Status: Working on it

悪魔の心 "Demonic Hearts"



Damn I hate Science.

“So if we take the first sample of sulfuric acid and mix it with the….” I block out the teacher’s voice. I already know everything about science. The atoms, the world, the universe, the multi-universe. To hear it over and over again gets annoying.

I try to zone in to some emotions around me, but every single person in this damn room is either asleep or is blank. Lucky me. I sigh and bang my head on the desk, closing my eyes. I’m about to fall asleep myself, but then a knock from the class room door brings my head up. Normally I don’t care what goes on around me at this school, but the thing behind that door is giving me tingles. Could it be - ?

The teacher opens the door and there she is. Tall, beautiful, and surrounding in a aura full of emotions. I’m nearly knocked out of my desk from the sudden impact thanks to nearly an hour of no feeding.

“Um, sorry I’m late. I’m -”

“Yes I know who you are,” the teacher intterupts and for an odd reason I want to kill him for that. I watch as he hands her a note and tells her to take a seat. She does and lucky for me it’s the next right next to mine. I silently thank Enki for that as I feel the energy she’s given me already. But before I can even get a taste of more, it abruptly stops.

What the -?

(“Don’t even try it.”)

I blink. A voice is inside my head, but it’s coming from her. It’s gruff, harsh, the sound of a …. Ah crap. So there’s an Angel in her.

(“Damn right there is. You’re not touching this one, demon. She’s been Claimed by us.”)

I want to growl. That damn Shin lied to me…wait. He always gets first dibs, never tells anyone…he did know. He only told me there wasn’t to get at me. I’m going to kill him. I sigh and close my eyes. Let’s take this somewhere where I can see you.

I concentrate and a thick forest appears in my mind. Two stone benches materalize along with a small fountain, Enki’s sigil spurting water from the top. I wait and suddenly the Angel appears, his grey wings and grey skin making me feel sick. His solid black eyes don’t help.

“Why’d you call me in here, Demon?” he asks and I want to go deaf from just his voice. I get a good look at him before answering. He’s tall, but I’m taller. His hair is oily black and chopped up to a crew cut. He’s covered in nothing but a grey cloth that only covers his area and that’s it. I look back up to glare him in the eyes.

“I don’t know why your vermin keep taking humans. You should know by now that Enki has won. The humans are ours.” The Angel laughs and I want to kill him.

“Then do it, Demon,” he demands, his voice threatening, taunting. I crouch down, ready to fight, a silver sword now in my hand, but before I can even strike, something draws me out. Everthing disappears to black and my eyes snap open. The teacher’s standing in front of me, one hand on hip, one brow cocked. His look is stern and I know I’m in for it now.

I hear a dark chuckle in the back of my mind as I’m forced out of the classroom and to the principles office.

Damn Angel….


The bell’s rung, I’m out and heading to second hour, but before I even think of actually walking into the class, I’m wanting to see her. I look and look and finally spot her. She’s getting a drink form the fountain. I grin and begin to walk towards her, but not before seeing the face of that damn angel. He’s baring teeth at me, hissing. I scoff and keep walking foward. Suddenly I feel sick to my stomach, but I block his attack before he has a chance and then I’m near her.

“Hey,” I say. She smiles shyly and wipes away a drop that was on her lip. Her lips…full, red, plump. I can’t look away until she clears her throat. “So you never told me why you moved here,” I say, only wanting to feel those emotions. I feel them now, but they’re not as strong as before. What the hell?

“Yeah, I don’t…I don’t really want to talk about that,” she states. I nod, understanding. Though secretly I’m pissed. Damn girls and their shy emotions. That’s one emotion I can deal without.

“So what’s your next class?” I ask, trying to find another emotion to feed on from her. I feel a bit of excitement vibrate from her, but then again there’s that annoying nervous one blocking most of it from me.

“Um, I think it’s Math.” I nod. I don’t have Math, only Pre-Calculus. Damn me being a senior.

“Want me to walk you there?” I ask, hoping she’ll agree so I can feed from her a little longer. She looks liks she’s going ot say yes, but suddenly her expression changes as if she’s confused and I can hear a tiny whisper in her mind, speaking to her.

(“Don’t trust him. He’s evil.”) She looks at me puzzled. That damn Angel, sending her wrong thoughts. If anything, HE’S evil. I hear him chuckle at my thought but she doesn’t hear it.

“Um, I-I think I can mangae,” she replies and now her eyes are looking at me with both fear and sadness. I sigh and nod. She leaves. The bell rings, the halls clear. Second hour is starting but I’m heading for the bathroom.

In the next minute, my hands bloodied, the concrete has holes and I’m pissed as ever.

I hate fucking Angels.