made you a whore."

I bit my lip angrily and felt tears springing from my eyes. Without thinking, I pulled my arm back and slapped Leana. Not very hard, but still enough to echo throughout the small alley way. Both of us went completely silent. Leana's face filled with disappointment and fury as she leaned close to my face. "How dare you."

Before I could blink I felt knuckles connect with my cheekbone. I gasped in surprise and pain as the force sent me to the ground. I grabbed her legs and pulled her down, pinning her to the ground. My vision felt blurry from the shock of the blow as I held her hands back. She tried to swing at me again, missing after I dug my nails deep into her palms.

"Get off me, Julie!" she shrieked, squirming underneath my weight. I tried to make myself heavier. Leana was terrifying under me, like a rabid dog on a weak leash.

I heard the studio door open as I locked ferocious gazes with Leana.

"Julie?" Zack asked in confusion, grabbing me around my waist and pulling me to my feet. My angry eyes slowly faded into a helpless stare, begging Leana to stay quiet. Her glare never weakened as Jimmy got her to stand as well.

"What the fuck?" Jimmy muttered, holding up her wrists to observe the red nail marks that had broken skin. Leana's chest rose and fell quickly as she received his embrace.

"Julie," Zack whispered, cupping my face with his hand and running his thumbs over my cheek. I winced in pain and pulled away. "What happened?"

"I don't know," I responded dryly. I noticed Brian turn the corner, tossing his cigarette butt to the gravel. His dark eyes met mine as he stopped, seeing all but Fred and Matt huddled outside.

"What did I miss?" he asked cluelessly, directing his question to me. He looked from my face to Leana's. Jimmy wrapped an arm around her and led her inside.

"You alright, Jules?" Johnny asked, resting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and sucked my lip as he frowned, turning around to join Jimmy.

"Julie?" Brian asked, finished his journey over to us after taking in the scene. "You and Leana?"

"Yeah." I swallowed and hung my head low.

"Can I have a minute, Brian?" Zack asked politely. He nodded calmly and strutted into the building, shutting the door tightly behind him.

"Alright," he started, lifting my cheek to get a better view at my already visible bruise. "What the hell happened to make you two fight? Not my cigarettes, right?"

"Of course not," I chuckled, pulling away from his fingers. I put my hair behind my ear and made eye contact with him.

"Well than what? I thought you guys were best friends."

"I don't know what happened, we just started fighting," I lied, knowing that my explanation definitely could not cut it. "Sorry if we ruined today."

"Well one of you needs to leave," he sighed, running a hand through his hair as his gaze shifted to the sky. "And Leana probably won’t go. Jimmy won’t let her."

"Oh no, Jimmy," I cried, dropping my arms to my side. "He's never going to talk to me again."

"Yeah he will, you know how he is," Zack smiled genuinely, stroking my arm. "I'll take the day off and leave with you. We can go eat or something, maybe have a night alone?"

I smirked and rubbed my sore cheek. "If you’re sure you can."

"Of course I can, do you really think they can fire me?" he joked, already heading back inside. As the door cracked open, I saw a pair of concerned eyes staring at me, as he continued to strum his guitar.