Status: Working on it

悪魔の心 "Demonic Hearts"


5:10. End of school. Am I happy? Hell no.

“Hey, Guro, wait up!” Oh, just perfect. Fuji to the rescue. Not.

“What?” I snap. He backs up.

“Sorry, dude, just wanting to ask you something,” he says defensively. He looks scared. He should be. I’m pissed and my aura’s just vibrating with negative energy. That, and I’m as hungry as the gates of Jigoku.

“Well what is it?” I ask in a slightly better tone, but it still drips in anger.

“Asami is having a party tonight at her place and she invited the new chick. I was gonna see if you wanted to carpool it?” I paused, thought. If I go, I might can get some emotions from her, but if I go then I encounter that damn angel and another “almost” fight might start. If that happens, I might embarrass myself there, but….Ah, to Jigoku with it.

“Alright, but no carpooling.”

“Cool!” Fuji exclaims, no longer scared, but excited. I take a little, sigh, and walk off. If the party’s tonight might as well get home quickly and change. That, and I’m going to needa shot of sake before I get there.



This is the first thing I hear as I dismount my bike and kill the engine. The house I stare at is large, expensive, and is being trashed by a bunch of drunken high teenagers. Well, I made the right choice though. Plenty of emotions going on in there, that’s for sure.

Walking up the steps to the front door, I quickly see Fuji and Roku through the window, their drunk hands waving me - or trying to wave me - in. I open the door and immediately have to push and shove my way towards them. I’m hit with wave after wave of emotions and already I feel the buzz growing to a high. Ahh, the sweet taste of teenage hormones.

“Yo, Orosi!” I frown. Does he not have any sense left to call my name right? “Dude, we’ve been looking fo’ ya!” he slurs. I flash a quick smile and start to look around. If that girl is here, I need to find her. Sadly, these two aren’t going to let me.

“’Ere, ‘ere,” Roku states, pushing a drunken girl into my arms. “She’s been wan’ing to fuck ya all night, man!” I look at her and sense sickness and confusion. Pointing her towards the hallway, I watch her rush and suddenly….yep, she didn’t make it. I sigh and look some more. All I see are blended bodies. I can barely make out anyone in this room.

“Oh, I know who he loo’in fo’,” Fuji states and I turn back towards him. He’s smirking widely and I want to punch him already. “He loo’in fo’ that new babe!” I cock a brow to him.

“You know where she is?” I ask. He’s smirk widens more.

“Las’ I saw’er, she wa’ over by the hallwa’ near the kitchen.” Ha! For once, Fuji’s useful. I nod and turn, making my way towards the kitchen as “Riding Dirty” begins to play. Ugh. I hate that song. Because as I literally begin walking, they all start looking with both smirks and scoffs.

I push by them all, not caring about any of them. I feed off few, but block most of them. I see the hallway and begin to really look. I see a lot of brunettes, but none of them are her. Then…there she is. Confused, scared, and alone in a corner trying ot avoid everyone. I smile. Perfect opportunity. I ease up to her, trying to keep a calm look so I don’t scare her. That and to show her I’m not drunk or high. But as I approach her, getting closer, a man suddenly appears and he’s next to her. She seems startled until suddenly she relaxes and smiles at him. I recognize the face and want to kill him.

“Oh, hey,” I try to say nicely, but venom is dripping in my words. Not at her, but him. She looks at me with fear and cowards into his chest. My fists automatically ball up. No way is he stealing my meal.

“U-Um, O-Orochi, what are you -” she goes to ask, but that damn angel stops her.

“Why are you here, scum? Shouldn’t you be wandering the streets, vandalizing?” Oh, I love how he’s coding words. Such a liar. An ass. He’s grinning with a cocky ego and I want to punch him so badly.

(“Go ahead.”) I look at her and back to him. I look at the party. You know what? It’s just that, a party. Drunk teens, high teens, loud music. Someone got too drunk. Someone got too mad. Someone threw a guy out the window do to reckless thinking. Yeah, sounds like a good excuse.

“I’m not holding back,” I hiss. He laughs, confusing her more. She looks at us both and slowly backs away. I wouldn’t blame her. All the others around us are inching away as well.

“I don’t want you to,” he states. His eyes are all black, no white and his hair is slowly shifting to that oily black. I grin, teeth pointed, my eyes gold.

Let this fight begin.

A punch, a swing. Gasps, screams, crashing. I’m standing tall and proud, no sweat, energy pumping. Angel-pussy is halfway in the wall, legs sticking out, hair damp from sweat and body beaten.

“Come on, you pussy! Got more than that, don’t you?” I yell at the body that’s still. Everyone’s shooting me shocked looks like I’m insane. They think he’s dead, but I see his leg move and know it’s not over. He climbs out, making a lot of people faint. There’s blood oozing down his face, his shoulders, and chest. I grin at my work.

“You think one throw’s going to mess me up? Going to take more to damage me, scum!” I laugh at him and just as I pop my knuckles, “This Is Why I’m Hot” begins playing on the stereo, full and loud. I laugh more. Perfect timing for this situation.

He runs at me and I quickly side-step, grabbing his waist and flipping him over. Once his back’s on the floor, the air just escaping his lungs, I come down with my elbow onto his chest, hearing a satisfying crack. He lays motionless as I stand. I crack my neck and grin. But the grin fades when his hand grabs my ankle, throwing me over in the air and crashing through a window.

I feel the ground,the blood, the glass sticking in my skin, but no pain at all. Yet I’m wanting to slap at the irony of this. Standing up, I jump back through into the window just as he’s about to go back to her. He turns and grins.

“Good, it’s not over.” I don’t even smile. I’m pissed. Time to end this. Now. I launch at him quickly, catching him offgaurd as he thought I’d retort back. Grabbing his neck, I twist till I hear a crack, but I keep going. His skin begins to crack more, breaking like concrete and with one shove of my palm, his body turns to dust. I hear screams, I hear people falling as they faint, I even hear one calling the police. I only step away from the dust and walk to her.

She backs away quikly, only to be trapped by the wall. Everything’s silent except for her breathing. Everyone’s scared, there’s fear in the air, and all of it’s got me on overdrive. Feeling like I could crush the world in my palm, I grab her neck and force her lips to mine. As she gasps and quickly melts, I slowly absorb all the emotions vibrating off her. When I pull back, her eyes are glazed and her body’s weak. I feel a passion rolling from her and grin, pride growing at her reaction.

Winking at her once, I take my leave to the front door and even as I mount my bike and leave, the party never starts. I can’t stop laughing as I drive….

….nor can I stop feeling those sweet strawberry lips on mine.