Status: Complete-Sequel Soon

Before the Story Begins



I looked at my makeup one last time, so Damien thinks he can dump me for some cheerleader whore? Fine, I will just have to have my fun on vacation. I smiled.
I had practically painted on my black latex dress, that barely grazed the top of my thighs, and had a deep plunging halter top neckline. The back scooped low and revealed all of my back and lower back, exposing some of the tattoos that claimed my flesh. With the dress I of course put on a pair of slutty black heels.

I smiled at the looks I was getting as I headed into the bar. My eyes darted around the club, on a search, I smiled as I found my candidate. His dark hair stood up all around his head, I took the seat next to him noting the colorful tattoos that covered his muscular arms.

“I will have a liquid cocaine” I told the bartender who smiled at me and made up my drink, not bothering to check my id.

“That’s quite a drink” the guy next to me stated.

I turned and smiled. “I am quite a girl”

He smirked “So I can tell, I am Brian” he held out his hand

“Azrael” I shook his head and sipped my beverage.

“So Miss. Quite a girl, care to take a shot?” He asked, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“What are we shooting?” I questioned raising my double pierced left eyebrow.

“Jack” I looked into his gorgeous eyes, which held a mischievous glint.

I chewed on my lower lip, pretending to think over my choices. I flicked my tongue bar over the right side of my set of lip rings that claimed my lower lip.

“You’re on” I stated and drank more of my drink.

Brian ordered us two shots and waited as the bartender poured them.

We each picked up our shot glasses and looked at one another.
“What shall we toast to?” I questioned

Brian thought my question over “An unforgettable night?”

I nodded my head, we clinked our glasses together and knocked back the alcohol, setting our empty drinks on the bar in front of us.

We exchanged a smile and drank our separate drinks.

“So Brian, what do you do?” I asked.

“At the moment, nothing, I am looking for a job, you?” he replied.

“Oh this and that” I replied and smiled.

“You know, with that kind of answer I can come to many different conclusions”

I let a smirk slide across my lips “I will let you think what you will, I can’t control your imagination” I tilted my head to the side and studied him.

Brian just chuckled “You’re one of those dangerous girls aren’t you?”

“Maybe, but I am a hell of a time” I retorted, my knee brushed against his as I crossed my legs. The action caused him to smirk.

“Let’s dance” I stated

Brian looked at the dance floor then back to me and nodded, grabbing my hand and leading me out.

Brian spun me around before taking his place behind me, I let him lead and followed his movement, grinding my hips into him. His hands held my waist tightly, I could feel his breath tickling the skin on my back, I leaned back into him and wrapped an arm around the back of his neck. The pace of the music picked up and we followed along with it. I turned my head to the side as I felt Brian’s lips skirt against my skin. I looked at him and gently pressed our lips together for a moment before turning back and moving to the rest of the song. The song ended and the DJ began announcing something. Brian took my hand and lead me back to the bar, where we retrieved our drinks, that I had Dante the bartender watch, and finished them. Brian held up a pack of cigarettes, I nodded and followed him out of the club.

We stepped out into the cool night air and leaned against the building. He placed a cigarette between his lips and offered me one, I took one and copied his actions. Brian lit my cigarette and then his own, we both inhaled.

“You’re a good dancer” Brian stated taking in cigarette smoke

“So are you” I smiled and exhaled

I stepped closer with each inhale, till I reached the end, dropping my butt and putting it out under my shoe, Brian followed my actions. I ran my finger down the front of his shirt, feeling his hard muscles. He smiled down at me and pulled me forward by my waist. He placed a finger under my chin and tilted my face up, crashing his lips on mine. I answered his kiss and deepened it, vibrating my tongue ring against his tongue. He pinned me against the wall. I arched into him as his lips met my shoulder, while one of his hands ran over my body, touching a majority of my exposed flesh. I wrapped one of my legs around his waist. His hand began creeping up my thigh when he paused.

“If I we go any farther, I don’t think I will be able to stop” he whispered in my skin

“We don’t have to stop if you don’t want to” I replied

“I don’t normally sleep with people I just meet, I don’t feel its right to do that to you” he answered.

“Yeah, you’re right” I responded and began untangling myself from him.

“Although, if you would want to meet up maybe tomorrow, then I can’t guarantee I would stop” He gave me a sexy smirk.

“Tomorrow it is then” I smiled

After a few more cigarettes and lots of small talk I smiled “I gotta get back”

Brian nodded “Yeah me too”

We exchanged numbers before departing.


When I laid eyes on Azrael, I knew I would have fun. I just didn’t expect such a rush, I mean it was like drink, dance, smoke, bam. Something about her made me stop when we were outside, I actually wanted to get to know her, she seemed really cool. I smiled as I looked at the ceiling I looked at the clock and decided to get up. I stretched as I took a shower and got dressed.

