Status: Just started :)

Times of Change

Chapter Three: Gregory & Donna

September 26th, 2032
Silver Bay, MN
7:00 P.M.

Donna listened to the sound of birds chirping outside the kitchen window. She was taking her time setting up the table. Greg was going to be home soon and Corey was still out. She had the house to herself for the moment. She had gotten out of work early and decided to come home and make a big dinner. With everyone’s busy schedules it was hard for them to sit down and eat all together at the table. She was working s a nurse down at the hospital, Greg was coaching everyday, and Corey had their own things going on with their friends and school. They were busy but a happy family.

The first to walk through the door was her sixteen-year-old daughter Corey.

“Hey mom what are you cooking?” she asked.

“Turkey,” said Donna pulling it out of the oven.

“Awesome,” said Corey. “Jenna and I went out shopping and then back to her place to play street hockey.” Corey was a sporty type of girl. She liked shopping and dressing up but she also loved to play sports. For her school she played lacrosse, softball, and most important of all to her, hockey. Corey sat down at the table and said

“It’s ridiculously quiet here without Jason.” Donna smiled and said

“And you said you wouldn’t miss your brother.” Corey didn’t answer but smiled back.

“It’s just different here without him,” she said a minute later. Jason, her eighteen-year-old son had left a week ago for the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. They lived two hours north of the city in a rural town. Jason, like his sister, loved sports. He played a lot of different sports in high school. Having of lived in a hockey world all of his life it was clear that was going to come out on top. Jason had made the college hockey team and he hoped it would lead him to an NHL career afterwards. Donna didn’t doubt it would, he would be the third generation of the Campbell family to make it to the NHL. Although he had inherited his hockey skills from his father, he looked nothing like Greg. Corey and Jason were completely opposite. Corey looked like Greg with her brown hair and dark blue eyes and Jason looked like her with his black hair, ice blue eyes, and fair skin.

Greg and Donna got married in the summer of 2013. They had Jason two years later on 2015, and another to years later in 2017, they had Corey. In 2020 they left Boston when Greg was traded to the Colorado Avalanche. They bought a new house there and settled in easily. Greg’s dad had slowly learned to act accepting to her for the sake of his grandchildren. After the birth of Jason it was clear he wanted to make sure he was influenced towards hockey. Donna wouldn’t let him do what he did to Greg and push Jason to the breaking limit. Donna’s parents still lived in Florida and as far as she knew Felicia was still living in Boston. It was sad the way the two sister’s relationship had to end but Donna could not ever reconcile with someone who had plotted against her like Felicia had.

In 2025 Greg was traded again to the Minnesota Wild and it was there that he finished out his NHL career, retiring in 2030. Donna and the kids liked Minnesota and wanted to stay there. They moved from the city they had been living in to the country. Donna preferred it there. It was much less noisy and crowded.

Donna heard the front door open again and she knew it was Greg. He walked in and set down all of his coaching things on the kitchen table.

“I just set that,” said Donna, faking annoyance.

“Sorry,” he said lifting his suitcase and papers off the table.

“How was it today?” she asked.

“Good we’re getting better, I’m confident we’ll win the next game.” After retiring from the NHL Greg had lasted about a week before he got bored. He decided to apply for a job as coach of a Junior hockey team in Minnesota. With his NHL background he easily got the job and had been dedicating his life to the team since.

“When’s the next one?”

“Tuesday night,” said Greg.

“We’ll have to come watch,” said Donna.

“Can I be on the bench?” asked Corey excitedly. She often went with Greg to practices and stayed on the bench when he coached games.

“Ya you can help out,” said Greg. The family sat down at the table to eat. “Did Jason call?” asked Greg.

“Not yet,” said Donna, “I’ve been waiting all day trust me.” Corey talked about her day and when they finished eating Donna got the plates together to put in the dishwasher. When the phone rang she almost threw the plates down on the counter and dashed for it. She almost pulled the phone off the wall as she answered it.

“Hello!” she said excitedly, “Jason?!”

“Nope it’s me!” said Raina.

“Oh,” said Donna surprised. “Sorry I’ve been waiting for Jason to call.” She heard Raina laugh and say

“You really miss him.”

“I do,” said Donna. “So how have you been?”

“Alright,” said Raina. “I’m alone tonight.” Donna had remained friends with Raina Lucic. She kept in touch with her when she left Boston. She knew the tough time that she was going through with her divorce.

“Well I’ll stay on the phone with you,” said Donna. “I might just have to get off and talk to Jason when he calls.”

“Thanks,” said Raina. “How has your family been?”

“Good,” said Donna, “Greg is really happy with his new team.”

“It’s good that he found something to do,” said Raina, “Does Corey like it?”

“Ya a lot,” said Donna, “She likes to help at practices and sit on the bench with Greg at games.” Raina laughed a little and said

“Sounds like me when I was a teenager when my dad coached.”

“Ya well I don’t know how thrilled Greg would be if she brought home one of the players from his team.” Donna heard a beep and she looked at the screen to see that Jason was calling. “Jason’s calling; I’ll call you back in a bit.” She said goodbye and switched over.

“Jason!” she said.

“Hey mom,” he said.

“Why didn’t you call earlier?!” she demanded.

“Sorry,” he said surprised, “I was busy.”

“What have you been doing?” She wanted to know everything he’d been doing since he got there.

“I had a hockey practice earlier,” he said, “And a few classes.”

“Do you like your team? What about your classes?!” Jason laughed at her excitement and said

“The classes and my professors are nice, and I do like the team. I’m going out with a few of the guys tonight.”

“I’m so happy for you and I miss you!” said Donna, “Do you want to talk to your dad?”

“Ya,” said Jason. She said goodbye and told him she loved him and gave the phone to Greg. Life was good. She had everything she could ever want, a son in college, a beautiful, smart daughter, a loving husband, and a warm house to live in.
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.