Status: Working on it

悪魔の心 "Demonic Hearts"


I knew I shouldn’t stoop this low, but dammit, I need that emotion. It’s unexplainable now. I’ve had a taste, I’ve even had a high from her, but now…now I can’t stop. There’s something within her, drawing me to her, and now…it’s gotten me outside her window. That’s right. I stalked her from school, down the streets, almost to the edge of Hiroshima, and now I’m outside her window hiding in the bushes. Smart plan? Not this time. I don’t even have a plan. Great.

I look up at the window and for no reason my heart stops. Well, there’s a reason, but I don’t know why. Standing there is her. She’s in only a nightgown, her hair down and wet, so she’s just taken a shower. She reaches down and … I look away. Yeah, I know. Any other guy would’ve kept staring, but, something told me to look away. Something’s also telling me to find a way in. Take a breath, think. Got it.

Standing, I begin making my way to the front of her house, to the door. Materialized in my hand is a book, her book. Plan : pretend she dropped her math book while leaving school and I just happened to pick it up and bring it to her. Will it work? I hope so…

I knock. There’s a pause. Footsteps. A breath…..and the door opens. Instead of her, it’s….him.

“You.” Delcan growls as he narrows his eyes and gets into that defensive stance. I roll my eyes. This is just bullshit now.

“Rachel here?” I ask. He growls more.

“No.” I scoff and go to say something, but then she’s right behind him, looking at me with both excitement and slight fear. I grin and Delcan looks behind his shoulder, frowning. “Rachel, go back to your room.” Rachel looks at him, frowning back. She storms off and then Delcan’s looking at me again.

“Look, I want to see her,” I say. He laughs.

“Doesn’t everyone!” he yells. I cock a brow. “Rachel Lamburd, the greatest girl to ever live on this cursed earth! Everyone wants her! Everyone, everyone, everyone!” he laughs more. He looks at me, his finger pointed, frowning now. “Even you.” Huh?

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re just like the rest of them,” he continues, completely ignoring my question. I don’t say anything else, though. I’m curious now. “They get one look from her pretty eyes, one smell of her scent, one touch of her skin and they’re addicted, just like you are now. They sense her aura, they sense her power, and they just don’t stop. They keep coming and coming and coming and coming!” His eyes are watery and I’m fully interested now. I fold my arms and lean against the window.

“Who keep coming?”

“Tch. People like you. Otherkin. They all want her,” he states. Now this is something. “They even took our mother’s life all thanks to wanting her. Our father’s too. Left me to protect her, and protect her I will. You nor any other of ou filthy creatures are laying a finger on her.” He growls at me again and then I see it in his eyes. A gold circle surrounding the pupil, brightening more and more as the anger rolls off him. I grin.

“I get it. You’re a therian,” I state. He smirks.

“Took you long enough.” I chuckle now.

“So you’re, what, a wolf? Protecting your little sister? Now, is she human? Or what? What’s the reason everyone wants her? Better yet, what draws them to her?” I ask. He smirks again.

“You don’t know? Hell, that angel knew,” he states. “She’s a Multiplex. A multiple. That’s why everyone wants her. That’s why you want her. She’s a one of a kind. The last of her kind. And that draw you have from her. That draw is to kill.”

My arms unfold. Kill…I never thought to. Or have I? I’ve thought of draining all her emotions, but….maybe. I shake my head.

“No. I don’t want to kill her,” I say. He laughs.

“Right, right, right. Well -” he pauses, his expression goes blank. He snaps his head to the window the same I do. We both hear it. We both sense it. Outside.

“No time to talk now. You take one, I’ll take one. Split deal to protect her,” I say, seeing the two dark shadows emerging. He looks at me, growling.

“What makes you think you want to protect her?” I’m going to say it. It’s true.

“I love her.” Everything silent. He’s wide eyed. I’m smirking. “Let’s go.” I jump through the window right as one starts to run towards the house. It’s a vampire. Damn I hate vampires. I see the other and it’s a therian, though now wolf as it transforms. I take a quick glance behind me and see not Delcan, but a silver wolf running and colliding with other in a flash of growls and snarls. He’s got his, now I just have to get this one. The thing I hate about vmapires. They’re almost equally matched with demons.

“Move, filth. That girl is mine,” he hisses. I laugh.
“Yours? Yeah, good luck.” I materialize a sword in my hand as he draws a gun. I laugh more. “Really? A creature like you resulting to a gun. Pathetic.” He hisses and lunges at me, a dagger coming out of the stock. I don’t see it fast enough though because a pain shots through my side and I move back, pulling it out. I toss it to the side and raise my blade.

“Fucking vampire,” I growl, “this was my good shirt.” I let m eyes glow, let my horns show, and in a flash I’m running at his ass. He turns, thinking to escape. Hell no. I jump and land on his shoulders, bringing him down to the ground. With one swing, his head is gone. I sigh and get off him. Now that he’s taking of, where are the -? I look and see Delcan finishing up by tearing the wolf’s throat. I have to hand it to him. He’s not bad.

I walk over to him, the sword gone. He growls as I step near, fur ruffling till he’s standing tall back to human form. I look away, frowning.

“Please, clothes. Now.” He laughs and runs back towards the house, making me want to puke as I turn my back to him. Damn therians. I didn’t want to see now naked ass guy running. Sighing, I glance to make sure and when I don’t see him, I walk back, going in through the window. He’s on the couch now, fully clothed - well half way clothed, but it’s still clothed. He looks at me and sighs, standing up.

“So now that you know…are you going to go after her?” he asks, taking a defensive stance again. I shake my head. He didn’t hear me the first time?

“Look, I love her, alright? You might not believe me, but…I do. I want to protect her. So if you’ll let me, I want to help you.” He sighs and shakes his head, thinking. I feel confusion, anger, slight sadness, and guilt coming off him. Before he can decide, though, she comes out from the hallway, looking at both of us. Her eyes are wide and I feel fear. She must have seen us fight those two.

“Delcan…” she begins. He looks up and sighs, then looks at me.

“Fine. You can help,” he states, “but I’m only letting you because having a demon’s help might be good.” I grin. “But don’t think I’m letting you touch my sister. You may love her, but let her decide. No tricks.” I nod and see her blush as he says my confession. I smile softly at her and her blush deepens. She then looks to Delcan.

“He knows?” she asks. He nods. Then…she’s no longer that innocent girl I was just staring at. Her hair darkens till it looks almost black, her eyes shift colors till their hazel; all colors in one. Her skin pales slightly and she looks more lethal than innocent. I cock a brow and she giggles.

“You didn’t think I was a helpless school girl, did you?” she asks, wlaking up to me. I see Delcan grinning like a mad man. Now I’m confused. She laughs and looks up at me, her eyes flashing. “I’m a Multiplex, honey. Get use to it.” She winks and turns, heading out of the living room. “Anyone want something to drink?” she asks.

“I’ll take a coke!” Delcan replies, but I can’t say anything. All I can think is…

What the hell did I just get myself into?