Status: Working on it

悪魔の心 "Demonic Hearts"


“So let me go over this one more time to make sure I undersatnd it,” I say, trying to grasp all of this. Rachel’s sitting in front of me, smiling like one of those chesire cats, her legs crossed. Delcan’s on the couch, arms folded and grinning like a cocky bastard. “Okay, so you’re a rare Multiplex who basically has all of the abilities of every other kin species. You can hide our aura to match either those or a humans if you need to. Delcan’s a therian who’s not technically your human brother, but your gaurdian who’s been assigned by your parents. Your father died six years ago and your mother just recently got murdered because a Lord or something is trying to get his hands on you so he can mate with you and create an army of perfect soldiers to take over the entire Mulit-verse with?” Delcan now has both brows raised and Rachel’s laughing like a maniac. I frown. Such odd ones.

“Well, I think you just summed it up,” Delcan says, though his look says he’s not sure. I sigh and roll my eyes. Could they be anymore confusing. I go to open my mouth to explain again, but Rachel jumps forward, placing her hand over it.

“No more,” she says between laughs. I can’t stop the smile and she ceases laughing, her face changing to what I recognize as slight lust. Her cheeks are turning slightly pink and she’s leaning a little more forward, inching her way towards -

“Alright!” Delcan says, standing up making her jump back. I frown at him who smiles like a bastard. Rachel’s blushing madly and I’m chuckle. So they’re not that weird. I stand up and stretch, one more question coming to mind.

“So…if they’ve been after her all this time since birth, how have you been able to keep her hidden? Surely someone would’ve figured out her pattern, a certain flaw that only she has that could tell them where she is.” Delcan nodded.

“Well, yeah. That’s why in the past, we moved non-stop. This is our sixth time living in Japan, second time living here in Hiroshima.” I cock a brow and look at Rachel. She grins.

“Watashi wa yotte ita baai demo, kare ga kore o kyoda suru koto wa dekimasen anata no yujin no Roku no o oshietekudasai.” She started laughing at the same time Delcan did, I couldn’t help but laugh as well. If Roku had heard just now, he’d probably look like a jackass.

“So you’ve been all around the world?” I ask. She nods.

“Everywhere. American, France, England, Ireland, Germany, Mexico, Canada, Russia, China, Lithuania, Poland, Switzerland, Scotland, Wales, Alaska, Japan, -”

“Okay, I get it.” She laughs again and I chuckle. This girl has too much energy.

“Thank you.” Oh great. She laughs more till she’s rolling on the floor, holding her sides. I can’t help but shake my head. Delcan laughs at her as well and suddenly the mood’s so light and warm. The emotions feeling the room are like that of a family. I can’t see why anyone would want to kill her or use her. She’s the nicest can be. And Delcan just wants to protect her as a brother, as her gaurdian. And…so do I. But I want to protect her as something more.

Rachel glances at me in between her laughs and she blushes. I smile and see a gleam in her eyes. She feels the same way. I sigh and look at the window. Nothing could ruin this - my eyes narrow. “Shit.”

The laughter stops and the mood flees as one of caution and worry takes place. I let out a growl as does Delcan as he sees exactly what I see.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I look at Rachel and then at Delcan. Delcan curses.

“There’s way we’re going to beat them! Not that many!” I growl more and look to the hundreds of ogres, all coming from the shadows, clubs in hands and dirty grins. They just keep coming and I can tell that even with a demon like me and a therian, there’s no way we’re beating them all. Guess it’s time for me to save the day.

“Alright, we’re getting out of here,” I say, walking to the middle of the room. Delcan cocks a brow as I take out a black chalk and begin drawing a circle in the floor, accompanying it with lines and symbols.

“What are you doing?” Rachel asks. I grin.

“Something I haven’t done in years,” I say, finishing up the symbol. I look at her, smiling wider. “A transportation spell.” She looks worried, probably aware of who dangerous they are.

“H-Have you done one before?” she asks.

“Plenty of times,” I say and she relaxes before I add, “about fifty years ago.” She tenses again and I laugh. “Don’t worry. I still remember it…sort of.” I laugh more and motion for Rachel and Delcan to stand inside. I check the window and they’re closer. Got one chance.

I step back into the circle and lift my arms, closing my eyes to concentrate. “Anyone have a destination?” I ask. Rachel stays quiet but Delcan nods.

“Yeah. Taurus.” I smile, knowing the place all too well. Lifting my arms higher, I close my eyes and concentrate. I hear the buzz begin and through my mind I see the light blue lights surround us, swirling. The symbols lift from the floor and twirl, making the walls of the house arround us morph and change.

“Enki potestate et virtute Dei, ut nobis asportarent Tauro sic fiat semper!” The humming grows louder and the swirls increase till it feels as if we’re in a tornado. Everything keeps increasing and increasing til finally - it’s replace by the sounds of chatting and busy streets.

I open my eyes and see the familiar buildings that can only belong to Taurus and I give out a laugh, followed by Rachel and Delcan.

“Told you I could get us here.” Rachel giggles like a little girl - well, she is one but still - and Delcan just laughs, looking around. I step forward and turn towards them, opening my arms.

“Welcome, lady and gentleman, to the wonderful city of Taurus, the one of many cities of the Zodiac country.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short and I know, you were hoping for a fight scene in this one XD but even the best of novels have those few chapters to where there is a boring pause before the main action! So if you will just be patience, I promise you that you will have your action soon with swords, axes, bows and arrows, magic, and.... leprechauns? XDD

Until next time, ENJOY!