Status: Complete, Only took four years XD

Tristis Nox

Oh, Wow

I was tempted to visit the Hart’s, but decided against it. *I’m gunna see them tomorrow, and that’ll be hard enough I don’t need to add that to my conscious tonight.* I turned away as Robby and Jonathan closed shop and headed home. I walked back to my place of stay and ordered more stew. I chatted with some people who decided to eat in and the man I ended up talking to the most was a rogue. It intrigued me to meet someone of his trade and had a pleasant conversation with him. I was wary of my things, but nonetheless he was a pretty cool person. We talked about the things we have seen and experienced in life and how we came to be the person we were now. We parted on good terms, me still having all of my things, and I headed to bed.
My nightmare was the same as any night, except King Lucas tried harder than ever before to try and pass on a message to me. I strained my eyes and tried to read his lips, but to no avail. The faceless figures pulled and dragged me away from the screaming King; with me understanding nothing. My tattoos burned causing me to cry out and waking myself. I bolted up and gasped for breath. *I can’t wait for these dreams to be over. If they ever are at this rate.* I flopped back and flung my arm over my eyes. *It’s still too early to be up, but I don’t want to go back to sleep. Sleeping is almost as bad as being awake at this point.* I stayed as I was and lightly doze for the next few hours as the sun made its way through my window. *I suppose I should start getting ready.* But of course, it took me a while to start getting dressed because I ate and wasted some energy. First I headed downstairs and ordered some more stew and water for breakfast and talked with the inn owner about his experience so far as an innkeeper. After finishing my meal and conversation I went out back to exercise and practice with my knives. I was caught up in my exercises that the young woman who owned the tavern had to come out and get me. I looked up to the sky and found it to be later than I thought. I cursed silently before thanking the woman and dashing off to my room.
I gathered a bucket of water and brought it to my room so I could clean myself and begin getting ready. I stripped off my sweaty clothes and ran a wet cloth over myself. I scrubbed away as much sweat as I could and then wrapped a sheet around my body so I could do my hair. I rummaged through my bag, produced a hairbrush, and started pulling it through my knotty waist length hair. I cringed every time I hit a snarl and yelped a few times when the knot was being stubborn. Once my hair was no longer a rat’s nest, I twisted it up into a loose bun and secured it with ornate chopsticks I had procured over my time traveling. I scrutinized my hairstyle for a moment before turning around and finally opening my package. My mouth dropped open as soon as I picked up the dress; it was gorgeous. *I’ve never had anything so beautiful before.* Its material was soft to the touch, as if made from feathers. I let the sheets fall from my body so I could put on the masterpiece that was a dress. I stepped into it and it easily morphed to my curves. I fastened the back so it would not slip, adjusted it a little, and finally walked over to the mirror. *Damn.*
The dress was the purest of white, like untainted snow, and light blue that outlined the top of the bust, bottom of the skirt, the straps on the back, and one of the belts around the waist. The dress itself was strapless and a low dipped back that had three strips of material that fastened it so it would not fall. The skirt belled out gently so it was not too overpowering on my small frame and it had three belts, two white and one blue, that hung loosely. I turned to see the back and found that the dress even enhanced the beauty of my tattoos even though they themselves were almost a rival in their white. I thought a moment and then quickly went to the bed and found a blue ribbon I could use as a choker. I unclasped my necklace, slipped off my owl pendant, and threaded it on the ribbon. I walked over to the mirror again and tied it comfortably around my neck. *There, perfect.* I smiled at my reflection, for once actually liking what I adorned.
I once again walked over to the bed and found shoes to wear; black ballet flats. I quickly shoved my feet into them, gathered up my things in the corner, fastened a cloak around my shoulders, and headed out the door. Things were all fine and dandy until I was about to walk into the common area, then I got uncomfortable. I paused, unable to go any further; I was not use to wearing dresses. *Come on Tris, you can do this. I mean you’ve fought things no one’s ever dreamed of, but you can’t walk around in a dress? What are you a chicken? Bad analogy, chickens are cute.* Shaking off the uncomfortable feeling, I squared my shoulders and walked out. The young woman squealed and wished me the best of time tonight. I smiled at her kindly and walked out to the castle.
Before entering the castle, I walked around to the horses to say my farewell to my beloved friend. I whistled a tune and Aries immediately responded with a whinny. I walked over and lovingly patted him. “Hello, my dear beloved horse. Please don’t hate me.” I gazed down at him and he met my eyes. “Please know I never wanted any of this to happen, I tried my best but my best wasn’t good enough. Humans have free will and I will never out compete that. I love you my dearest friend and will mourn our separation.” His dark eyes shined with understanding and forgiveness. “You are the only one I think, who will forgive me for the thing I must do. Will you hate me once I tell you?” His gaze was even as I told him my mission on this world. His eyes saddened, but never filled with hatred as so many before had. “Stay with the one you love and protect her for as long as you can, I will make the end as painless as possible. I love you, never forget that. And I am sorry.” I whispered and kissed him one last time, before leaving the stables and heading to the party I was quite late for.
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I hope I described the dress well enough, I'm not really good at it >.< However, guess what's next? Did you guess the ball? Then you are correct! Cheers!