When I walked back in my room I saw I had a new message

Hey Brian, it’s Azrael

Hey Elle, what’s up?

Nothing, hungry and bored, you?

Same, wanna meet up for food?

Sure, there is a café by the club. See ya in 10?

I’ll be there

I slid my phone back into my pocket, grabbed my wallet and headed out the door. I approached the café to see Azrael sitting at an outside table, her lean pale legs crossed over one another, the hem of her black sundress falling more towards her thigh. Azrael smiled when she saw me and stood up, causing the sundress to swing with the motion, the deep V neck held it’s place supporting her well defined bust line.

“Hey” I said reaching her

“Hey” she smiled softly, giving me a gentle hug.

We sat down and looked over the menu, both deciding on a coke and some burgers.
I chewed thru my food and laughed at Azrael who had just told me a joke. At first all I wanted to do was lay her, but now she actually seemed like someone I could be with.

“What music do you like?” I asked

“Everything, well mostly everything, some shit is just too horrible” She shook her head, causing her raven hair to swing around her pale face, her light blue eyes sparkled underneath thick eyelashes as she smiled.

“Same, favorite band?” I questioned, swigging from my Coke.

She chewed on her plump lower lip that contained a set of snakebites. “Hmmm…Marilyn Manson” she finally stated with a nod

“Really? His new stuff is so-“ I let the sentence die off

“Yeah but he is a genius and knows how to cause controversy, he does what he wants when he wants and doesn’t give a fuck, he gives some kids a voice and something to believe in, he shows that your intelligence can’t be measured by what you look like or what you like. Besides he scared the fuck out of half of America” she grinned at the end.

I just stared at her, she was something else. I leaned over the table and lightly placed my lips on hers. I felt hers respond, we pulled back, giving each other a smile. I set some bills on the table and took her hand as we walked from the café.
We laughed seeing a duck waddle towards the pond.

“I love ducks! They’re so cute!” Azrael cooed

“You’re cute too” I replied pulling her closer

My lips pressed to hers, she answered my kiss by parting her plump lips. I let my tongue slide into her mouth, loving the feel of her piercing sliding against my bare tongue. I loved her taste, it was a taste I couldn’t tire of and one that would drive me insane, wanting more. I gripped her waist as her fingers tangled in my hair. My hands slip to cup her perfect little ass, she moaned against my lips. My cock twitched in my pants as it pressed against her inner thigh.


I had spent almost everyday with Brian that summer on vacation. He was amazing, sweet, kind, fun and so sexy. His eyes captivated me, they were like melting chocolate, dripping and enticing me. We fooled around a bit, but never had sex, he told me that I was different. He didn’t want to ruin our friendship, or what we had by engaging in sex.

We kept in contact, thru text messages and phone calls, some skype video chats. As we had promised the last day of our time together, before we parted ways.

He had promised to come visit, he wanted to see me again.

“Az!” my best friend Raven called with a laugh

I blushed as I looked at her “Sorry” I mumbled

“Still thinking about your summer lover?”

I bit my lip and nodded, I had confessed everything to her, after all she was my best friend.

“I heard we got some new teachers this year” Raven smirked

“Are they any good?”

“Dunno, I heard at least one is young and hot” Raven laughed

“Nice, maybe he won’t be an asshole”

Hey beautiful. Hope you’re doing good today, I got the job I was seeking!

Congrats babe! (:

I smiled as I slid into my seat, glancing at my phone.

Thanks baby. I was just thinking of you and wanted to say Hi. I miss you xo

I was thinking of you too, I miss you a lot. Maybe we can Skype tonight? I got a new outfit ;)

Trying to kill me? Mmmm I can’t wait to see it gorgeous ;)

“I know I am new and all, but I know that you know the cell phone policy” I heard from the front of the room.

I glanced up as they turned around, I gasped lightly as the molten chocolate eyes widened in surprise. We both wore the same shocked expression.

On the board behind him, his messy handwriting scribbled Mr. Haner English IV. My heart dropped and my stomach clenched as I looked at the man I had spent my whole summer with. I flashed back to all the kisses, all the naughty touches, all the smiles and the fun. He was my English teacher?

“Fuck!” I exclaimed just loud enough that he heard.

I saw him snap out of the same daze I had been in.

“Well Miss” he glanced down at the roll call sheet, to gather himself “Black? Please turn in your phone, you can collect it after school when you serve detention”

I shakily walked towards the desk and set my phone on it, I tried meeting his eyes. He wouldn’t even look at me. With a sigh I plopped back into my desk

“I guess he is an asshole” Raven whispered to me

I nodded my head softly.
♠ ♠ ♠
This has been on my computer for at least 2 years lol

Don't worry, i'll be writing more (: