Status: Working on it

悪魔の心 "Demonic Hearts"


Silence. That’s all I get. Pure silence as I walk into the school building. No one’s daring to look at me, no one’s daring to even speak to me. Fear is still rolling from them all and I feel a high coming on again. I think this is going to be a good day. Not being able to stop the grin, I walk to my locker, earning a few quick looks that question my sanity. I chuckle slightly at them. Humans.

As I open my locker to grab my things, the last person I thought would come up to me is her. I close my locker and face her and she jumps. I want to laugh, but if I do, it’ll scare her more.

“Hey,” I say causually as if nothing’s happen. She suddenly smiles, her cheeks turning a cute pinkish red as her blood rushes. I grin. Suddenly, it’s as if someone turned on a switch. Everyone begins talking, the halls are roaring with laughter, chatting, and it’s like nothing happened. Only humans.

“Um…a-about last night,” she starts. I inwardly sigh, knewing this was coming. I was hoping she wouldn’t remember since I kissed - Wait. I kissed her. She shouldn’t remember. Unless…I actually meant that kiss? Okay, shake the thought out. I didn’t mean it. I don’t love. I feed. Humans are food, nothing more. Right.

“What about it?” I ask back. She blushes more and looks everwhere but at me. It’s cute and I smile.

“Um…I -” She stops, looks confused and I frown. Don’t tell me there’s another? I search her mind, but I don’t hear voices. Instead, I feel a dark aura surrounding her, blocking her thoughts from herself so she’s lost what she’s about to say.

“Yes?” I ask. She nods and smiles shyly again.

“Sorry, I guess I forgot what I was about to say.” She laughs and I smile. Though something’s not right here. Guess I can find out later. I check my watch and an idea forms.

“Want to go eat breakfast with me?” I ask her. She smiles and nods.

“Yeah, I’d like to.” I grin and grab my bag, walking with her towards the cafeteria. Things couldn’t get any better now. She’s with me, talking to me, and I don’t have to worry about -

“Rachel!” Come on. Really? We turn around and standing there is a guy with shaggy brown hair and green eyes. He looks pissed, but also looks like….her? Wait. He’s American. Don’t tell me this is her brother.

“Oh, Delcan. Um -”

“Don’t tell me you’re hanging out with this guy?” he demands and I feel offended.

“Who are you?” I ask, even though I know. I just want to provoke him.

“I’m her brother,” he states, chest out in that prideful way as if that title means anything to me. He looks at Rachel now and takes her hand. “You’re not going to be anywhere near him. He’s bad news, Rach.” She looks at me confused and I glare at him.

“Hey, you don’t know me,” I say. He scoffs.

“No, but I’ve heard plenty about you. You’re the school’s man whore. Sleeping with every girl every week. Well you’re not getting my sister so stay the fuck away from her.” I look at her and she looks like she’s been slap. I watch as he takes her away and I feel the anger boil in my blood.

“DAMMIT!” I punch the lockers, making a huge dent into three of them. Students get quiet, look at me again. I only growl and stomp off down the hall.

I’m panting, my eyes watching them hug and leave. Great. What the hell is wrong with me!? Why did I get so fucking mad! Why….what’s this fucking attraction I feel for her? Surely this can’t be cause by her emotions alone. Maybe….maybe….

…maybe I’m inlove with her?
♠ ♠ ♠
Re-written because of the new direction I'm going with this, but only the last paragraph has changed.