Status: Complete, Only took four years XD

Tristis Nox

New and a Clutz

“Ugh, why do I always seem to fall whenever I get to a new place?” I grumbled; getting up off the ground. As I stood, rain poured from above and soaked me straight through to the bone. I quietly growled to myself as I trudged through the mud. I hugged my cloak closer to me as my search for a place to stay seemed to take forever.
I finally found what I was looking for a while later. “Finally, a place to stay.” I muttered. I opened the door and laughter and talking hit me like a wall. Shaking my head I edged my way to the bar.
“Sir! SIR!” I yelled over the boisterous sounds echoing though the inn.
“What?” the bar keeper shouted back.
“Do you have a room I can stay in for the night?”
“No, sorry. Try somewhere else.” Then he turned and continued taking orders from the other patrons.
“Thanks…” I whispered then headed back out into the rain. “Just when I thought my luck was turning around.” I walked back outside and continued my search. The rain got heavier, the wind blew angrily, and the air got colder. By the time I found another inn, ice clung to my hair and my breath puffed before me. Shivers quaked through my body by the time I opened the heavy wooden door and stepped in.
Warmth caressed my frozen body when I entered the small inn. I smiled slightly as I made my way to the bar. “P-p-please t-t-tell me you have a rr-room I ca-a-an use.” I stuttered.
“Of course we do.” The woman behind the bar replied as she turned to face me. “My Word! You’re frozen alive.” She gasped as she rushed to my side.
The woman ushered me to the front of the nearby fire. She stripped me of my cloak, boots and socks, and then draped a blanket over my shoulders. “I’ll be right back.” Then she dashed away.
As I waited for the lady to return I watched the flames dance and play on the logs. How ordinary life seemed just sitting here, and yet all of it was an illusion. Slowly my body thawed and started to tingle with warmth. Just as I got the feeling back in my legs the woman returned carrying a large bundle.
“Alright, young lady. Strip and put these clothes on.” She commanded as she handed me the dry, clean clothing.
“Ahh.” I stared at her with a startled look.
“Hurry up or you’ll get a chill! Besides it’s just us women here and the doors locked. Now change!” she turned and waited as I peeled off my old worn clothing. I quickly put the clean clothes on and squeezed my long blonde hair of excess water.
“I’m dressed.” I said after I started braiding my hair.
“Good, they fit. Now let me take your clothes and show you to your room.” She then ushered me up some stairs and into a cozy room. “This is your room tonight. Have a nice stay.” She smiled and then left me alone.
I stood there observing the room. It was a simple set up with two full sized beds, a desk, chair, small end table, and a window. After some time passed I went over to the bed, wrapped myself into a blanket, and collapsed. Deep sleep caressed me as the hours passed me by.
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Chapter 1. Comment. Tell me likes and dislikes. Hope you liked.