You'll Never Outrun What Waits for You Tomorrow

Everything you do is coming back to you

Opening my eyes this morning, I wondered what type of mood I would be in. I shivered with giddieness as I got up and got ready for the day slowly. Hm, Monotone. For now, I guess, Everyone is okay. God knows It will change, Friday nights always bring in the drunk fucks and idiot girls looking for cheap thrill by partying all night. One out of the two catagories get on my nerves everyday. To be honest, I'd much rather deal with a drunk white bitch then a man, Any man for that matter.
Getting into my work clothes which consisted of just a black shirt and matching jeans, I headed to "Toonz" My very colorfully retro work area.
The night was still young and people were only getting semi belligerant when I decided to give my feet a second break, stealing a couple shots to my pleasure. Now eccentric in my rapid mood swing and silently buzzed, freddy, the manager looked to me,

"Audrey, Table four sweetie."

I knew he was trying to only be polite so I decided not to get on his ass for calling me a name such as 'sweetie.' I nodded over dramaticlly and hopped up to the table.
The girl at table number four was blond-haired so I feared the worst, until I saw her and the hint of black on the tips, as well as her snake bites. By the horribal look on her face I knew she wasn't drunk, But i could see she was ready to get there.

"Hey, You look like hell. How strong of a shot do you need?" I asked her.

She chuckled dryly, "Two shots of Jager. Please."

I smiled and went to get her shots, As well a two patron shots for me. Going back I sat across from her serving us both.

"So, What kind of man made you want to come into this bar tonight?" I asked.

"To be honest it wasn't just one man, It was three men--"

"Woo girl you get around a lot." I laughed taking a shot.

She didn't seem offended, "It's not like that," she laughed, "I'm a photographer for Revolver and the band i shot were argy-bargy wankers."

"Hm. I read that magizine." I smiled,"Men can do that. Fuckers."

"Indeed." She drank her shot down, "I'm beckett by the way." She extended her hand.

After a hesitated moment I shook it, "Audrey."

"It's Ace to meet you Audrey. Salute!" She raised her glass.

"Salute." And we drank our shots down.

"It's been nice chatting, But I do have work to do." I stood up, "Nice meeting you Beckett."

"Likewise Audrey."And with that she got up and left.

Better then she was before she got here? I don't know.
But I do know that will be the last of Beckett.
Or maybe not...
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Just wanna say thank you to Car.Crash.Hearts for inviting me to be the 2nd author!
This was all her idea and i'm here for the ride as well as here for the creativity flowing back and fourth from us!
This will be fun ;)C