Status: Just started :)

Times of Change

Chapter Five: Nathan

September 26th, 2032
Grocery Store, Weare, New Hampshire
7:30 P.M.

Evangeline Horton looked up at the big colorful boxes of candy with wide blue eyes. She saw the ring pops on the top shelf. If only she was taller. She saw Margaret standing on the other side of the aisle, her back turned as she picked out cereal. Evangeline wanted a ring pop. She carefully put her foot on the first shelf and tested its strength. She reached up and grabbed onto the next metal shelf. She had two more to climb to get to the ring.

Evangeline fell as the shelves came out. Margaret turned around in shock at the noise. Evangeline saw the box of ring pops fall over and spill. She got up excitedly and picked up a strawberry one off the floor.

"Evangeline!" said Margaret. "What did you do!?" Evangeline looked up at Margaret and smiled at her, giving her the cute expression that her dad fell for every time she did something wrong. Unfortunately Margaret saw through her tricks. "Oh no don't give me that look!"

"I just wanted a ring pop," she said still smiling.

"You should've just asked me," said Margaret.

"But I wanted to get it all by myself," said Evangeline. Margaret sighed and said

"Now we've got a mess." A man who was obviously a store employee had come to see what all the noise had been.

"What happened here?!" he said.

"I'm so so sorry sir!" said Margaret. Evangeline chimed in and said in a sad voice

"I'm sorry mister, I just wanted a ring pop." The man softened when he saw Evangeline's sad expression.

"Oh it's ok," he said, "It's no big deal really."

"I can pay for any damage done! Or help you clean up!" said Margaret, still upset.

"It's ok, she's only little. I'm sure she didn't mean it," said the man.

Margaret was in disbelief. She'd never seen a more manipulative kid then Evangeline, out of all the clients she ever had.

"Let's go get some cookies!" said Evangeline. She skipped away up the aisle.

"Thanks for everything," said Margaret to the man. She quickly followed after Evangeline, not wanting to loose her. At four years old, Evangeline knew how to get what she wanted from people. It had all started with her dad. Margaret knew from the day she was born her father had spoiled her. In his own grief for her mother, Nathan couldn't deny Evangeline anything. All she'd have to do is put that cute expression on her adorable chubby little face and Nathan would cave. Margaret didn’t let Evangeline get to her; she knew all of her tricks. Evangeline led the way down the aisle.

“Daddy said Emmett was coming over tonight.”

“He is,” said Margaret.

“We can have a movie night!” said Evangeline excitedly.

“An early move night, you have school in the morning, so does Emmett.” It was Evangeline’s first year in Kindergarten. Margaret didn’t understand how Emmett and Evangeline were such good friends. He was eight and she was four. Usually eight-year-old boys thought four-year-old girls had “cooties” or were too little to hang out with. Emmett was a sweet boy. Despite their divorce, Raina and Milan had done a great job raising him.

She let Evangeline pick out cookies and then they headed home.

Nathan was sitting on the couch watching the game when he heard the front door open. He heard Evangeline’s voice yell out.

“Daddy I’m home!” Nathan smiled and saw Evangeline appear in the living room doorway. She ran over to him and jumped up next to him. “I got new clothes and a lollipop and cookies!”

“That’s awesome sweetie,” said Nathan.

“See look at my ring pop, it’s pink and tastes like strawberries!” she said, shoving her little fist in his face to show him the lollipop.

“Don’t worry that’s not all we got,” said Margaret, coming into the living room. “I got more groceries.”

“Thanks Margaret,” said Nathan, “The fridge was running low.” Another thing Nathan trusted Margaret with was his money. When he didn’t have time to grocery shop he’d give her his debit card to go for him. She didn’t mind helping him out, especially with the big paychecks he gave her. She was his partner. Not a romantic partner, he could never think of her that way. She was his friend and sometimes a mentor.

“It was no problem,” said Margaret.

“Daddy can me and Emmett have a movie night?” asked Evangeline.

“It’s getting late,” said Nathan.

“Pleeeeeease,” said Evangeline, with a hopeful face. Nathan hesitated and finally said

“Alright,” Evangeline jumped off the couch and said

“Yay! When is he going to be here?”

“Soon, Milan said the movie ended at 8:00.”

“Is Trenton on tonight?” asked Evangeline, noticing the game on TV.

“Not in this game,” said Nathan.

“Did he get in trouble again?” asked Evangeline. Nathan smiled and said

“Yes he did.” The front door opened again and Nathan got up to see who it was. Like he expected, Milan and Emmett walked in.

“Uncle Milan!” said Evangeline. She ran over and hugged his leg.

“Hey Evangeline,” said Milan.

“Daddy said we can have a movie night!” She turned to Emmett and said “Let’s watch Finding Nemo!”

“That’s my favorite!” said Emmett. The two ran into the living room leaving Milan, Margaret, and Nathan in the kitchen.

“How’s your day been?” he asked Milan.

“Boring,” said Milan, getting himself a glass of water, “The gym all morning as usual.”

“You need to get out more,” said Nathan.

“Ya to all the nightclubs in Weare, New Hampshire.” said Milan sarcastically.

“Come to practices,” said Nathan.

“Maybe,” said Milan. Nathan was worried about his friend. Milan was depressed and did not want to do anything lately. Nathan knew it was because he wasn’t able to play hockey anymore and the divorce. All he did was stay in the gym. He was over-exercising and it wasn’t good for him. He tried to help but he knew his and Raina’s separation was the main problem.

He had talked to Raina about it. She was as miserable as he was but refused to even talk to Milan about it.

“This Tuesday a lot of the guys are going out in Boston, you should come.”

“Aren’t I a little old for a nightclub,” said Milan.

“You should come; it will be good for you. Besides I’m older then you and I’m going.” Said Nathan.

“I’ll think about it,” said Milan.
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.

Sorry I haven't updated for awhile, I've just been really busy with end of the school year stuff lol. Once school is out I'll be updating A LOT more :)